Cutthroat Lawyer

ConstantlyComic's page

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So I just started running RotRL with 4/5 of my usual group (as a backup for when the 5th works night shifts) and so far, it's been hilarious. The current highlight comes from right after the initial goblin attack.

The party had just saved Aldern Foxglove, with the sorcerer's dog (the sorcerer and his dog are based on Shaggy and Scooby-Doo... we are not the most serious group) doing most of the damage after the wizard (a Sylph named Woosh) had enlarged it. The only woman in the group was the GMPC who I decided wasn't going to be Aldern's obsession because I wanted it to be the PC, so he was going to target whoever did the most damage... so, the dog. That wasn't going to fly, so I thought "oh, he'll find out who the dog belongs to. He hunts. He had a dog protecting him from goblins (I had his dog survive because I figured my party would care more about the dog than the person)." So he feeds the dog some beef jerky from his pocket and asks who "this magnificent creature" belongs to, only for the wizard to immediately say, "I made it bigger." The sorcerer didn't say anything.

So now Aldern's going to be obsessed with a Sylph wizard named Woosh who refers to himself in the third person and is played by the biggest powergamer in the party. I can't wait until we get to The Skinsaw Murders.

We've also decided that our Fighter is actually a sentient halberd possessing a person.

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Which came first, the PC or the backstory?

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Two questions:

1. Out of all the characters you've played on the tabletop, who's your favorite?

2. Is the plural of Impus Impuses or Impi?

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I just recently finished reading this journal for the second time and, like last time, it has inspired me. Unfortunately, I cannot do the first thing it inspired me to do (run my own RotL campaign), because for some reason the group I currently GM likes my homebrew campaigns too much to want to play anything written by someone competent. I think I can do the other thing, though.

Because if any campaign log ever deserved a TvTropes page, this one does.