
Corvus - Kitty Koriand'r Wagner's page

31 posts. Alias of Philo Pharynx.

About Corvus - Kitty Koriand'r Wagner

Description: ♫ Five foot two, eyes of blue ♫ - solid aqua blue in her case. Her skin is a darker blue and she has large ram horns with full black hair. A large scar mars her face. A long tail curls about, with an arrow-shaped tip. Her hands have four long fingers, her feet have four long opposable toes.

When she originally comes to this world, she's wearing a crude bikini made of some sort of reptile hide. A claw is lashed to a handle as a crude knife at her belt. Her hair is stringy and she looks like she hasn't washed in a while. There's a distinct smell of sulfur to her.


Corvus - Kitty Koriand'r Wagner

Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 182/182

STR: +0 (10), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +2 (14), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +1 (12)

Tough: +12, Fort: +10, Ref: +14, Will: +10

Skills: Acrobatics 3 (+8), Concentration 9 (+12), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 7 (+8), Language 2 (+2), Navigate 4 (+5), Notice 9 (+12), Search 4 (+5), Stealth 11 (+16), Survival 7 (+10)

Feats: Hide in Plain Sight, Ritualist, Power Attack

Born Out of Time (Immunity 2) (rare descriptor: Reality Alteration, rare descriptor: Time Alteration)
Demonic toughness (Protection 10) (+10 Toughness)
Levitation (Flight 1) (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd; Levitate)
Magic 12 (mystic blast, DC 27; Attack Name)
. . Alter Self (Morph 4) (Alternate; morph: any form, +20 Disguise, Feats: Quick Change 2, Skill Mastery (Disguise, Bluff, Sense Motive))
. . Force Projections (Create Object 12) (Alternate; Max Size: 12x 10' cubes, DC 22; Impervious [6 ranks only], Independent; Range (touch); Precise, Progression, Object Size, Reversible, Selective, Slow Fade (1 minute), Stationary; Custom (Transparent))
. . Infuse with Life (Healing 5) (Alternate; DC 15; Restoration, Total; Persistent, Regrowth, Stabilize)
. . Mystic Chains (Snare 12) (Alternate; DC 22; Alternate Save (Will), Backlash; Entangle, Phantasm; Affects Insubstantial 2 (full power), Custom (Silences Speech), Dimensional 2 (group), Obscure Sense 5 (All), Subtle 2 (unnoticable))
. . Portal (Teleport 6+3) (Alternate; [Stacking ranks: +3], 20000 miles as full action; Accurate, Portal; Charge Power (partial if distracted) [3 ranks only], Long-Range; Dimensional 3 (any dimension))
. . Telekinesis (Move Object 12) (Alternate; Strength: 60, Carry: 17 tons / 34 tons / 51.2 tons / 102.4 tons)
Omnidexterity (Features 1)
Shadow Essence (Concealment 10) (all senses; Blending, Partial; Close Range)
Super-Movement 3 (perfect balance, wall-crawling 2 (full speed))
Super-Senses 5 (danger sense: Mental, spatial awareness)
Teleport 3 (300 ft. as move action, 1000 feet as full action; Stacks with (Portal (Teleport 6+3)); Change Velocity, Progression, Mass 2 (carry 500 lbs), Turnabout; Custom (Leaves scent))

Attack Bonus: +12 (Ranged: +12, Melee: +12, Grapple: +12)

Attacks: Magic 12, +12 (DC 27), Mystic Chains (Snare 12), +12 (DC Staged/Will 22), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 15)

Defense: +12 (Flat-footed: +6), Knockback: -6

Initiative: +5

Languages: Demonic, English, German

Totals: Abilities 24 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 3 + Powers 69 + Combat 48 + Saves 24 + Drawbacks 0 = 182


Grandparent Issues Trigon takes interest in his descendants
Not of this World Only knows Earth from descriptions of other dimensions of Earth.
Parent Issues she lost her whole family. If her Mother exists here, she won't know her.
Monstrous Blue Skin, Solid eyes, Tail, Horns, Facial Scar
Born Yesterday She hasn't had much chance to practice her social skills. She's pretty naive about the world.

Rituals Known:

Climate Control: Environmental Control 3 (1 PP)
(10' radius, permanent, touch, Mix-and-Match)
Design / Construction DC: 11; Jury Rig DC: 16; Invention: 1/4 hours;
Ritual: 4 hours/10 minutes; Jury Rig: 1 rounds

Cooking Spell: Transform 1 (2 PP)
Affects: 1 Thing > 1 Thing - Food to Food, Transforms:
5 cu ft., DC 13; Distracting, touch range, Assembly 1 munite
Design / Construction DC: 12; Jury Rig DC: 17; Invention: 2/8 hours;
Ritual: 8 hours/20 minutes; Jury Rig: 2 rounds

Ignite Fire: Feature 1 (1 PP)
(Personal - Permanent)
Design / Construction DC: 11; Jury Rig DC: 16; Invention: 1/4 hours;
Ritual: 4 hours/10 minutes; Jury Rig: 1 rounds

Imaginary Friend: Illusion 1 (1 PP)
Affects: Three Sense Types - Vision/Auditory, Limited: Self only, Uncontrolled (Standard - Standard - Continuous)
Design / Construction DC: 11; Jury Rig DC: 16; Invention: 1/4 hours;
Ritual: 4 hours/10 minutes; Jury Rig: 1 rounds

Memory Trance (1 PP)
Advantages: Eidetic Memory
Design / Construction DC: 11; Jury Rig DC: 16; Invention: 1/4 hours;
Ritual: 4 hours/10 minutes; Jury Rig: 1 rounds

Sleep in Stone (2 PP)
Design / Construction DC: 12; Jury Rig DC: 17; Invention: 2/8 hours;
Ritual: 8 hours/20 minutes; Jury Rig: 2 rounds
.Immunity: Immunity 2 (1 PP)
Suffocation (Melding)
.Movement: Movement 1 (1 PP)
Permeate 1[/b]: 1/4 speed; Permanent; Limited: Natural Material

Telepathic Trance: Communication 9 (1 PP)
Sense type: Mental, Rapid, Distracting, Feedback, Disruption, Noticeable, Temp disability 2 (Blind/Deaf)
Design / Construction DC: 11; Jury Rig DC: 16; Invention: 1/4 hours;
Ritual: 4 hours/10 minutes; Jury Rig: 1 rounds


It was bleak, dark and smelled of brimstone. He was taken for a loop because this was not where he was supposed to be. Scott had been grabbed from behind and he needed to get back... But no matter how many time hes tried to return he still ended up in this place. And yet it felt familiar. It wasn't quite his father's realm, but close to it. But it seemed unstable, with the ground and air shaking violently every few minutes. From miles away, the sounds of a huge battle rang out.
Accepting this was hard when his friends needed him, but when things didn't change he began to focus on finding a way out. So he began to explore. When he found the grey girl, she focused black energy on her hands. "I'm not here to hurt you, fraulein. I'm just wondering where I am."
She seemed to accept this, and after looking him over carefully, she nodded. "This is Azarath, or at least partially. I suspect two universes are merging. My father Trigon fights to be master of the combined realm. I want nothing to do with him, but I'm trapped here. He's locked it in stasis at the moment of merging." She didn't seem put off by his appearance, and he accepted her four glowing red eyes.

He smiled sadly, "I suspect it is my father, Azazel, that he fights." He shrugs with that particular form of embarrassment one has when one's relatives are evil immortal megalomaniacs. Raven nods in recognition. "Neither of us wants to be part of the battle, so perhaps we can help each other evade the fighting. Oh, I am Kurt Wagner, also known as Nightcrawler, at your service." "Raven." "Ah, That was my mother's name."

The battle took decades of locked time, and the two exiles spent as much time avoiding it as possible. Over time they grew close, and had a child. Kitty Koriand'r Wagner grew to adulthood under the cloud of a war in hell. And the threat of non-existence. None of them knew what would happen when the stasis collapsed and the universes merged. Their parents would have their memories altered to fit the new reality, but what would happen to a child born between seconds?

She learned to use her powers, which were similar to both her parents. They trained her intensively, and they had to fight of the forces from both sides. She grew up quickly in this world. She ended up with some scars, both physical and mental. Her father lost a hand in the fighting, but it barely slowed him down. It wasn't all bad, she loved to hear the stories of both Earths, and their tales of their friends. She knew she was named for two, but from their stories she felt like she knew the X-men and the Titans.

Eventually the fighting ended. From their distant hideout, they never knew who won. They only knew that their time was ending soon. As the stasis dropped, she and mother performed a ritual to try and bring her into the newly merged world.