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![]() probably wont go for anything like that. I'm making my "pirate" the "Robin Hood of the Seas" steal from the rich and evil people and help out the poor and good people. In fact tonight the mission was to help a village against an attack. So even at level 1 with my friends higher level and us playing the higher tier, I stood strong. And when I ran out of bullets, swiped the oracle/wizard's crossbow and continued to shoot. Although I did feel like a yo-yo for a lot of that. ![]()
![]() Sammy T wrote:
and add in the shirt of immolation for more fun. 8000GP I believe for 1d8+10 fire when I'm grappling or being grappled. so it'll be grapple, 1d8+2 (demonspike pauldrons) 1d8+10 (shirt of Immolation) just for grappling. and it is 1d8 for the spikes because my Mithral breastplate has armorspikes on it. ![]()
![]() Ok so this week playtesting in society I did something kinda crazy. My Shaman is now Shaman2 / Martial Artist Monk 2. I took it for 3 reasons. extra attack options since the spells are more defensive and buffy in nature, grapple so I can have some fun, and evasion so in 4 levels cast a fireball centered on myself and not take damage. I'm fire spirit shaman just so you know. The overall plan is grapple, pulling them onto my spikes, then start burning them with the flame touch spirit ability. Basically I have now nicknamed myself the Human BBQ. :P ![]()
![]() Ok I have a question about what I'm allowed to buy. I am sitting at 10 fame and it requires a lot more than what I have for something that I want. The question is though, the YOTD PDF says that with the exception of Dragonscale, any +1 armor and weapon is available including special materials such as alchemical silver and cold iron. what about Mithral though? See I'd like to buy a +1 Mithral Breastplate, 5350GP, but I don't know if it fits in with the "such as" section or if it was omitted because you can't buy it. Can anyone answer this for me? Thank you,
EDIT: Dragonhide not Dragonscale. Half asleep still, sorry. ![]()
![]() Hi, Caleb Green here. I playtested the Shaman earlier this week at two different stores and here are my findings thus far, 1: need more offensive capabilites. If it weren't for the fact that I went flame spirit I would have had no chance of being useful. I think that the class would benefit more from some more damaging spells. 2: increase the times per day on the life spirits channel. I understand that you don't want the shaman to detract from the cleric but only haveing maybe three channels at first lvl makes it really hard to make this a viable choice. As is, life will probably never be a first level pick for anyone. If it were 3+Cha like all the others it would be more worth it to make a 1st level life shaman. 3: although I'm not 2nd level yet I did notice that the hexes are sort of "blah". My vote to fix this would be to keep the hexes that you have but also add in some hexes with a universal ability. Like the one that grants the fire burst to a person hit in melee, make one that maybe does it to the whole party but can only be used twice a day or once a day if you allow the damage to scale up as the shaman levels. Hopefully I didn't bore you guys too much but these are my thoughts so far on the Shaman. In two weeks when I get to play him again I'll report more as I will then be second level when I play the second game for that week. Thank you for your time. ![]()
![]() Zark wrote:
I was curious because by the time I am able to download the doc I will only have 30 mins til game time and I need to get it made as fast as possible. I'm leaning more towards Shoanti but that's just for the bonus feat plus no penalties on any ability scores. As opposed to the HO that doesn't get the bonus feat. I cant see that ferocity and weapon profs are better than the extra feat at first especially when I'm wanting to go full tribal ![]()
![]() Zark wrote:
HO = Half orc and is a core race. your statement really doesn't answer my question.... ![]()
![]() awesome, thanks. I'm thinking of trying out shaman. I have an idea for a group of skinwalker tribals for a game i'm writing and was thinking of using the new shaman, skald, and blood rager. but I wanna make sure the shaman can be creepy and strong at the same time. PFS speaking, what race should I try it out with? Human or HO? Sagiso has not created a profile. |