
Cuorvhain the Conqueror's page

10 posts. Alias of Orthos.


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Vidmaster7 wrote:
force lighting breath weapon. bring it!

Make it so.

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Aradia Megido wrote:
Darth Grumpicus wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
You do not want sand in the house.
Oh by Plagueis' undead balls! Don't get force ghost Anakin started on sand again...

i hear an ech0 fr0m the spirit realm

it is haunting and endless

it just says 0ver and 0ver



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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ha ha. No.

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This is pretty much part of the core of my game. The Stolen Lands in my setting are part of a region called The Northlands, which is ruled by dragons playing a "game" of conquest and conflict using barbaric tribes and bestial creatures as their pawns. (My Kingmaker is set in my world's southern continent, so northern areas are warmer and closer to the equator, southern ones are colder and nearer the pole.) Most of the actual Stolen Lands area was considered Ilthuliak's territory, while the area to the north and west along the Branthlend Mountains was the territory of Cuorvhain, the blue dragon I replaced Choral with. I made the Tiger Lords into lizardfolk called the Talon Lords instead, and made them Cuorvhain's favorite minions.

My King of the Forest was a trumped-up Forest Dragon instead of a drake, who was a bit on the arrogant side for his age and was trying to seize the gap left by Ilthuliak's disappearance but brought attention to himself too soon and got the PCs brought down on his head.

The party realized pretty quick that if they didn't find some way to take an active role in the Long Game, eventually some dragon would just squash them as intruding civilization. That was where Eranex came in - they went looking specifically for a dragon who could play who would also be friendly toward the idea of civilized culture moving into the wildlands, and silver dragons in this setting are known for doing what they can to reduce or remove the effects of the Long Game, with the ultimate goal of ending it. So now they have a capable draconic participant on their side. I added the gold dragon from the same book as Eranex, whose name escapes me now, as the holder of the territory just south of the PC's kingdom, as well, and the two of them have an unspoken alliance against Cuorvhain and Ilthuliak, but aren't quite strong enough to make immediate moves against one without having to worry about the other taking advantage of their distraction.

Scintillae wrote:
Cuorvhain the Conqueror wrote:
Drejk wrote:
MagusJanus wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Reading blogs. Wondering about that strange things they describe there, called "Life". Is that something to eat?
Nope. It's a boardgame.
So I can play it while eating "relationships"? (or was people the thing you eat? I can never remember...)
Both. Most certainly both.
You don't look so tough with this mod.

I'll have a special place made for your suffering.

Drejk wrote:
MagusJanus wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Reading blogs. Wondering about that strange things they describe there, called "Life". Is that something to eat?
Nope. It's a boardgame.
So I can play it while eating "relationships"? (or was people the thing you eat? I can never remember...)

Both. Most certainly both.

Lilith of the Wyld Wood wrote:
Ibrahim al-Aziz-Zaman Faysal wrote:
I think I've already created the ones I know I'll need, so if I need another one it'll be a bit unexpected.
