
Crazy Jared's page

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An established 3.5 D&D gaming group is seeking 1-2 players to fill out the party in Longmont, CO. We meet bi-monthly on sat evenings and are currently playing at 4th level in my homegrown campaign world. We run occaisonal side campaigns, and have some unfinished business with the shackled city AP.

Hey Thomasjane,

Speaking of 3.5 conversions: Do you know of any good online resources, sites, messageboards, etc. for people looking to trade ideas and files on converting old 2nd edition adventures?

Robert Head wrote:

I have removed the spoilers from the description.

- rob

You guys are awesome, thanks!!

I just checked out the preorder page and the promotional PDF and ...
Hey! There are spoilers for my players in the description! Of course they all want to buy the book to run the campaign themselves one day, but now I will have to tell them to stay away from it until we finish.

We just finished Foundation of Flame and after defeating Vhalantur the PC's are wondering who runs the cagewrights. Well thanks for giving it away in the description that I am sure will go on the back of the book - " driven by the dreams of an insane demon lord" I am sure it will take my party about 0.2 seconds to figure out that this is Adimarchus. I know that Paizo needs to interest buyers in the new hardcover but do you need to give away plot elements in the books description?! It is hard enough keeping my players away from these message boards, but it will be harder to tell them not to pick up and read the back of the book or read the description on the pre-order page. And we are pretty far along in the campaign. What about groups whose players haven't even heard the term cagewright yet?

WormysQueue wrote:
You can find the Nerra in the Fiend Folio pg. 127, and a picture of the Nerra Varoot on pg 129 (looks like the Silver Surver without his surfboard, if you ask me :) )

Anyone planning to play the AP all the way out will find the Fiend Folio a worthwhile investment. Demodand's (in the FF) become common adversaries later in the campaign. I got a used FF cheap from amazon.com.

Richard Ensley wrote:

One of my players wants the group to take over Keygan's place and Jzadirune. I had the city guard seal the entrance but they wanted to go back in for more loot so badly I let them go. He has a big plan for it all.

I don't have a huge problem with it. But it came to me that there is a passage to the Underdark. The city can't allow such a breach in security.

Any one have a way to handle this and not piss off the players?

The same thing happened with my party. They cleared 90% of Jzadirune during Life's Bazaar and all of the Malachite Fortress. After the adventure they confronted Keygan Ghelve and threatened to expose his complicity in the kidnappings unless he sold them his home and shop and of course, access to Jzadirune. A PC used intimidate quite well against Keygan. So I had Keygan get a lawyer and petition the Lord Mayor to resolve the dispute! Vhalantru got wind of this and advised/influenced the Lord Mayor in his decisions to subtly manipulate the players and keep local criminal activity quiet. The party decided to hire a lawyer to argue on their behalf before the Lord Mayor, which gave the campaign some humorous realism.

Here is how the trial/resolution went down: Keygan decided he would leave Caulrdon and sell his property. The Lord mayor required that anyone purchasing the property to seal the tunnel to the underdark within one week of purchase and awarded the party first right of refusal on the property. He also arbitrated the price to 6,000 gold, an incredible deal for a dungeon! When a PC tried to bring up Keygan's involvement in the kidnapping the Lord Mayor silenced him, saying "The character of Keygan Ghelve is not on trial here and I will have no more of this!". Keygan left Caulrdon in disgrace (secretly helped by cagewright agents who gave him money to set up shop in a town far from Cauldron). Of Course the PC's jumped at the chance to buy the property and managed to scrape together the gold. Lord Vhalantru was happy, he had thrown the players a bone, and made them keep quiet about criminal activity in Cauldron.

This made for an interesting first suspicion by the PC's of the corruption in Caulrdon and provided an interesting evening of roleplaying enjoyed by all. My players also had a good laugh at the fact that they were adventurers who retained a lawyer. Someone later quiped something like "Hmmm.. maybe we should check with our lawyer to see if we can aquire the Lucky Monkey"

For the rest of the campaign I kept the players busy enough with the next installments of the AP and they never returned to explore Jzadirune after sealing the tunnels. We are playing Foundation of Flame now, and I think I will have the earthquakes destroy it.

Whew.. sorry for the long post

Wow, nearly TPK/capture twice. Sounds like your players could work on their tactics. Maybe you should fudge some rolls now and then in their favor until their tactics improve. They will get disgruntled with the rest of the AP if it keeps happening. The first time I ran Life's Bazaar was as a group playtest for 3e. Until then we were still playing 2e D&D and Warhammer fantasy RPG. Even with six players the final encounter with Kazmojen and Pyllrak killed 4 PC's and the other 2 were captured. That ended our foray into 3e and we went back to our Warhammer RPG campaign. It seems understandable that players unfamilliar with the 3e system would go down. Your group new to the game?

My group has just started Foundation of Flame. As others did I mentioned his full name once and then simply called him Lord Vhalantru. Even after finishing him off they didn't make the connection, despite keeping good adventure notes. I had to point it out to them later! I can't wait til he comes back in the last episode. Nothing like having a recurring villam return from the dead. In a past campaign (2e) that I ran I had a Necromancer villan keep returning by using spells such as corpse host and clone. It drove the party nuts, but I always had a laugh when he returned.