Corvus - Kitty Koriand'r Wagner's page
31 posts. Alias of Philo Pharynx.
Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote: Hey Wingblade! *blows kiss*
Meh. I've done the thing where I -reallly- liked and wanted to play one character, and then did something else because I didn't wanna step on someone's toes. It didn't go well. If you've got a telepathic that you are in t0tes love with, then just run that, I won't mind. (much =)
But whateves. We don't have a cyber-guy, so he might've meant that, but M&M isn't D&D, so as long as you've got good saves and a decent Toughness, just go with how thy muse moves.
Heh. And, yes, playing "Imagine" with the "Luthor" part feels so much yummier. ;-)
This is so true. The game is actually a little more fun when you don't have the absolute perfect tool for every situation. So don't feel like you need to be an absolutely perfect tool.
I definitely want to get the band back together. and I definitely want to play Kitty. I missed out on a lot of the game because I was waiting to enter during a combat. :(
Okay, I've upgraded Kitty from M&M3 to M&M2.
Sʜᴀʟε wrote: Mixing Marvel and DC? Blasphemy! Besides, we all know Raven ended up with Beast Boy. Raven still pined for BB, but when you are trapped in a Hell dimension for decades, you make do with what you have.
I've been through this myself. It's hard to admit, but better than stringing people along.
Woo hoo, I got improved initiative and some skills. Maybe one day I'll get to use them.
Kitty's new year's resolution - get out of hell!
Of course we party. It's board game night!
Gee, this planar transitioning seems to be taking months!
Quicky wrote: When you experience reality at 10x the normal rate, getting bored is a large threat. Imagine what it's like when you're torn between universes! :)
Are there enough supers (and perhaps powered individuals who aren't heroes) to keep a bar in business?
I hope everything goes well! Heal quickly
Oh, that sucks. And yes I believe you about the shoddy cable company service. One guy said that the answer to the war on drugs is to make everything legal, but make sure that you can only get them through cable companies.
On the other hand, creepy guys could be a complication. After all, you have to hide the bodies.
There can also be age-appropriate love interests showing up in the campaign. After all, a good game will flesh out people's private lives as well as tearing bad guys into itty-bitty chunks is.
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Yes, and it can potentially correct MM's problem of not having enough powers. :)
Oooh! We're gonna end up going to Mars!
No problem, I love playing with characters. (in fact I'm having a hard time staying away from looking at the recruitment boards even though I'm full up).
I guess it also means you can't get away from me.
Okay I can do it for 30 points.
. . Insubstantial: Insubstantial 4 (Linked; Incorporeal; Affects Corporeal; Feedback, Grab-based, Limited: Cannot leave enemy in solid object)
. . Insubstantial: Insubstantial 4 (Linked; Incorporeal; Precise)
It has the feedback disadvantage, so if the guy gets hurt while you've got him, you get hurt.
Grab-based includes attack, which is good because Insubstantial only has 4 ranks. This means that the DC is only 14.
As for the power going wonky near magic, that would probably be a complication. I'd probably say that it's unpredictable, sometimes it's worse than others so that Reckless has some latitude on handing out the hero points.
And I'm hurt. You want to end our budding romance before we even meet? What a cad!
Some versions of Grundy have a purpose, if Greymonday includes that, then it could be scary.
Beautifully Scary
As for not so beautiful, I'm thinking that Greymonday is Solomon Grundy+Hulk. Urk. I can see how it would take a team to stop him.
Pantherman? Black Bat? Vibrobat?
Okay, third post is bad luck, but I hate mixing subjects.
So the bad guys are stealing luxury sports car parts and turning them into weapons?
Fusion wrote: Not sure I like the arrow pointing downward, but perhaps I am missing the symbolism... Otherwise looks cool.
Since no one has expressed interest in shared EP for a vehicle or HQ, I am going to rework my EP to make Fusion a bit of a hideout for herself --- maybe a place she created for a contingency, or where she goes if she's worried about her own powers' stability. Reckless, is this ok? Or would it be better for her to customize the party jet and make it her own?
The arrow down is to make it look a little better. It was sort of blah before. Plus it's more tactical - We're gonna take you down
Obviously, I'm not going to be part of any shared EP. I would go with a hideout because when I picture modifications to the "party jet", I keep thinking of a dance floor and light show.

Oh, I was saying affects objects would only be needed if it was a fortitude save. I could see parry and grab-based working. Please note that if you want to go with them, you need to buy two linked powers - insubstantial as an attack and insubstantial on yourself. The rules are clear on that. I think you'll need to take some serious flaws.
If I were a GM, I would insist on a limit where you cannot leave somebody in a solid object. (either you can't do it or they remain insubstantial until they leave the object) That's a one-shot. Your character already has two powers that are serious game changers*, I wouldn't let you take a third. We are supposed to be major heroes, but there needs to be some challenge.
I don't have hero lab at work, but if I get some time I'll work some numbers manually. Tonight is movie night (Mad Max Fury Road), so I may not have time when I get home.
*With the intangibility as a reaction, you are really hard to hurt, and with the concealment to all senses you are really hard to detect. You are essentially immune to most foes and you can use your powers to affect them while you are immune. It means every fight has to have somebody designed to affect you or be immune to you or there has to be some other victory condition or the PC's win every time. **
**Note, I've got a reaction defense and concealment as well. But my defense can be overcome by a second person with a readied action and my concealment is only partial.
Everybody in DC has a logo, and the teams in Marvel have logos. So we need a logo. One with a tactical look.
How about this?
Titan Team X. That way we honor both the DC and Marvel side. It also reflects Seal Team 7.
Actually, with M&M were more likely to get some points. Pathfinder/D&D take forever to level up on the portal, but since M&M is more fine-grained it's usually quicker.
@Haunt, I think it would require it if you chose the Attack extra and chose Fortitude as your defense. It looks like you have Affects Others, which only allows you to take willing subjects.
I'd say you could take unattended objects, so you could use your Improved Disarm to disarm and grab and then go Intangible with the gun.

In a plane beyond the world, in a moment between seconds everything was falling apart. The war for Azeroth/Hell was ending and the stasis was collapsing. Once it failed, this world would be rewritten along with all of the multiverse. Rewritten both forward and backward in time. There was no place in the new multiverse for someone who didn't truly exist in the old one.
Only person understood this ritual. She was a master of magic and she had spent decades perfecting one spell, and even she did not know if it would work. It could only be cast as two universes were merging and only if whoever she would become had as much magic as she did. It sealed off a part of this in-between place in a bubble and slid it through as the new universe congealed. Her daughter and husband had parts in the ritual, simplified parts that novices could perform. The husband would anchor the ritual, be the unmoving point from which to reference. The daughter would need to use her talent, to be the one moving, to be between dimensions as the stasis ended.
As the ritual progressed, strange thing happened. Father became green and his body shifted. Mother became blonde with silvery armor and a sword. Kitty felt them go farther away as the ritual walled her away in a universe of one. The universe contracted and she needed to curl up to fit as the thousands of dimensions collapsed upon themselves. She was alone as her universe became four dimensions, three, two, one, zero and she shifted away into...

Reckless wrote: Ok, here are some FAQ responses:
Has the group already met/formed, or are we doing that in game? The beginning story arc I have planned could work for either style of campaign, so I'll leave this one up to a vote. No vote will preclude any shared backstory individuals wish to craft together.
I'd prefer not having my character be part of a group at the start. I'd like to play her arriving in the world and reacting to it. But I'm okay if the others want to have a group already formed.
Reckless wrote: What kind of cities are we dealing with in terms of Gotham, New York, Metropolis, etc? In true Amalgam fashion, it will be a kind of mix. The big ones are as follows: Gotham is an area of New York City akin to Hell's Kitchen, only larger. Incorporating about thirty city blocks, it is the failed attempt at urban renewal that corruption has left as the bleakest, most crime-ridden section of the greatest city in the world. DC Metro is almost the opposite: a shining example of doing it right in the bustling corporate sector of Washington D.C., a stark contrast to the "heart" of the capital, DC Metro has become a sprawling beacon of success to the nation. I like the idea of darkness striking in the heart of the bright golden city. I vote DC Metro.
Reckless wrote: One or more of the characters is a killer. How should we deal with this? Does the game have penalties for such actions? While I did specify this as a "Bronze Age" campaign, which means murder isn't an acceptable "tactic", I realize that a few of the PCs I accepted have some issues in their backgrounds which make lethality a more likely tactic. I would ask that we focus on these characters' growth from such pasts towards a less severe outlook on life. A story of personal growth is of interest to me and I don't mind if we start out in a darker place (in fact, a storyline of a golden hero taking a darker path due to something that happens in game is likewise attractive, so long as the hero eventually is brought back into the light.) That being said, purposeful murder doesn't have mechanical effects/results so much as storyline- and complication- based issues. I'd rather not have to focus the campaign on a manhunt against your characters for harboring a serial killer. Corvus has been killing demons and neyaphem all her life. But she's also been given the ideal that one should not kill except in dire need. i think it'll work out.
Reckless wrote: When do we get started? Huh? Huh? Are We starting yet? Huh?... Please, please!
As for the name, we couls go with the League of X...
Wow! I was expecting to have a hard time finding an avatar pic. There are at least five blue females with ram horns. Amazing!