Ekaym Smallcask

Councillor Kesh's page

6 posts. Alias of Harakani.


Kesh turns to Marya "No - I'll do it."
"My apologies gentlemen - it seems the man who is responsible for this disaster is seeking shelter with Whitethrone. I hope you don't mind, but I'll need to reschedule our discussion for another day. Marya will schedule it."

Bowing abruptly Kesh swivels and exits the room.

"I can agree to that. I'll have a contract and charter drawn up if your companions agree."

"So long as ownership of equipment is considered to be a payout, and shared group equipment is considered a liquid asset I find this acceptable."

"And don't forget that if you represent an income stream for me I am more likely to offer favourable rates, and will look for better jobs. I do have an extensive network of contacts."

"Slip of the tongue - I meant three eights, of course."

"Let me make a counteroffer then. Form a company with at least five of you, and the money I've just given you. One share each. I'll buy three shares for 10000. That way I need to convince one of you to stop something, and two to push something through - plus I'll get three fifths of your profits."

"I suppose as long as I have a veto on anything too suicidal that sounds reasonable."