Jeb Graden

Cruven Muesello's page

5 posts. Alias of Peter Maidens.

Welcome to the discussion thread! Please use this for anything not directly gameplay related.

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The Dock District is always busy this time of year, and today is no different. People of all walks of life shuffle up and down the narrow streets while merchants, fishers, and traders hawk their wares to anyone passing by. The smell of the grungy river and the stench of those passing by fills your senses as you look down the side streets looking for “Captain Muesello’s Bait and Tackle”. You have walked for a quarter of an hour when you see the faded, peeling sign of the store down an almost abandoned side street.

Sorry for the wall of text, there is quite a bit of setup. I promise I will try to keep the word walls to a minimum.

As you walk through the door of the shop, a small bell’s ringing signals your arrival to anyone within the shop. The shop is surprisingly crowded considering its dull exterior; you count six others looking about the store, though none of them look like they work there. You find yourself looking around the shop when you hear a man’s voice call out from behind you.

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Important Note:
This is the first PbP that I will be GMing. I have done my fair share of reading up on the topic of GMing a PbP, but life experience has taught me that practice never works out as it should in theory. In that light, I wish to start small. To make my life easier and to increase the chances that everyone has as much fun as possible, I expect everyone who participates has read the following guides.

1. DH's Guide to Play By Post gaming
2. Building a Better Doomed Hero: Painlord's Advanced Play-by-Post Play

Now, it’s time to get to the juicy details of the game. If you are still interested in joining me, please read on below.

About the game

We will be playing Library of the Lion, a Pathfinder Society scenario. However, we will not be playing it for credit in PFS. I chose this scenario because it is combat light (which I think works well for PbP). Take that into consideration when you are creating your characters.

For your characters, please create them as follows:
- Use Paizo published sources only (sorry, but I am trying to keep things simple)
- Level 1
- 20 point buy
- Non-evil
- 2 traits
- Any class
- Most races (must be welcome at a ball)

I will be closing the recruitment in the evening on September 18th.

Roll20 will be the mapping software that I will use. Since there is not a lot of combat, I will still use Roll20 as an aid to help everyone understand the area that we are in.

As a player, I expect you to post once a day unless you have let the group know that you will be unable to. That will keep the game moving and keep everyone engaged. I realize that real life comes up and can prevent you some days, but if you go silent for too long, I will either end up playing for you or you will become an NPC. This is a short scenario, so hopefully everyone will be able to stay around. I will check the thread multiple times per day in case any input from me is needed.

There are also some things you should know about me. First of all, as I mentioned earlier, this will be my first PbP game as a GM. I have GMed face-to-face before, but never in this format. Secondly, having two kids means that I do all of my posting while at work or after my kids are in bed. That means that I won’t post much over the weekends (sorry).

If you have any questions, feel free to post them below.

I look forward to gaming with you!