Mathus Mordrinacht

Crimlock NL's page

198 posts. Alias of Thierry4000.

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Hello all! I am looking for a cool backstory for a maze I want to put in a game. Any suggestions?

Any good suggestion? The kids are around 10 years old
and like boardgames, but havent played rpg games. What is a good system to start with? Ideal would be a pathfinder light game... or a light light game :-)

I was told that the: "Treat the monster's CR as its total class levels"-rule was dropped. But I couldn't find this anywhere in the books. Can somebody point me where the latest version of the rules to play as a monster-race-pc are?

Hi! We got a player with an interesting idea, but were not sure if it is wise :-) instead of gaining a companion the ranger gets the ability to change into his companion animal at will. Progression of the animal is as normal. If defeated the ranger shifts back into his normal form. Stats are all of the animal companion. Will this break the game? Or is this fine to go allong with?

Hi! I am building a monster hunter/shape shifter (animal shapes) and ideally a inquisitor with wildshape would be what I want. Druid/inquisitor is a bad combo... Any other ideas on how I could build my character?

Hi all,
I haven't followed the new releases since the advanced class guide. I was wondering if i missed some bew great options to build my pc in another way.

I was playing a minster hunter who uses a 2-handed sword and uses animal shapes for stealth, tracking and sometimes combat (altough this is not the focus). I created ise the feral hunter for this build, it fits the flavour (the buffs from the ranger spells can bypass almost all dr's...).

My dream character would be a full bab class which can shift into a leopard at will. Should i stick with my feral hunter or is there a better option available?

I read a reaction that the class adjustment for playing a monster was dropped by paizo. I havent heard anything about this... I am interested in playing a lycanthrope but not if it costs class levels. What are the good rules to follow and in what book are they?

What class would you choose if you want to build an arcane shapeshifter with abilities like a druids wildshape? Duration and times a day as much as possible.

An option is a multiclass druid... But i hope to find a class who won't lose levels for his spell progression...

My inspiration is based on the wizard chick from dragon age orgins (morrigan) :-)

Hi all,

I want to play as a barbarian for the strong melee 2 handed weapon ability and rage. I want to flavour it with "bear"... I think about playing a coldborn skinwalker, if possible I would love to have a kind of beast shape like ability for at least beast shape 2 forms. So maybe a 4 level druid dip with shaping focus?

I hope you can give some good suggestions about feats, archtypes, if a druid dip is any good :-)

Hello fellow pathfinders,

I'm looking for advice on how to do this build. I want to play an inquisitor who has been cursed with lucanthropy. After years of training he leaned how fo control the curse and uses it now to fight supernatural monsters.

I don't want to play a natural lycanthrope. Also i like to play a more classical lycanthropix character, a shape into a bear instead of a hybrid form. The skinwalker archtype doesn't give an animal form. Druid and inquisitor don't combine... A druid dip is a bad idea imho.

3rd party material is fine, but we prefere official pathfinder.

Anu suggestions?

These characters have a lot in common, but also offcourse differences... I have no experience with any of these but would like to play a shapeshifting, melee swordfighting, natural hunter like pc :-)

I was wondering if someone could tell something about the difference in play between the Druid, feral hunter and a druid4/ranger with shaoeshifting hunter feat and shifting focus feat.

I'm building a character and would like to asses if it's any good :-) how much damage should a character be doing? Is there some sort of guideline?

Would you allow a natural lycanthrope race? I know there is the skinwalker race, but the don't get a real animal shape...

I don't like how the progression is for a lycanthrope according to the rules... But it is also an option to just let a player choose it as a race? Maybe allow the animal shape from around level 8 to become active? Or when wanting to use it earlier there is a chance the PCs becomes controlled by the dm?

So would you allow it and if so... How would you integrate it in your game??

Good morning!

I've been playing around with a Feral Hunter build, but I am wondering how I can increase the damage done by my PC further... Who can help with my build??

I'm a not so skilled in all rules and modifiers... so correct me where I'm wrong!!! I made some sample damage calculations to base the additional feats and spells I want to add on...

I want to do some hurt with a greatsword and as a bear. I choose the skinwalker coldborn as my race. (It's not optimal but I like the flavor...).

My stats are (high fantasy point buy):
STR 16
+ feral focus bonus = first + str 2, at level 8 + str 4
+ Strength mod in shape = 4
+ levelup ability scores...
DEX 14
CON 12
INT 10
WIS 16

My feats are (If I'm right they both have also usage while wildshaped..):
1: Power attack
3: Cleave
5: Natural spell
7: ??
9: Eldritch claws
Teamwork feat: Precise Strike (+1d6 damage while flanking)

When I do some math I come to the following damages:
Greatsword power attack:
Lv 1 = 2d6 + str 4+2 + powerattack 3 X 1 attack = 2d6 + 9 (max 21)
lv 6 = 2d6 + str 4+2 + powerattack 6 X 1 attack = 2d6 + 12 (max 24)
Lv 8 = 2d6 + str 7+3 + powerattack 6 X 2 attack = 4d6 + 32 (max 56)
Lv 12 = 2d6 + str 7+3 + powerattack 12 X 2 attack = 4d6 + 44 (max 68)

Lv 8 = Claws 1d6 + bite 1d8 + str 6x2 + powerattack 4x2 X 2 =
2d6 + 2d8 + 40 (max 68)
Lv 12 = Claws 1d6 + bite 1d8 + str 6x2 + powerattack 6x2 X 2 =
2d6 + 2d8 + 48 (max 76)

Off course these values are without damage from summoned animals and flanking bonus... Also I left out spell damage and bonus attacks from cleave...

What would you change? What spells would you choose? What feats are also great?

A while back I decided to prepare for our upcoming adventure, I want to play a "monster hunter" martial wildshaper. A kind of like van helsing who also happens to be a werecreature. He uses a 2 handed weapon and shapes for combat. The shapes are also used for utility.

My race will be a Coldborn skinwalker. For the classes I have 2 options: The feral hunter or a multiclass Demonslayer Ranger / Menhir Savant Druid. (Both are based on personal preference and features I like in my characters... I already had some topics about the classes, so those I'm not going to change..)

For feats I need for my concept to work for the druid/ranger the Shaping focus and Shapeshifting hunter feats. For both concepts I like the eldritch claws feat and the power attack feat. The rest is still open... I'm looking into feats that give extra damage in both combat styles...

Now that my two options are more clear and I eliminated all other classes and races... how do these 2 compare?
(The Dr/Ra gets his second and 3th attack earlier.. but is behind in feats. The FH gets feral (animal) focus to boost his strenght.. Spells are better and more high level for the FH, but does this give him a power boost? How does the damage compare at higher levels for his sword combat and wildshape (dire bear for combat)? (I'm not so good with number crunching...))

Really looking foreward to what you think :-)

Any advice for something to help me build a pc?

I would love to add some cleric spells to the feral hunters spell list. 1st level: Bless weapon, bless water and 2nd level: align weapon...

Are there any options besides multiclassing to add these to the spell list? I'm building a monster hunter pc, these spells would match my theme :-)

Are there spells/feats or traits to defeat the damage reduction good with a feral hunter?

I really like the inquisitor and want to take the skinwalker coldborne race. Im going for a monster hunting monsters kinda pc. The only thing i miss is wildshape... I really like it and love it for my pc concept. From wildshape i only want the bear shapes that function like a druids wildshape. 4 levels of Druid would do the trick with the feat shaping focus but this really hurts the progression of the inquisitor... So my question is this...

Can i effectively multiclass with 4 levels of Druid or is there Some other way of getting wildshape??

Hi all,
Any advice for battling these transparant pests? I prefere spells and feats, but there isn't a lot for a feral hunter that works? I couldn't find any besides ectoplasmic spell... Which I rather not spend a feat on since it is to specific... I rather not take an approach to stock on items (holy water and ghostbane weapons)... So is there an other approach for the feral hunter?

were going into the carrion crown campaign and I'm going to play a feral hunter. Are there any good traits/race options which are useful for this campaign battling monsters, vamps etc?

I'm looking for some ideas for a sword fighting (2h) who can also use wildshape (only animals.. also large). Anybody got an idea for class/classes and or race?

Hi all,
I'm unsure about the race and feats for my feral hunter. He is a hunter of undead,ghosts,demons and monsters... I was thinking about investing in a magic 2-h sword, he fights with this blade and in wildshape, I want to use both.. Feats that are good for both are my priority. I was also thinking about the feats Eldridge claws and the ectoplasm metamagic feat. Magic wise I'm not sure about the spells, think I'll be buffing mostly... Any advice is welcome!

Hi all, anybody got some good tips on how to tackle these foes? I know there are items, but I was wondering what spells and feats u could also use. We're going to play the carrion crown adventure, so there should be all kinds of incorporeal, undead and stuff I think that we're up against :-) I'm either playing a feral hunter or ranger/Druid, all tips are welcom :-)

Hi all, I'm going with a 2 handed melee ranger build...The pc is a supernatural monster hunter.. Any suggestions for archetypes and feats?

Hi all! I was wondering how exactly the spirit sense ability alters detect undead. How I read it it adds more types, not only undead but also fey and outsiders. When detecting undead you can also detect the sub type, ethereal and incorporeal... Or normal offcourse.
Is this right??

Spirit sense:
At 1st level, a menhir savant can detect the presence of undead; fey; outsiders; and astral, ethereal, or incorporeal creatures. This ability functions like detect undead, and the druid detects all of these creatures rather than trying to detect one kind.

I want to play a feral hunter, but each time I start planning my build I get lost why I shouldn't just stick with a druid. I like the whole lycanthropic theme... but that flavour could also be "added" to a druid... I get the feeling I'm missing something... care to share your view? I want a sword fighting shaping character... I don't want a goliath druid or elemental druid... so those can be left out of the comparison :-) The feral hunter has its feral focus, but does it outweigh the druid abilities?

Hi all,

Is inquisitor with druid a solid option? At what level should the split be made? I want druid mainly for wild shape, so I was thinking level 4... Is there some nice synergy between these 2 classes?

I saw the demonslayer ranger archtype and it's perfect for what I want, a sword fighting demon/monster hunter who also has wildshape. To get wildshape I plan on taking 4 levels of Druid and the shaping focus feat. I get level 8 wildshape... That's enough. I want it mainly for non combat. But turning into a dire tiger is also awesome.

I'm not looking for the best build, I want a ok fun build with these things. I am wondering what Druid archetype, race, spells and what feats would be good for this build? Any suggestions are welcome!

Hi all,

How should I precisely interpret these?

Shaping Focus
Your powers of shapeshifting outstrip your dabbling in the druidic faith.
Prerequisites: Wild shape class feature, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks.
Benefit: If you are a multiclassed druid, your wild shape ability is calculated as though your druid level were four higher, to a maximum level equal to your character level.
Special: This feat has no effect if you are not a multiclassed druid.

Shapeshifting Hunter
You blend your knowledge of foes and your shapeshifting abilities together.
Prerequisites: Favored enemy class feature, wild shape class feature.
Benefit: Your levels of druid stack with your ranger levels for determining when you select your next favored enemy. Also, your ranger levels stack with your druid levels in determining the number of times per day you can use your wild shape class feature, up to a maximum of eight times per day.

Question 1:
So for example I am a multiclass druid level 6 and inquisitor level 5 with Shaping focus. Does my wild shape level calculate 5 levels higher or 4? So level 10 or level 11 druid? And what exactly improves, the types of shapes I can choose and the duration, or does also the number of times per day I can wildshape improve?

Question 2:
Another example :-) If I'm a multiclass druid level 6 and ranger level 3 with the both feats. Do I get wildshape improvement of 4 or 3? (So druid level 9 or 10). And what improves?

Question 3:
When I should multiclass Feral hunter with druid. Do I need these feats to improve the wildshape? Does the Feral hunter wildshape stack with druid? How does this work? :-S

Feral hunter also has this ability...or is this only for the animal companion?:

Nature Training (Ex): A hunter counts her total hunter level as both druid levels and ranger levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats, traits, and options that modify or improve an animal companion.

And if this is the case... why does the feral hunter get this? :-S

Hi all,

I decided to play a Feral hunter. I want to create a sword fighting hunter who shifts for stealth and tracking and also occancionally fights in beast shape. I want to specialise the human form into other things than the shape changed form...

First of all i'm curious about experiances playing the feral hunter, how does the class hold up compared to the other classes?

Secondly does anybody have good advice about what i must take and what not? I prefere a sword of some kind..

I'm investigating a ability to change into a tiger at will for my pc. I'm going to make my own race with this ability... I'm thinking of giving my PC the wild shape ability but an unlimited uses and only tiger shapes.

To balance this character I'm in doubt about when to allow this ability. At what level should I allow the shift into a tiger and when into a dire tiger? The druid gets a tiger at level 6 and a dire at level 8. Just use this?

All advice on balancing this skill is welcome also!

Hi all...

After a couple of questions I finally narrowed down my choice in classes... I have 2 options left. The feral hunter or the Druid/Ranger multiclass.

What I want in a character is the following:
- Skilled sword fighter
- Wild shape for utility (stealth, tracking and other) and some combat utility...
- I only care for animal forms.. plants and others are not my thing...
- I'm thinking about having other combat utility from the sword and the wild shape (one for fighting undead/demons.. other for fighting the rest?... maybe by taking eldritch claws feat... of using a magic weapon... not sure...)
- Focus is not really on the spells, but these are a nice bonus :-)

I'm looking more for a ranger with wild shape than a druid with wild shape... I'm not sure to what side the feral hunter is on...

Pro's for the feral hunter are that I do not need to spend 2 feats taking shapeshifting hunter and shaping focus... but I do think the ranger/druid will be the stronger sword fighter if I only take up to 4 levels of druid.... Or do 2 feats make up for this?

What do you think? :-)

Hello all, quick question :-)

The druid spell Hallow ( has a simulair protection function as magic circle against evil. "First, the site or structure is guarded by a magic circle against evil effect. "

The magic circle against evil can also be turned inwards to use as a trap... is this than also possible with hallow? In other words, can I for example trap a creature in a hallowed building for example?


I want to play feral hunter or a druid/ranger (I prefere the feral hunter) and also want these spells:
Bless water
Magic circle against evil
dimensional anchor

I could play a demonslayer ranger archtype, but I don't really want to... Is there any other way to add these to my list?

I'm thinking about playing a natural weretiger, but I don't like the fact that you trade player levels and don't progress normally. An easy way to avoid this is is to take the skinwalker race, but then I get no real animal form. In wayfinder 13 there is a feat, but we prefere official paizo...

This animal form is the main reason for playing a natural weretiger.. Therefor I have another topic already on gaining a animal shape by class. But I also wonderd if there aren't any other options. So this question is explicit to becoming an beast but not due to wildshape like abilities :-)

Can it be done by magic items? A wish? A reward from a campaign? Allow it as a custom race created with the advanced race guide? any other option?

Hi all, I've got another question :-)

Is there any way to let the beast shape spell duration go from minutes per caster level to hours, like the wild shape ability? (If not hours.. what is the best other option?). This by means of meta magic, feat, magic items, wishes or other?... everything is optional, what would you allow? :-)

I'm looking into options for my PC, this is one of them :-)

Hello fellow pathfinders,

I could use some advice with picking the best race, class, fears, traits and items for a PCs I want to play, hope someone can help...

I want to play a sword fighting hunter like pc (tracking, sneaking and fighting) of all things unnatural. The character was selected to become a Druid but a demon wiped all elder Druids out but he somehow survived. He was thought in the principles of wildshape and uses the shapes to track, scout, sneak, spy, infiltrate etc. He joined a group of Rangers tasked with defeating all things unnatural (monsters, demons, ghosts, undead etc) by the King, these rangers found the pc after the demon incident.

Things I want in my PC:
Fights with a blade and in rare cases wild shaped if the shape is better for a situation..
Uses wild shape mainly for utility.
Is prepared to take on all kinds of unnatural enemies, be it with items, spells, or class ability.
Is able to detect and disable traps.
Is able to set traps or spells for the creatures he hunts.

I was thinking a Druid/trapper ranger multi class with the shapeshifting hunter feat and the
Shifting focus feat... I like the skin waker race, but half elf is maybe better??
An other option is to play a feral hunter?
Last option is the skinwalker race with the way finder 13 feats which grand a wildshape into 1 animal... Class is open..

What do you think?

Hi All,

I want to make blade wielding gehost/demon/monster hunter who van shape into a tiger at will... Any suggestions?

I was thinking multi class Druid/ranger with shaping focus and shifting hunter feats.. But flavour wise I prefere an inquisitor... But he can't tiger shape... So maybe I could create a new race... A tiger-kitsune like race? I prefere to use paizo products and official rules.. Great 3rd party is also doable but less preferred. The focus of the pc are: blade fighting 1-2 handed...,with shifting in a tiger form:.?

I'm curious to read your suggestions!

I'm curious about what others put in there bag when there out hunting :-)

Our game will getting some ghosts (undead/incorpeal) and demons to kill :-) What are some good strategies to combat these monsters as a ranger?

What weapons are must-haves? Are there items like holy water or others that are very useful?

I'm thinking about maybe using some ranger traps, I found these 2 traps, are these any good?

This trap can be added to a supernatural snare trap. The trap briefly imprisons any called creature (such as those called by the planar binding spells) for 1d4 rounds (Will negates). During this time the creature may not move from the location of the trap, though it may still use ranged effects and attack any creature within its reach. Additionally, anchoring traps disable the creature’s ability to t ravel within or between dimensions. This includes casting astral projection, blink, dimension door, dimensional gate, ethereal jaunt, etherealness, gate, maze, plane shift, shadow walk, teleport, teleportation circle, and similar spell-like abilities. The trap does not prevent the creature from using magic items that produce these effects, like cubic gates, helms of teleportation, or amulets of the planes. The trap can hold up to a Medium creature; each extra daily use of the ranger’s trap ability spent when the trap is set increases the maximum size of creature the trap can hold by one size category.
Transdimensional Trap (Su)
This augmentation allows a trap to affect an incorporeal or ethereal creature as if it were corporeal or existed on the Material Plane.
Magical Component scroll of ghostbane dirge

Still working on my new pc but almost ready. the concept is a pc that is a tracker and hunter who fights with a 2 handed blade. he also uses wild shape in certain combat situations but the sword is his main combat form. the wild shape is also used out of combat for tracking and stealth and other situations.

to create this class I'm looking into a Druid4/rangerX build with the feats shaping focus and shape shifting hunte. Or i'm going with the feral hunter.

What build would be better in 2 handed sword fighting? this considering bab, the available spells for buffing, and other things :-)

At what level would you allow a ranger to change into a grizzly bear (Beast shape 2) at will for as long as desired? This instead of the animal companion. Mainly for out of combat usage and roleplaying flavor.

Or would you say.. NO don't do it :-)

Still looking for the best way to approach my desired build... this is just a quick question I got :-)

I would say lv 6 is ok... but not sure this would break the game balance...

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