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Sorry in advance internets down and im typing this on my phone. Im running kingmaker and im about to have the staglord encounter ........for the second time. My players were very gung ho and went almost b-line to him round 1 and got trounced being under lvld. I didnt want a tpk so I left them nakked unconcious in the woods. Then had mikmek drag them back to the silver mine. Its been months in game time and im not sure how to follow up. During the fight they did manage to fear the owlbear ehich ran into the wilderness. Im mainly looking for ideas on how to set the encounter. Thanks. ![]()
Thanks a ton for the advice so far guys. My dm finaly revealed some details about the campaign. Its going to be set in Osirion during the time before the tombs were legal to raid. Now I want to do an evil archaeologist :) This is a pretty intresting archrype. From what I gather lingering performance is kinda mandatory. Other then that im in the dark. ![]()
Hi everyone! Ive been in a steady campaign for about 2 1/2 years and the group has asked the dm if we could take a break on our characters for a bit and run some others. Well he decided that he will make it an evil adventure starting lvl 5 going through,lvl 7. I really want to make someone snake themed kinda like Thulsla doom. I was thinking either serpent druid or sorcerer. Im leaning more for the sorcerer but id like some advice. I really want to utalize the poison and the charm aspect but being good at both is too MAD. Its not really an optimized group so its not too much of a problem I just dont want to suck. Any advice,is appreciated. Its golarion setting 20 point buy set in the rahadun area and im pretty sure we will be doing something involving Lamashtu. Im typing on my phone right now with giant sausage fingers and no spell check sorry for any errors. ![]()
Hey guys. Im curious as to what happens" raw" if you ride by attack with a net holding on to the trailing rope. The net being treated as a one handed melee weapon because of the net adept chain of feats. Do you auto move the target auto or make a cmd or an opposed check? What happens if im on a flying mount could I fly them up and let go? ![]()
Hey everyone
So I want to build a Pigknight =) I rolled stats 17,14,14,12,11,7
Leland Gray
str 16, dex 14, con 14, Int 14, Wis 7, Cha 13 AC 23(24 vs ranged) 9 armor, 2 shield, 1 dex, 1 size, (1 deflection)
Fort 10 - 5base, 2ability, 2magic, 1racial,
Feats - Mounted Combat, Ride by attack, spirited charge, power attack, precise strike(free teamwork) Skills
For equipment I went with the armor listed above + a +1 Lance, +2 cloak of resistance, masterwork sling staff, haversack and masterwork chain barding for my Boar mount. For my Boar whom I named Boarthalomew I put the ability point in Int and for Feats I went with Nimble moves, acroboatic steps, and dodge for lots of chargy goodness no matter the terrain type. I havn't gotten to play a cavalier yet so not sure if this would be a viable build. I wanted to see what you guys thought. ![]()
Looking through the PG under nature bond page 50 it says: The second option is to form a close bond with an animal companion. A druid "may" begin play with any of the animals listed in the Animal Companions section beginning on page 51. So you can choose not to start play with an animal companion and choose never to bond yourself with one in the future therefore pretty much making it non-existent. |