Paladin of Iomedae

Corso Altaire's page

258 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


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HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Corso moves to the leader then reaches out to touch him, dark energy crackling around his hand.

Damage Roll: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 DC 17 Fort save. On a crit fail he's also enfeebled 1 for 1 round.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Corso mended Tia's wounds from afar and then moved next to the white Kobold.
Heal as a 2 action cast: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Corso moves next to Tia The square directly north of her on the map and uses Chill Touch on the Kobold directly to his west.

Fort Save DC 17: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

He then draws his club.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

I think I'll just keep buffing Tia. Apparently it's much more effective!

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Corso moved up and unleashed a Roar that was almost antithetical to his existance.

Cry of Destruction: Basic Fort Save for Green and Red: 1d8 ⇒ 1 Sonic damage.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Corso traced a sigil in front of him, then channelled power into his touch before reaching over and touching Tia, which caused one of her fists to glow.

"Go get them!" he then called out.

Casting Shield on myself and magic weapon on Tia.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Alas it seemed that these creatures lacked the ability to communicate effectively, so Corso was forced to rely on the language that all creatures understand: violence.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Sighing, Corso scooped up has pack, gesturing for Tia to stay back, then moves out into the clearing.

He tries speaking Elvish first:


"Oh, that goodness you're here. Can you point me towards the road? I seem to have gotten all turned around."
Deception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

If Elven doesn't work, then Corso will try both Sylvan and Celestial, repeating the same message.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"I can try." offered Corso, who then began trying to creep forward.

Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Unfortunately, it appears that "stealthy assassin" was not in Corso's Wheelhouse, as he managed to step on more twigs than he avoided, and not by a narrow margin.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Those might be the aforementioned Goblins. Do you know anything about them? I must admit that they did not exist on the continent that we came from."

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Corso begins to respond to her questions regarding the gods, then visibly winces at her unintented insults. He then says "It's true, I am not a warrior who can run into the fray, swinging his blade back and forth; it is also true that all armies need a general to lead them, and that is where my expertise lies; for you see, the game is a form of training to understand combat formations." Corso then stands and says "I feel well enough to continue; shall we?"

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"My brethern would tell you that coming these lands to bring the word of the eight IS the reason we are here, but our people came because wild magics had died out on our ancestral homelands."

Corso dramatically gestures to himself and says "I would say that I came because the art of warfare knows no cultural bounds, and that teaching it to any who seek it is the calling of my brotherhood. Then again, most of my faith who know of me view me with....confusion, if not outright disdain. For you see, I have always been sickly of body. My training in the temple helped a bit, but I doubt I will ever be free of the frailty of my form."

Corso shrugs but says nothing further on the subject, instead changing the topic by saying "Does your people have a deity of warfare or tactics?"

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Interesting. So those who society has shunned have found a way to contribute to society and not be cut off from it. I find your people fascinating; the adherrance to a magocratical governance is not something that exsists where we are from."

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

As the two made their way along the path towards the rock, several times Corso had to pause to catch his breath. It was clear that long periods of walking robbed him of the ability to breathe freely; the wheezing sounds more than proved that to be the case.

During one such break, Corso asked "So, Lady Tia, how did you come to be a wanderer amongst our people? I do not mean offense, but it seems that those among your kind that I have met here have tended to be outcasts from their society."

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

No worries.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

I am prepared to move on if you guys are!

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

That was my thought as well.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Can you give us directions to this point of rocks?" asks Corso.

After receiving directions, Corso turns to Tia and says "Do you need to collect any gear or make any purchases?"

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Well, I suppose we should go settle this matter. I'd hate for your friend to lie in need of help and not receive it."

Walking up to the bar, Corso says "Would you mind hanging onto this for me Top?" as he holds forward his chess set.

Once that is secured, Corso turns to Tia and says "So, shall we get started?"

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Have you known him to go missing or out of contact for days of time?"

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Yes." answers Corso to her questions.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

No worries. It makes perfect sense!

Corso nods at the Elven woman as he begins putting away his board.

"Terrigan is the god of war in all aspects, including strategy."

finishing putting things away, Corso secures a third chair and offers it to the man.

"Tell us everything you can about the situation."

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Corso finally looks up from his game and says "When was the last time you saw and spoke to your friend?"

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Corso" he corrected without looking up from the board. After a taking his turn, he then added "This is just a hobby from my youth. I'm actually a priest in the service of the god Terrigan. I run a training ground on the outskirts of the town."

As the man interrupts their game, Corso looks up to see what specifically he needs. Corso's face is neutral, but there is perhaps a tiny bit of annoyance in his body language.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"My name is Corso, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Tia." Corso then quietly explains the rules of the game.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"I don't mean that at all. I was simply wondering if you needed assistance. As that is not the case, I'll leave you to it." Corso said as he moved to a small table in the corner and opens his box and begins setting up pieces on the grid.

Having set up the pieces, he looked up at Tia and said "You play?"

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

As the Elven woman looked around for a table, A Valerian man wearing functional robes entered the bar, carrying a wooden box under one arm. Approaching the bar, he said "Bustling as usualy, I see. I'll take the lunch special."

Approaching Tia, the man said "Hello miss. You look lost. Is there someone specific you're looking for, or perhaps some way that I may be of assistance?"

Close cropped, curly black hair topped his head, which was nearly 6' in height, although he was stick thin. There was a pattern to his robes that designated them as some sort of uniform, and now that he approached, it was obvious that the wooden box had alternating stained squares on the top.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"To make you answer for the lives you have taken, yes, I will."

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"That's because you have no skin in the game, as the saying goes."

"No, I will not help you."

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Let me guess, you killed them as well when they discovered the truth?" Corso does not waiver in his intent.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Appreciated, and I enjoyed the read!

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Posting this to all my games, so sorry if you see it multiple times:

This week both my office and I personally are going to be moving. It's been crazy busy and I am not going to be able to post until Monday at the earliest. Please bot me if I am in your game, and if you are in a game I am running, I will get a post up as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Yes" says Corso as he draws his blade.

"I find it very troubling that you decided to murder most of the sentient population of this world. Did you think that anyone who lived here would NOT be troubled by that?"

Not that it will likely work, but Corso is definitely going to try and kill her.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Do you mean to say you brought these creatures here?"

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Why? Why would you have been watching me even as a child?"

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"That was nicely done." says Corso by way of compliment.

"Why do you ask these things of me? It should not bother you what any of us do with our downtime, as long as we are not harming your city."

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Nations are groups of people that come together for a common reason: be it trade, mutual defense, magic, or the religion of a god or particular set of gods. They grow as more people come and join them, until they control large areas of land. They usually, however, do not grow in isolation. They will have neighbors, whether friend or foe; typically this is dictated by scarcity of resources, although once nations reach a certain tipping point, they can themselves become the reason that groups come together."

Corso pauses for a moment, realizing that his father's expenditure of gold on a bevy of tutors may not have been the waste of money he thought it was, before continuing:

"We have before us, however, a situation that has only happened a handful of times in the history of our world: nations, as we know them, have all but ceased to be. In such times, what matters most is survival, or to put it as my father would, 'today's enemies are tomorrow's allies.'"

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"We're pretty much it for Humanity, barring some small pockets of civilization. Old nationalities and hatreds don't really make much sense any more."

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"As long as they don't serve the enemy, and it feeds and houses my people, I don't care who I have to work with."

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Greetings. I signed a contract to say that I enjoy their product when I at various events, and in exchange they are paying for housing and food for my people. An equitable trade, in my eyes."

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Of course. Lead the way." Corso moves forward without looking back at the other group.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Corso delivered his chosen lines with, if not exactly joy, than pretend joy. He was often heard between missions saying "I simply MUST have another Hakams Roasted Reptile!" and "Hakam's Roasted Reptile stand is my favorite stand in the market!".

Damn, those are some great Kaiju pictures!

"Because it's my duty to care for my people. If doing this small thing provides for them, I'm happy to do it."

Corso then brushed past the Half-Orc and continued on his way towards his next location.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Not at all. Just wanted to make sure that they weren't binding me to undeath, or selling my soul, or any of the myriad things that signing a contract might entail. If it's on the up-and-up, I'll sign it willingly.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)


HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"Don't worry Henders. I'm sure everything is on the up-and-up; I just need to make sure. I know that you don't put your name on anything you don't understand."

Accepting the scroll, Corso takes his leave from the others and spends some time looking for a lawyer to look over the document. He is specifically looking for the best lawyer that he can hire to work on this.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Corso is not a legal scholar, so he will say "I will be more than happy to sign it, but I want to have someone take a look at it first. I don't like to sign anything without doing so first. I'm sure you understand."

He will then wait to see what the man's reaction is to his proposal.

Not that it'll do any good, but Sense Motive: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (12) + 29 = 41

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

"And what would you ask in exchange?" asked Corso. It would not do to have saved his people from giant monsters only to have them enslaved by a giant company.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

ayup, still here.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

We can gloss over it. It's just something that Corso would do.

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1)

Corso sets about arranging funeral arrangements for Psymaster: contacting his next of kin as well as setting up a service with whoever was handling that function in the city.

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