Gravin Goldhammer

Cork's page

13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Ive arranged (at my local gaming store) to put together a Pathfinder campaign/ adventure.

The Chronical campaign guide was out of stock (Insert official "grr" here. (Why I did not think to order from this site... I shall never know), but I ordered the older Gazateer, along with the Osirion source book (Also older). Not knowing alot of the world, Osiaria seems like a decent starting point, easy to imagine with lots of options. LeastI hope so :P

Im getting familiar with the machanics, as is my daughter.

Now, here is my question, if the community would be oh so kind 8)

As of now, the only people who play RPG's are pure 4E folk. Though I received some interest, the couple I spoke of are not familiar with 3.5 at all, and except for myself, have never heard of Pathfinder.

Im thinking a lavish and rich detailed campaign may not be the way to go, whilst introducing folk to a system they are not familiar with. Or, maybe Im wrong, as Ive only played with peope who were familir. I also havent Dmed in quite some time. Other then begining to run a 1 on 1 campaign with my daughet to familirize both of us with the rules and mechanics.

Ahh, before I ramble too much, let me simply ask.

What do any of you think? Simple dungeon crawl after creating charactors as a way to introduce the system and game world? Or perhaps an introductory adventure with pre generated charactors? Or the first session simply an overview of the game, and classes and charactor creation?

Im not shy to start, but I have a couple of things Im thinking of. I dont want the first session to be mundance and rules oriented so that players may not enjoy themselves, and my other thought, is that by a more in depth introduction, I may show a richer game and world with more charactor creation and a feeling of individuality then they may be used too.

Thoughts? Suggestions or opinions?

Much appreciated 8)

Ahh, the disovery of the Pathfinder game.

Old gamer here. DnD original blue box game, followed by, when married, 1st edition. Our group had a die hard 2nd edition player, and some of that was implemented. Fun times indeed!

Always held that love of a good story, as Im sure many here do as well. And there is nothing like being a GM, and watching your friends interact in your world and enjoying themselves.

So here I am. After my years of DnD, I moved onto MMORPG's EQ1, LoTR, and WoW, I decided that mmorpg's were ok, but I missed that real RP feel and creativity. And, truth be told, I stopped enjoying the MMORPG community as much as I once did. I missed in person with friends gaming with creative charactors and a story driven campaign.

I checked out DnD to discover a new edidtion. I researched, but did not truly listen. A trip to a local gaming store and I heard how much 4E was like my older days of DnD. I asked about this Pathfinder game that crept into review after review, but none heard of it. I read some very controversial reviews about the direction of Wizards. I didnt listen. So, on there recomendation, I decided on 4E. I read the rules. Echoes of my conversation in the gaming store went through my head. I read the rules again. I wasnt sure if I had bought the DnD game. I mean that with sincerity. I was a little confused about what I was reading. Seemed as if I bought a mini battle game, played with board and miniatures, with little real zest. For me anyway. I went back to the reviews. Forgotten realms reviews brought me to Pathfinder, I read about MMORPG playstyle (Which, after looking at my books, does seem to have some validity). I didnt want to make a Death Knight in a leet speaking combat grid battle game. I missed in person creative charactors and RP and interaction in a thought out world with people who enjoy a variety of gaming styles.

Now, anyone who works at Borders Book store... Kudos to your store! Ill even go so far as to clap my hands and applaud! (Though I feel guilty for not placing a note in the books I returned in fair warning) They took my DnD products back. Its on the shelf again. And, seeing a copy of the Pathfinder game, I picked up a copy. I need not say more. This was more of a feel of what I remembered. Honestly, after checking out the 4E game, I was relieved that they took it back. Im not knocking anyone who enjoys it, but I can honestly say some of the reviews feel right. Its not DnD, and it is a game more catered to a younger crowd who is used to mmorpg's, and not the game I remember. Maybe Im wrong in my assesment. But that is what I discovered.

So, I rambled (As I did in my first post that never appeared)

Im looking at the Chronicals campaign guide. Ive read that it is much more like the original FR realms from DnD long ago. IS this so? I would have to order online, as there are no places in my area that offer anything more then the Pathfinder core rule book. But the reviews seem very good. Any honest opinions from folk who may understand where I am coming from?

Also, one more question. Nobody in my area has heard of Pathfinder. I can see that, to someone who truely enjoyed the original DnD in its various editions, Pathifnder seems much more viable for an old school feel campaign. Ive been going over the rule book (I did own the 3.5 core books and FR books, I just never got much of a chance to play) and I can already envision a campaign and what Id like to run. So, heres the big question. Anyone have any insight as to how to introduce the game to people who have only heard of 4E and previous editions of DnD? I dont know the people in the store, I just talked to them. Im just not shy 8) My daughter, who is older now, wants to try the game after hearing stories of myself and her mother who used to play, and about what it was like. So, I know nobody other then her who plays, yet Id like to simply start a game with people I dont know. Would anyone have any recomendations?

Appreciate any feedback and the time it took to read my far too long post 8)

Typos? Im on a laptop at the moment, and my fingers just feel to big to type on the thing.

Anyway, if I made sense, Im happy. Any insight, Id really appreciate it.

Im off to read more and more about you all have to say about my new discovery in Pathfinder 8)