Cordeval's page

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[New to Pathfinder, interested in the Online MMO effort.]

Early in this thread, there was mention of City of Heroes-like mentoring as a way to boost rate of advancement of low level characters.

I'm more interested in mentoring/side-kicking for its social aspects, especially because I play MMOs almost solely with my wife and kids.

From my experiences in City of Heroes and Lord of the Rings Online, the mentoring aspect is a significant feature missing from LOTRO.

In LOTRO, because it does not have a way to adjust characters to about the same range of power (ie mentoring), we rarely get to play together with our primary characters as they are now so far out of sync in levels.

We enjoyed CoH's mentoring/side-kicking because we could mix and match which characters we used based on individual preferences.

If mentoring (high level playing down), we did not worry about walking over someone's mission resulting in a boring and frustrating night for the low level characters.

When side-kicking (low level playing up), we could try out new character concepts and still be useful to the group.

Also, I enjoyed hanging out at the newbie entry areas to help new players figure out the game. This worked because I could play at near their level and could join them battles without wiping out the enemy in one hit.

So, is some form of mentoring or side-kicking to be implemented?