Amwyr Yuseifah

Crazy Old Coot's page

5 posts. Alias of brad2411.


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master_marshmallow wrote:
This is relevant to mu interests.

µ interests are the best!

If I have to pull this car over one more time... wait are we there yet and where are we going? Why is there a samurai in the car?

You are all missing the point of peanuts. You are suppose to eat them. Or make them into paste and eat that. Only elephants like there peanuts on the floor.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Paths of the Scoundrel sounds nice... hoping for some love of the 'Profession: Gambler' skill here... ;)

Don't bet on it! Hahahahaha

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote:
ErisAcolyte-Chaos jester wrote:
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
Paladinosaur wrote:
so, where in golarion is this Briarstone Asylum? Ustalav? Somewhere in Casmaron?
Thrushmoore, Ustalav.

Welcome back to Ustalav, where monster are a near perminant fixture, mobs with pitchforks are almost a government institution, and the dark powers run so wide and deep you could spend a lifetime hunting down monsters and still not make a dent in the corruption that has blighted these lands.

This latest set of horrors are but another to add to the list of reasons why the tourist board in this nations are some of the best con-artists and sales people in all of Golorian. WHO WOULD EVER KNOWINGLY GO THERE UNLESS THEY WERE INSANE, A MONSTER, LOOKING FOR WORK(adventurer), DESPERATE, OR ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!

Moving on... I hope this adventure path has some cool memento stuff where a bunch of clues are left by the players for themselves to help refill the empty vacant part in their memories that was made by the cosmic terrors.

To be fair, some people actually live in Ustalav. It's not all Virlych. (I'm still surprised people live in Versex, though.)

In addition, what with the PCs starting in an asylum... they may not have come to Ustalav willingly. ^_^

I certainly did't. Those damn red owls picked my right up and dropped me through a window. Then for some reason someone put this jacket on me. I was not even cold and it really hampers my arms. Can't even scratch my butt. Hrmph!