Colbonation's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

How does it work when a character contracts multiple diseases? I have a player who has Radiation Sickness and Red Ache. Both are on the Physical Track. If he fails to cure both, does it go 2 steps down the disease track or are they tracked separately? How does it all work?

Moojii wrote:

Today, December 25th the Oregonian reported that on Sunday, December 23rd in Portland, Oregon a security guard at the Portland DoubleTree racially profiled a black guest and had him removed for trespassing and kicked out of his room at the hotel. When contacted about this, Hilton denied that any of their staff racially profiled guests. However the video of the incident seriously suggests otherwise.

Considering Paizo's extensive history of inclusion in the gaming community and it's standing relationship with the Hilton DoubleTree in Sea-Tac what kind of response does Paizo think is warranted by this incident? I would hate for my money to go towards supporting a corporation (Hilton) that completely disregards basic decency, refuses to acknowledge its mistakes and hires racist security.

-Moojii ack-guest-in-lobby.html

(edited for grammar)

First, let me preface this by saying that I do not work for Hilton or it's affiliates in any way.

I think it's important here to understand the difference between corporate policy and the actions of a few individuals. It wasn't and isn't the Hilton's policy to racially profile their guests. This was an isolated incident involving 2 people that resulted in the firing of those 2 people who did the racial profiling. Hilton has a zero-tolerance policy about discrimination.

Mooji, I completely understand your concerns, and I share them. If this were a case of discrimination as part of a corporate environment (like chik-fil-a discriminating against homosexuals), I would be concerned and probably boycott the place. However, this was not that. I don't think Paizo needs to make a response to this. They could acknowledge that it happened and reassure everyone that Paizocon is an inclusive event and no discrimination will be tolerated.

The counter-argument I've gotten to that is that "The rules you're citing were laid down in the core rulebook, before there were such a thing as spontaneous divine casters. Since nowhere in the article does it mention anything about spontaneous divine casters, I defer to the rules for sorcerers and bards, in that they require 8 hours of rest before they can regain there daily allotment of spells."

Do you know if there's any documentation where this is noted? I haven't been able to find any myself.

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I have a rules question I'm hoping someone can answer. I'm playing a Hunter and we're not sure how much rest one would need. Divine casters need an hour to pray or commune to regain their spells. Spontaneous casters need 8 hours of rest to prepare their spells for the day. The Hunter is a spontaneous divine caster, how much rest does he need to recharge his spells?

Hey team, I need a bit of advice. I have my PC's going through the Dominion caves. They've got Casandalee's AI core, but they've decided to completely bypass the dweller-in-the-dark fight and I think they're going to abandon the place before they have to fight Maukui. They're having a hell of a time with Paajgat. They didn't even bother to cross the plasma pits. Has this happened to anybody else? Did you at all re-introduce either Maukui or the Dweller in the dark later on? If so, how did you do it?

I have a player that wants to craft an Amulet of Natural Armor +2. It says that it provides an enhancement bonus to Natural Armor. He doesn't currently have a Natural Armor bonus. Does the Amulet work at all? I'm of 2 minds about this.

1. He has no natural armor, so you can't enhance what's not there. It would be like adding studs onto leather to make studded leather. If he's not wearing leather, you can't add the studs, so if he's not 'wearing' natural armor, you can't enhance it.


2. Everyone has Natural Armor +0 (or more) so it would work to enhance the 0 to +2 as it would thicken his skin.

Which one is correct?