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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ed Reppert wrote:
the ribbon, when fully working, goes all the way from the Empty Vault to the Gauntlight itself. Rescuing Lasda breaks the connection at level 4. As to why you don't see the Ribbon on levels 5, 6, and 7, I don't know. Either the second book assumes the party rescued Lasda (doubtful) or you wouldn't see the Ribbon on those levels even if Lasda was still in place (or has been replaced by another victim). Probably the latter. On the bottom three levels, the Ribbon is there because it's being generated by the menhirs in the Empty Vault.
Right right. It's bothersome that there's an inconsistent narrative regarding it. Clearly something interrupts it in book two, with the only known thing to do that is Lasda's removal.
The only reasonable thing I can think of, is that the floor of the Prison is a sort of junction that only progresses the Ribbon upward if there is an anchor on level 3, which solves my issues and prevents party members from reaching the final fight too soon, ha.
Most of the various "Gauntlight Rooms" have stone floors, so it would not be possible to climb *all* the way down. You could I suppose climb down from level 5 to level 7, but you've got a spiral staircase there, so why bother?
Because I can see my party doing it because it's there. But the Ribbon being active would make it next to impossible to survive that. Probably. So it shouldn't be an issue if I keep the Ribbon active, I just wanted to see if anyone knew if I was missing something regarding the state of it.