Hezzilreen the Cunning

Corsair14's page

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I like kobolds the way they are. They work fine for making Skinks(Warhammer fantasy reference). I can make lizardmen into saurus type characters but I always imagined lizardmen as more slender and light weight compared to a dragonborn/draconian/wyveran which in my mind canon are heavier with bigger thicker scales.

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Its an excellent system. Battles are very fluid and more than just stand there and beat on people. Character creation is a blast using Pathbuilder and I could sit there for hours doing stats for new characters. Theres a ton of options and battles are great with many many DM options to throw off players. I have had players actually retreat and run away an come up with different strategies, something they never had to do in 5e.

A fleshed out drow race and possibly a draconian/dragonborn type race. Granted I dont agree with every race on every world but these are fairly common trope races. And yes I use race because each of these ancestries is a race and/or different species and there is nothing inherently wrong with that word in this context.