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Easiest way to prevent the spellcasters trying to escape is slapping the 'Manacles of Cooperation' on them.
It's a mearly 2000gp and completely subdues them.
"These tight iron cuffs can fit over the wrists of any Large or smaller humanoid. When placed on a helpless humanoid, they make the captive more docile and compliant. The prisoner never attempts to escape of its own volition and agrees to any reasonable request unless it makes a DC 11 Will saving throw."
Ok the saving throw is low, but that only effects the 'reasonable request' aspect of it, the never attempts to escape aspect doesn't get a save.
And even if i'm wrong, once you've captured them just have the person who captured them feed them 'Striped Toadstools' for a mear 180gp per toadstool, you can deal between 4-12 wisdom damage and 4 int damage (thus ruining their will save and allowing the manacles to work). You could also take into concideration that you need either Int/Wis/Cha of a certain level just to cast spells in the first place, so just by draining those abilities soon they wont even have the ability to cast.
You'll need a fair few of them to keep them subdued, but it is cheap and simple. The spellcaster might figure out his food is poisoned, and refuse to eat, but after a few days of no food, they'll be too fatigued/exhausted to cast anyway, you just have to remain extra vigilent for those first few days until they're too dumb or too hungry to cast.
Goblins also find obesity very attractive thanks to their hero god 'Venkelvore', which is ammusing as their insanely high matabolisms make obesity pretty much impossible for them no matter how much they eat.

James Jacobs wrote: Cure wrote: Hey, just a quick and simple question today.
Within Golarion lore, who is the primary god to do with forests? Particularly early on with like the birth and growth of forests back during the ancient years?
Because i know there are a few affiliated with nature. Erastil, Gozreh, the Green Faith, the Green Mother...
But who (if any) was originally affiliated with forests.
Thank you.
That would probably be Gozreh. He/she has been around for a LONG time. Another good possibility, though, would be the Green Mother.
There isn't really specifically a lot of "gods of terrains" in Golarion though. Thank you, I figured it was probebly either Gozreh or the Green Mother, but as Gozreh seemed to be more to do with the sea and the Green Mother seems more affiliated with seduction and carniverous plants I didn't know who was more relevant. Also since one is an 'Eldest' and one is a Major god i didn't know who would've been there for the creation of the forests (if any).
I will say Gozreh then as he seems to be the most logical one.
Again, Thank you. :D
Hey, just a quick and simple question today.
Within Golarion lore, who is the primary god to do with forests? Particularly early on with like the birth and growth of forests back during the ancient years?
Because i know there are a few affiliated with nature. Erastil, Gozreh, the Green Faith, the Green Mother...
But who (if any) was originally affiliated with forests.
Thank you.

Personally i love the mystic theurge class.
I agree that is is weak as heck early on. For example being level 8 you're going to be a 3/3/2 split meaning you're the equivilent of a 5th level wizard/cleric whilst your pure cleric and wizard are 8th and casting 4th level spells whilst you're casting 3rd [which frankly isn't a huge loss in my oppinion to get 2 classes worth of 3rd in place of 1 class' 4th].
But by the time you've maxed it out at 3/3/10 you'll be a 16th level character who is pretty much a level 13 cleric AND level 13 wizard casting level 6 spells of both classes in place of level 7 of just one class. Push it up another 2 wizard levels and you can cast both level 8 wizard spells AND level 7 cleric spells, allowing for a huge array of excellent spell combos (like using a contingency spell [wizard] with your raise dead spell [cleric]. That combo always catches people by supprise as you get back to your feet after you should be dead.).
By the time you reach epic level you can easily be 7/7/10 split allowing you to use both 9th level spells of cleric and wizard classes whereas the wizard has maxed their class out at 20 and forced to take 4 levels of cleric giving him 9th level wizard spells and 2nd level cleric spells (depending upon how your GM is doing epic level of course).

Hey, i was wondering how other players/GMs handle making characters who aren't typically any of the normal races (which i will refer to as 'mutts', as with dog breeds they've got mixes of all sorts in there that can come in any combination really).
For example, a half orc and half elf hook up, that makes their child:
quarter orc
quarter elf
half human
(obviously they would take the standard +2 ability bonus that the half elf and half orc get, but the other racial abilities, how would you go about deciding what they get?)
or what if say a halfling and gnome hooked up?
half halfling
half gnome
(with the +2 dex/char and -2 str of the halflings plus the +2 con/char and -2 str of the gnome, that would make a -4 str, +2 dex, +2 con, +4 cha. That wouldn't work quite so easily so how would you go about sorting that one?)
Finally, lets say the half gnome/halfling hooked up with the quarter orc...their kid would be:
quarter halfling
quarter gnome
quarter human
eighth orc
eighth elf
So how would one go about creating such a character in regards to their racial stats and abilities. Because it is more than plausable that mutts exist, particularly with the first generation ones like the quarter orc and half gnome.
Thanks for reading, i look forwards to some insight on this.
blackbloodtroll wrote: Adamantine golems are too big to wear as armor. Have it built with a cockpit to sit in like it's a mech. If you're getting an Adamantine golem made for you or making it yourself you can shape it however the hell you like. I actually have a wizard in my game who has a cockpit in his and can't be targeted as the Adamantine golem takes all the hits but he can see clearly from it and rain spells down upon those who dare get in the way of him and his mech. Lol
I would say an 'Immoveable Rod' great tool and weapon and fantastic for pinning foes and leaving them alive as you deal with their allies. Also at a higher level, get 2 more rods attached to it with chains inbetween to become a 3 section staff (monk weapon). As a 3 section staff of immoveable rods, it counts as 1 item but each section can be frozen, making it even more useful as a weapon and tool.
Go for a multiclass character because low level multiclasses SUCK!
2 levels wizard
1 level cleric
you will be a back line character so you wont need your con anyway and focus on your wis and int allowing your physical stats to suck too granting an even weaker appearence, and though you will be weak early on, once you have 3 levels in both, you can take the mystic theurge class and start rocking!
as a 3-3-4 split (lvl 10 char) you will be able to cast 4th level divine AND arcane spells, you will never run out of spell slots and will have such a wide selection of spells you can handle anything that comes your way.

There are a few Archtypes from Ultimate Combat that now support Teamwork feats making them all the more useful.
There is obviously the Cavalier/Inqusitor who could use them as basic.
The Cavalier also has the 'Strategist' Archtype for greater use of the teamwork abilities.
The Fighter gets the 'Tactician' Archtype to build around teamwork feats of these without changing the original class that much.
The Paladin get's the 'Holy Strategist' Archtype as well.
So with that in mind, player's have a choice of 4 classes that are either designed to use teamwork feats or have archtypes designed to use them (Cavalier/Inqusitor/Paladin/Fighter), and then when you start thinking of more cunning uses as suggested with animal companions, cohorts and eidolons, the use of teamwork feats increases tenfold beyond simple having an entire party needing to spec themselves to work together. After all, everyone can have a cohort as of level 7. Have the cohort take one of those classes/archtypes and you'll be getting some mad bonuses.
Awesome! thanks for the advice guys. I understand it now and this encounter is going to be alot of fun. Can't wait to see their faces when they get wailed on by countless AoO in one turn. ;)

Hey it's me again with another question, this one obviously is about Teamwork feats.
I am building an encounter for my players of 4 enemies whom all have the 'Tactician' Class Feature but different Teamwork Feats. The opening round of combat involves them all using the standard action to activate tactician and grant each ally their Teamwork feat.
I have been looking through the Teamwork feats list and noticed something.
The 'Paired Opportunists' feat allows you to get an attack of opp whenever an ally gets one, lets assume we have 'Combat Reflexes' as well with a dex which gives each of them 5 Attacks of Opp per round, does this mean that if combined with the other Teamwork feats such as 'Outflank', 'Seize the Moment' and 'Broken Wing Gambit', you can set your team up to get potentially all 5 attacks of opp off each in one move assuming a crit or two are achieved?
For example.
'Broken Wing Gambit' an opponent. They attack you which causes the other 3 to gain an attack of opportunity. Then 'Paired Opportunists' kicks in granting the one being attacked an attack of opp as well....
or, does it start a cycle so that:
player 1 uses broken wing and gets attacked
player 2,3 & 4 get an attack
'paired opportunist' kicks in for the group granting them all an additiona attack of opp.
One of them scores a crit during these 7 attacks that then causes 'sieze the moment' as well as 'outflank' to activate allowing the other 3 to get a new attack of opp for each feat moving the total attacks up to 13 attacks of opp for just 1 action the enemy took.
Now if that is just for 1 attack made and assuming the group get only 1 crit off during that time, it could potentially spirel and be incredibly exploitable. Am i understanding this right or am I perhaps wrong in some way?
Sorry if i phrased this poorly, it is rather complicated.
Hey, this is a bit of a weird question, but i am looking for rules to make duplicates of an enemy much like how you could make a duplicate of yourself with the clone or simulacrum spell.
I know the disguise skill when scored high enough on can make everyone think the person is a duplicate or even the original, but is it actually possible to make copies of your opponents to have them fight with themselves. (preferably have it so that the copy is NOT an illusion or summon as i may need it to enter the mana wastes)
I suppose a construct could work if sculpted perfectly to match the person you're after. And a clockwork one can function in the manawastes no problem. But even with that it's still only as strong as the construct, not the actual enemie it's built to look like.

Howdy one and all.
As you can see from my Subject matter, i have a question regarding characters who are Atheist (as in they do not believe in the gods existing).
A player in my game believes that it is possible to play such a person, but I believe that in a world such as Golarion where the gods have proven without any shadow of a doubt that they exist, to claim they don't is like claiming humans don't exist when you're playing one. It is just moronic and doesn't work.
I argue that Atheism exists in the real world because there is no irrifuteable proof of any god/gods existing, but in a game world where there are many gods who take an active role in the world, you CANNOT deny their existance, particularly as one of the more spiteful gods will likly strike you down the first time you try uttering that they do not exist.
I would like some thought on the matter. How could one seriously believe the gods don't exist without being completely insane or being struck down by one of the gods you're denying?
Lol, such a stupid topic i know, but the player is a stubborn jackass and so any thoughts on it would help. Thank you.
I wasn't going to post the details of the necromancer prior to her involvement in the campaign incase one of my players who uses the forums spots this... but yes she is a MT. Leaning more towards the wizard side of things than the cleric than your build 'cartmanbeck', but her feats, spells, levels and the like are already done. I was mainly asking on here for items as a final boss or prelude to the final boss the items open to her are pretty much limitless in choice, so i was having difficulty equipping her due to such vast selections avalible.
I deffinately will go with the Reliquary Item and Darkskull, thank you 'tonyz' and 'Mirrel the Marvelous' for those suggestions and thank you to everyone else for your suggestions thus far. Hopefully more suggestions will arise for things i may have overlooked/not known about, but so far things are going very well. :D
Just a reminder, i was looking for suggestions of magic items that would be of use equipping to her, rather than general suggestions. I do appriciate the advice,and i love the contingency spell idea as well as the hand and eye of Vecna.

cartmanbeck wrote: A couple quick suggestions:
-make sure to get her a Robe of Bones, which will give her a quick source of undead for when the party takes out the first couple undead she had created/dominated.
-Make sure she either has the Reach Spell feat or has a meta rod of Reach Spell, which will let her use Inflict spells from range on her undead minions. You generally don't want a Necromancer to get up in melee range with the party if you can help it.
-If you have a cleric in the player party, get a few necrotic talismans (listed in Goods and Services for 500gp each) to give them a little boost to their channel resistance. For the character herself, a phylactery of negative channeling is always a good idea.
I hadn't concidered the reach spell, thank you for the reccomendation, and i didn't know about the necrotic talismans, which book they in, CRB?
master arminas wrote: May I suggest you go old school and give your Necromancer the Hand and Eye of Vecna. Two powerful artifacts that are designed to work together and provide excellent synergy; yet are not what most player characters desire (since they have to pluck out an eye or cut off a hand--and if they later lose the artifact, it kills them).
Sure, you will have to go back to your 3.5 DMG to find the stats, but it is easily ported over. It might even lead into the final adventures of your campaign as the party finds themselves in possession of these horrid evil artifacts . . . that they can't sell. That every Necromancer and Vecna-cultist in the land wants. Not even their church will take them.
No, the party gets told that they must destroy these items to rid your world of them for ever.
Just a thought.
Master Arminas
I don't know what these Items are or the book you're refering too. Is there a link to the pdf of the book, or a link to a site with the stats? Sounds very interesting to me :D
Shalafi2412 wrote: What level do you want her to be? As i said in the original post. Level 15-20 (was keeping it vague incase any of my players see this post)
Mirrel the Marvelous wrote: One spell (of many) you should be abusing to the max is Magic Jar! Used this in conjunction with a recurring villian in one of my games. The NPC had kidnapped a PC's girlfriend, Magic Jar'd into her, put a mask on, then went toe to toe with the party. When the party finally beat him/her they tore off the mask *cue dramatic music*
Seriously, if you want this guy to be a recurring villian and one the heroes will be tearing out their hair in frustration at, this is a must have spell.
The gravewalker witch gets a similar ability at-will from 8th level onwards, however this can only be used on their undead minions (the only way to take possesion of none-intelligent undead that I've found)
Ohh yes there is alot of ways Necromancers can screw with the party and this is one i've concidered. Also along the same line of reccuring threat without resorting to lichdom, is having her turn into a daughter of urgathoa upon death, or using the 'clone' spell to bring her back after they thought she was already dead. (yes they come back 2 levels lower, but that can be fixed with a restoration spell)
I do like the idea of possessing the player's lover though, that could be very fun to use. ;)

Good day lords and ladies,
I am working on one of three characters who may become the final boss of my campaign (that outcome will be decided by the players actions in game), in this case it is a Necromancer. I cannot go into details of her build as i may run the risk of my player's seeing this thread and finding stuff out that they do not yet know. Therefore general suggestions regarding necromancy as a whole, for either a cleric necromancer build or a wizard necromancer build will be required as to keep it vague enough for them yet useful enough for me.
I have everything done now besides equipment, i do not know what magic items to give her. As a level 15-20 final boss or prelude to the final boss her money limit is not really an issue. But with such a vast choice avalible deciding is difficult.
I am deffinately going to be taking the 'Necromancer's Athame' if going for a wizard build, and i may or may not go for one of the ability score boosting headbands. It is likly i will try take the quicken spell metamagic rod as well, depending upon how much money is left will depend upon what version of it i take.
So yeah...mainly just suggestions and ideas for magic items would be highly appriciated. Sorry for being difficult, i am just being cautious as at least half my group use these forums.
Thank you and good day.
Thank you for your suggestions. I have aquired a copy of the stronghold builder as suggested and now i have a much better idea on price guidelines as well as profit guidelines.
The layout of the place is dependant upon them, because this place is just one huge roomed wearhouse with a basement and an office, so what they want to do with it will determin how much it costs.
Lets hope things go well for them, they are kind of working for the rebellion to overthrow the central government, setting up a legitimate buisness in the middle of town within that government's control may draw unwanted attention to themselves.

Hi, in the game i'm running the players have recently come into the possession of a large, delapidated wearhouse which they wish to renovate and turn into a tavern/ fight club.
They are in Cheliax so pit fights are legal and I am more than happy to allow them to do this, however they have to of course set things up properly.
First they need to hire an architect to have the wearhouse repaired and renovated. That will also cost in material and workers wage. Once the building it now 'safe' they need to get it converted into a tavern, again spending more on materials and workers as well as decor and furnishings and will probebly require an interior designer.
After all those costs of having the building made is done they will have to pay licensing fee for the tavern and licensing fee for the pit fights. They need to also pay the union/buisness guild enterence fee and the cost of all the drinks and food they wish to serve.
It is not going to be easy and they know that, but my question is this.
How much do you think that would cost roughly?
There are so many expenses and there are absolutely no guidelines on this, so any suggestions will be helpful.
Full Name |
Iuma Allain Hrumpeberd |
Race |
Dwarf |
Classes/Levels |
Cleric/1 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
62 |
Alignment |
NG |
Deity |
Irori |
Languages |
Common, Dwarven |
Strength |
14 |
Dexterity |
12 |
Constitution |
12 |
Intelligence |
10 |
Wisdom |
16 |
Charisma |
14 |
About Iuma
After Years of training and meditation following the lessons in the Unbinding of Fetters Iuma was granted the ability to cast spells as a follower of Irori's trainings.
Recognizing the hardships of distant travels on foot as occasions to furtherly hone body and mind to discipline and perfection he started taking postal or messenger jobs sometimes following convoys between distant cities to earn the coins needed for basic needs and accomodations during his travels.
He doesn't tolerate low moral or self-destructive behaviors and tries to discourage such conduct by lecturing his listeners with the lessons that he learned practicing the many spiritual and mental exercises present in Irori's sacred text but if he can't change their mind he eventually prefers to change companions for better fitting ones.
His mind tackles with everydays problems and conundrum methodically, searching for the maximum results with the minimum effort, a trait that he values as being proper to sharp and enlightened minds.
The perfection he seeks in himself he recognizes in the harmony of the nature around him, making him one of the most ferocious protector of balance and beauty in natural environments and a convinced follower of the verdant pact.