
Cpt. Caboodle's page

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While building an Aerokineticist, I came across the various jump-enhancing abilities.
Air's Leap gives always a running start to jump, adds 5 to
Acrobatics, jump twice as far or high as dice roll indicates,
accept 1 burn to double the distance.

So, at level 5, with Skill Focus and Dex 16, he has Acrobatics +14.

When rolling a 20 and accepting 1 burn, he will jump 156 feet. Give him Kinetic Leap, he'll even get as far as 196 feet.
5 Levels later, his maximum jumping distance will be 256 feet... this is quite interesting.

But... then there is this:

Acrobatics wrote:
No jump can allow you to exceed your maximum movement for the round.

How do I interpret the rules?

    1. Jump distance is maximum movement. What is maximum movement? 30 (one move), 60 (two moves) or 120 (one run)? (At level 5, even when rolling a 1 he may jump 120 feet.)
    2. Specific trumps General, so can he jump more than the Acrobatics skill allows?

    If he jumps distance X, what kind of an action is it? Move, standard, full?

If it's 1. then the infusion and the feat are useless. On the other hand, if it's 2. it's absolutely overpowered.

How do you see this?

Is there a chance that we'll see the remaining three online supplements for Dungeon Magazine anytime soon?