Dr Davaulus

Cosimo Angelo's page

21 posts. Organized Play character for Francois MICHEL.


Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I take this as all the way Byzantine.

Byzantium is quite a tragic story in real world terms, and I think it fits Taldor perfectly.

Sovereign Court

By this time, the craziness in my life should have stopped, and things returned to normal, so Yes, I'd join !

(Assuming I still have a job of course).

Sovereign Court 2/5

hogarth wrote:
kikai13 wrote:
This may be a silly question, but what happened to Presence of the Pit Fiend? I thought that was a nifty feat, and was hoping it would be in the Cheliax book when I didn't see it in the Society 2.0 rules. Was it deemed to be too powerful?

It's certainly too powerful for a trait, except maybe as a 1/day thing like (the new version of) Impressive Presence.

I'm slightly disappointed that the faction feat I took (Forgotten Magic) got the boot, although I realise that it's duplicating another trait. Now there's nothing particularly interesting for my Taldan wizard.

Yeah, same with me.

I had chosen an "interesting" feat based on a trade that's always in high demand. I mean, what's wrong with ridding the world of a few undesirable individuals ?

Shame. Now I'll have to do it by dueling them. Dueling, seriously, what's the world getting to :)

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I just played it today, and we won it despite the fact that we had an understaffed party due to some last-minute cancellations.

It was a pure butchery ! We should have died ten times, and only survived because we had amazing luck. I critted at least five times, and the DM failed all her saving throws vs the color spray and glitterdust of the gnome illusionist.

Besides, from a player point of view, it felt really weird.

It was OK, but I really hope the next ones are better.
The many fortunes of Grandmaster Torch was way better IMO.

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Joshua J. Frost wrote:

I may still announce who "won" the season, but there won't be a reward system for it.

Oh yes, please announce it anyways. Just for the fun of it.

Anyhow, I am confident the rightful nation of Taldor will crush all these upstarts squarely.

The only worry I have is that our current DM is the only one to have chosen Cheliax, and that still feels wrong somehow :)

Sovereign Court

FenrysStar wrote:
It's been what, a year now since this was promised? I still want the book but I am starting to get angsty since I have Razor Coast on pre-order.

Yeah, are you even still alive ?

Like you know, I could organise a friendly necromancer to show up if you really need it ...

Sovereign Court

Uzzy wrote:
Cosimo Angelo wrote:
Wintergreen wrote:

I've only had one person mention the clash with AmberCon to me so I think there isn't much overlap in potential attendees for these cons. So the date seems to be a good one for most people and for Aston Uni so I'll stick with that. I'll be in touch with Aston again soon to get some questions answered so more info coming soon.

Looks Good, I might make an apperance with the Black Raven
Francois! You have to come along. We can quest for Taldor once again! (And maybe have a curry or something later)

I wish I can. For the moment count me in. I may have to cancel later due to work (or lack of) issues and the fact I'm moving soon (cost).

I have noted the dates, I'm not clear yet, but if I understood everything, there is no formal registration yet ?

A few of my usual players may be joining this time as well, though not all have answered.

Sovereign Court

Theodric de LaMontagne wrote:

So, with every role I take and every script I choose, I take pride in my Taldor, and attempt to show its many, many glorious aspects. The people of Taldor need to be inspired into excellence once more, and cannot afford to accept the second prize anymore. Aroden came, showed us the way, and we now have it in us to replicate his great works, or nay: achieve new heights of glory by ourselves!

Exactly, Andoran, Chelaxian ... these are merely wayward members of our great family. They are just a bit distant for now, but with the right amount of persuasion ... they'll eventually come back to us.

Sovereign Court

Wintergreen wrote:

I've only had one person mention the clash with AmberCon to me so I think there isn't much overlap in potential attendees for these cons. So the date seems to be a good one for most people and for Aston Uni so I'll stick with that. I'll be in touch with Aston again soon to get some questions answered so more info coming soon.

Looks Good, I might make an apperance with the Black Raven

Sovereign Court

The black raven wrote:
Cicattrix wrote:

3. For non-native english speakers make that side-note to explain clearly the meaning of the riddle or puzzle, so that those DM can translate them properly to their PCs.

Regretfully, sometimes it is absolutely impossible, as was the case in the aforementioned module.

There is very, very little chance that two similar-sounding words in one language will translate as similar-sounding words in another.

Come on Black Raven, it took you less than five minutes to find it ... stop complaining !

Sovereign Court 2/5

Hello Shah Rivar,

Here is what I would tell.

Name: Cosimo Angelo Raffini
Race: Human, obviously !
Gender: Male, of course !
Class: Well, this is kinda embarassing, you know ... do I ask yours, no ? then why do you ask ? This is none of your business, really. Come on, move along. Don't ask, the family will not like it.
Faction: Taldor, what else ?
Alignment: Now, look this is really private business.

Sovereign Court

Dear Ask a Shoanti,

I am sad to see you do not hire out as mercenaries. Do you often go on holy crusades ?

We have quite a few qadiran evil doers just over the frontier, normally we keep them as our own playthings, but really, these are things we are willing to share with the rest of the world to promote our culture.

Let me know if you are interested.

Bored in Absalom.

Sovereign Court

I'd like something involving the land of the Mammoth lords.

Also, adventures dealing with political intrigues in Taldor, including murder parties (well normal parties there):)

I'd also like to see some Al-Qadim like stuff in qadira.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Hiya friends,

Sorry, can't make it this time. My budget is shot way below acceptable levels, so I have to lay low for a while.

Keep the events coming, I should be better around February or something.

Sovereign Court

Uzzy wrote:

Hey guys.

With Halloween coming up, I've been looking at running a brief horror game for my group. With that in mind, I've been looking at the 3.5 module Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, or the Pathfinder module U2: Hangmans Noose.

Thanks in advance guys for any help you can send my way.

Hiya Uzzy ! Haya doing ?

As it happens, I just recently read Expedition to Ravenloft.

I made a few notes with the idea to run it soon.

1 Strahd is not scary enough compared to previous Ravenloft versions. The descriptions of his motives are not scary enough to me. Especially the one where he is partly possessed and screams "i'm mad" falls really short of expectations.

My suggestion instead of these is to play up his obsession with Ireena Kolyana, which according to previous Ravenloft canon is the reincarnation of Tatyana. Play him as an obsessive madman in love with the girl, to the point it clouds his best judgement. Maybe he just wants to kill the PCs slowly to win her love ?

2 the description of Strahd is the creepy guy on the cover, a powerful cadaveric east european medieval lord. Not the awful french/brit 18th century effeminate. After all, he says it himself in his memoirs "I was the Warrior ...."

3 Add extras from all possible horror movies you've seen as side plots.
For instance, the first time I played the module I6 as a player, we made a madman which told the paladin in the party "Don't let them come at you five times" and then died in pain. Then the paladin, met white mouses, one at a time, with a creepy attitude. when he crossed the fifth whit mouse, a swarm of mouses appeared and and devoured him.

4 Play also Strahd as "chivalric". He toys with the PCs, and if he gives them too much of a hard time, and they get beaten, he might drop a few potions or scrolls to help them. (Just to make them last longer, and just to make the chase last more). Make him look magnanimous in this aspect.

5 Downtown the alien "far realms" parts that have been unneccessarily added in the module and were not in previous versions. this is gothic horror, not sci-fi.

6 ... well tell us how it worked !

See you at another con.

Sovereign Court

Mosaic wrote:

I'm writing up a PC with a Taldan background and would love to get some ideas from the Boards. He'll be the 3rd or 4th son in a moderately important noble family, i.e., no real chance of ever becoming head of the family ("None of my dear brothers had the courtesy to die."). That should give him some freedom, but still, what would upbringing be like?

Hello friend,

For a modest fee, and some spare useless equipement of no consequence, I am willing to entertain your new PC and act as his preceptor.

You have to tell me more about him, of course. And his family. Does he value them, like ... a lot ? because, it seems he has ... issues with them, no ?

How generous are you feeling ? I am sure that for the right compensation, we could arrange ... social events for them.

Would you not appreciate that ?

Sovereign Court

Kvantum wrote:

To paraphrase the Wikipedia page, the doctorate degree is (for European universities) a Medieval invention, co-opted from the Muslim madrasahs' tradition of only allowing proven, licensed teachers to teach at the highest levels. The terms "Master" and "Doctor" once had the same meaning, but came to differentiate to award higher esteem to the doctoral degree.

Given that Golarion is a (largely) typical pseudo-Medieval setting, why not have the beginnings of great Universities and the professors and doctors that would come along with them?

I second this. Universities were already active in Europe in the 1200s. Or even earlier, I don't remember exactly.

Sovereign Court

Well, in both the Pathfinder world book, and the Pathfinder society, there are ... "expert" skills and feats and "family traditions", shall we say ?

I guess not.

BTW ... roll a d20 twice. No, don't ask.

Sovereign Court 2/5

It was a blast meeting you all guys.

I was really glad to meet the paizo team, and wish there was time to talk more with you all. I hope Erik sets into motion his plans to visit Paris at some point. :)

It was really nice meeting the other players, and meeting some of the posters on these boards in RL. Special thanks to uzzy (long live Taldor !). Also, to the druid player, don't forget to ffed the wolf !

Congrats also to all the DMs (Hi Dan !)

Also, I really, really enjoyed playing the pathfinder society adventures, especially silent tide ! It was refreshing, fun, fast played ... just great ! If you haven't yet, jump on aboard.

I saw some people taking pictures today, don't know if it was you Dragonmoon, but you may see my ugly face somewhere on this board or gen Con UK site :)

I hope to make it again for next year, it was really great.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Stereofm wrote:

Prepare to meet my charming friend, Cosimo Angelo. I am sure you will like him.

That is me. The light of Taldor will shine again on this world, trust me.

And that is good.

Sovereign Court 2/5

And now, my first character is born !

we will restore the right and proper rule of our government over all these wayward provinces, and bring them to our golden light again !