Currytofu's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Currytofu,

You will only be charged once. You may see authorizations for the other 3 attempts, but those cannot be finalized and will disappear as soon as your bank releases them. I have issued authorization reversals which let the bank know we cannot finalize those authorizations and they can release them. That should help the process along, but ultimately how long it takes is up to them.

Thanks for your help with this! :)

I just got my card address wrong! Whoops! I placed an order again and it seemed to have went through, it's on my order history now! :)

I just want to make sure I won't be charged for the three other times I messed up with the order, will they just go away in a week or so?

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Hi currytofu. Paizo customer service will be back on Monday and I am sure they will look into it and get things straightened out for you. I do not work for Paizo, but in the meantime, I wanted to direct you to this FAQ.

The credit card processor Paizo uses is very, very exact when it comes to verifying your billing adress. If it isn't exactly the same thing as what your bank has on file it will reject. So, if your bank has "Street" and on Paizo's site you put "St." or any other difference, no matter how minor, it can cause the transaction to reject.

What you are seeing on your bank website are probably those "authotizations" mentioned in that FAQ. Even though the processor ultimately rejected them, the funds are still held by your bank. Those authorizations will eventually expire, freeing the funds up again. How long depends on your bank, but on Monday Paizo might be able to put in a reversal request on them to help speed it up.

If you want to order the goblin plush now, double check what address your bank has and be sure your are putting the exact same thing in on your order here. If you are and it is still giving you problems, or if you would rather just wait, I am sure a customer service rep will take care of everything for you on Monday.

I hope that you don't mind me jumping in on your thread like that, but I thought it might be helpful. I hope your bf appreciates the goblin plush and the effort you put into getting it.

Thanks for your help!

I'll wait for a customer service agent but in the meantime, I'll call my bank and make sure I'm getting the address and other info exact. It's probably something like you said, using St instead of Street.

Thanks again! :)

Hey there,

I placed an order just a bit ago for a goblin plush. The first transaction said it was rejected, so I thought I put the wrong information in on my card. So I typed out my payment info again and it said it was fine, I hit confirm, and it just goes back to the payment info page. So I try again, same thing.

Then I check my bank account and see I was charged three times for this, and I have no items in my order history.

Can someone help clear this up, please? I'm trying to get the plush as a gift for my bf!