Cthylla's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


Actually, my community all know these guys, but newcomers not know

Well, newcomers they just know this game, make a character, see the recruitment, join the game, get the kill, and never play again. What is worse. They may think it's a game run like this and become a part of them

100 scenario 1 death?
No more than 5 scenario

Recently, I've met some people who have a bad memory in PFS. The GM they met before was so terrible that made them lose their confidence. High death rate, doing everything possible to prevent them from getting rewards (Gold, PP, boon, etc), taking a perverse pleasure in upsetting people.

It took me a long time to make them understand the game wasn't playing like that. Is it some ways to avoid these things? Let PC able to check the record of GM? So they can avoid the GM whose game have an abnormal death rate

Can Familiar wear two rings by just taking one Extra Item Slot(ring)?

I saw spell combat must wield her phantom weapon

Is that mean if Phantom Blade's weapon is in her consciousness, she can't Spell Combat with unarmed strike?

LuniasM wrote:
Klarg1 wrote:
Calth wrote:

Doing the ranged styles since I did the melee.

Missed one melee style:
Spear Dancing style lets you treat any spear or polearm as a double weapon, with off-hand a light mace, losing reach and brace. Next feat lets you finesse it, and treat it as a quarterstaff for feats and abilities. Last feat gives you back reach as a swift action.

I apologize if I missed the answer to this earlier in the thread, but how does this interact with a magic weapon?

Normally, one must separately enchant both ends of a double weapon. Is this an exception?

If not, does the off-hand end always count as a nonmagical mace, or can you enchant the stick end as a weapon in its own right? You cannot normally enchant the haft of a polearm.

Does this mean you need to purchase your polearm with a masterwork haft to add magic bonuses?


Huh, all very good questions. Seconding this.

I have the same question


What about Empty Quiver Style

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Most of SCABBARDs have said they can use on what type of weapon except SCABBARD OF VIGOR.
So, what is the common view on it in PFS?