Creedmore's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thanks Urath DM - I'm grabbing the PDF right now... I think that means I'll have all of them except the last one.

Alas, I'm not running the standard Kingmaker, I'd prob. have gotten the map folio already if I was (it looks like a great set)...but I'm using the rules of Kingmaker for a Midgard game that I'm running; they're lv 5, and, just starting some kingdom building.
(Which is just as well, a member of the group is already in a standard Kingmaker game - and I didn't know until yesterday).

Admitedly, with the ammount of random books and things I've picked up over the last few weeks, this is quickly becoming the most expensive game I've run...
...but... the materials I'm ending up with will probably result in having good stuff for several games. And it's good enough work that I really don't mind supporting the folk who make it :)

~ C

I'm about to start using the Kingmaker Rules for a PC built nation, and I've been looknig through the Kingmaker books for rules on an important specific - but I can't seem to find it.

I've been looking for rules on what is required to be done to consider a hex 'explored' so it can be added to a Nation? What sort of time does it take to do this? (they are 12 mile diameter Hexes, I believe, is the 'standard')

Also, Are there things that would be positive or negative modifiers?
(Like if members of the party could fly might help, whereas having to explore a swamp might take longer than plains, etc.)

If someone could provide a few answers and/or point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.


~ Creedmore