Ulfen Raider

Crazymrtp's page

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Hello I am running Rotrl for the first time and I am new to the game master roll. My group just got to thistletop and they have alerted the goblins. they are currently at c10 on page 45 of the book I was wondering sense Ripnugget has locked himself in the throne room c19 and if my group gos into the lower dungeons of thistletop will Ripnugget hunt them down? Or stay in his throne room.

I was thinking about it would be cool if I made him hunt the group down and attacked them in the middle of the battle with Nualia sense Ripnugget has a new obsession with her.

Thankful for your time

Hello I am running Rotrl for the first time and I am new to the game master roll. My group just got to thistletop and they have alerted the goblins. they are currently at c10 on page 45 of the book I was wondering sense Ripnugget has locked himself in the throne room c19 and if my group gos into the lower dungeons of thistletop will Ripnugget hunt them down? Or stay in his throne room.

I was thinking about it would be cool if I made him hunt the group down and attacked them in the middle of the battle with Nualia sense Ripnugget has a new obsession with her.

Thankful for your time