Thramira Greathammer

Cortina Hagen's page

97 posts. Organized Play character for kaervek78.

Silverhex Quest WEBS | The Corageous Confirmation

Welcome to the Discussion Thread for Webs.

Silverhex Quest WEBS | The Corageous Confirmation

This is part of the campaign Silverhex Chronicles where I'll be running my part of this quest series, the quest Webs.

Please dot and delete - and also post in the discussion thread!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Lately, the Paizo server(s) seem to have a problem with the correct order of some posts.

Example (from a PbP thread):

According to the time displayed post #32 (Link) was created three minutes before post #33 (Link).

I think that's only possible if there's more than one source for the timestamps of the posts AND these sources are not synchronized.
Maybe on one (or more) server(s) the time is off by a few minutes?

As this causes some minor issues with the readability of threads (sometimes the reaction comes before the action), could you have a look into this?

Thanks in advance!


PS: Maybe this problem and the one below are related:

Some new posts are not shown immediately after being submitted.
Once the browser (re-)loads the page, the URL includes the number of the new post after the #, but the post is not displayed.
However, they are not lost - just a couple of minutes (and a few refreshes) later they're displayed just fine...