male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
Whimsy Chris wrote: Sorry I haven't posted in a while.
Unfortunately, I don't think I'm going to be able to continue this pbp. I'm having a lot of personal challenges at the moment and I don't think I'll be able to commit to a post every day. While I was sick, I was able to reflect on this and came to this conclusion. I thank you for your patience.
I apologize and realize this is a disappointment for some of you. I hate to leave things hanging like this. If there are any questions that you are curious about concerning this or that in the storyline, feel free to ask me.
For those of you whose pbp this is the first, please do try it again. There are other pbp's that have lasted over a year with some very committed DMs.
Happy gaming everyone, and I apologize again about cutting this campaign short.
Worry not! I know how life can be. If you ever want to continue Cogmin is here.
Sorry, as a GM I don't allow called shots. :}
40. Flying Bed.
It flies.
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
[No prob, Dungeon Master - get better!]
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
"You know where we're going, Tulkeigh. Let's go."
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
"I think that went well."
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
"All I can say, Krovok,'s adventure time."
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
Krovok wrote: Krovok's brows come down as a confused look spreads across his already flustered face. He looks as Cogmin. "Now I'm really confused. I don't know what you're talking about. Time of blood? Is the orphanage in jeopardy?
"So, let me get this straight. Mevitari collapses shortly after Jolin is kidnapped. Some of you take Mevitari to the Shrine of the Enlightened One, where you kill a couple people in self-defense. Others of you go somewhere some zivit creatures have Jolin, you rescue him, but he doesn't seem to recognize people now.
"And now you want to leave because...because why again?"
*Cogmin shrugs
I know you probably don't want an answer of this sort, so, sorry in advance:
if you're the DM I think it's okay to fudge the rules and tell your player "yeah, okay, you made it in two weeks. Now don't go trying to make more of them for profit because I'm helping you out here." Most players get it and if he or she tries to make them for profit just say, "okay, you asked for it - BOOM!!! RULES!!!!!"
Sorry again if you wanted a more technical answer but as a DM I would solve the problem in the above way.
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
"Krovok, the clock has been wound, the springs primed, there is no stopping this. I trust your judgement because Mevitari trusted you. But I feel something coming. Things are changing in the orphanage. The time of blood...I feel it."
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
Cogmin comes back into the room, axe strapped to his side, bracers clasped around his forearms, bow and arrows strapped to his back.
"Krovok, you are in charge here."
Cogmin puts a hand on Krovok's shoulder.
"He'll be back."
Cogmin looks at Ostran.
"Ostran, stay if you must. You are temporarily an adult, so it's your choice."
"Tulgeikh, before we go, let's see what's in that chest."
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
"If Mevitari knew about it and it was his responsibilty then...okay. But I'm coming with you.
Tulgeikh, I made Mevitari a promise when I began here, that I would protect all of you and that is what I am going to do. All of you."
"I know that you're all growing up. It's true, sometimes, I don't understand the...maturation cycle kids. So, until Mevitari comes back, you are temporarily adults. But I'm still going to make sure you are safe."
Cogmin leaves to get his things - but turns back to Tulgeikh.
"And Tulgeikh, I knew men like you in the war...they were always the first to die. I don't want that."
+1 to all the posts here.
I will begin the civil disobedience now.
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
Cogmin comes back into the room after putting Jolin to bed.
"A gang, Tulgeikh? A job? You're too young for a...a job! What would Mevitari say? Even today, this is too much for you kids! Admittedly, you did incredible things today...Jolin issafe because of you. But I have a responsibility to Mevitari! I can't let you put yourself in danger. That means you too, Kyleria."
Cogmin paces the room.
"Tomorrow we tell the watch what happened. Let them handle what is happening here."
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
Cogmin takes everyone back to the orphanage unless there are any objections?
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
As Cogmin takes Jolin's hand to lead him out safely past the glass he bends down and scoops up a pair of bracers he recognizes as having a heavy rotation during the war. Something tells him he's going to be needing this kind of thing soon.
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
PROFILE UPDATE - New feat: POTENT CHALLENGE (If Cogmin hits a foe with an attack granted by his Combat Challenge class feature add the CON modifier to damage; used only with two-handed weapons) New Level 2 Utility power: NO OPENING (interrupt against opponent with combat advantage)
Level 2 magic item: LVL 2 Bracers of Mighty Striking (+2 damage to any basic melee strike)
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
"Come on, let's get Jolin home."
Cogmin bends down to talk to Jolin.
"Your safe. Come with us."
To the others:
"We need to search the bodies to find out why this happened. Ostran, what of Mevitari? Has he awoken?"
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
Cogmin sweeps the ground clean and lays Jolin down. Cogmin then begins trying to bring Jolin back around.
HEAL CHECK 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
Cogmin wipes the blood off his axe and unties Jolin.
"Are you sound, Jolin?"
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
I'm back! Thanks for NPC'ing Cogmin! Sorry for the delay... ;{
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
"Get away from him!"
Cogmin charges to M6 and attacks the Stirge.
ATTACK - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
POSSIBLE DAMAGE - 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Ravingdork wrote: This reminds me of the old days where someone would cast gate under the BBEG's feet in order to dump them into the negative energy plane, or worse, the positive energy plane. Exactamon! I was thinking to myself, "Self! Are you witnessing this thought with me? Gate can be used for various crazy and evil things. And guess what, self? You're a DM! Uh oh, I feel an evil laugh bubbling up from the deepness within."
I think in that case, carboundum, you would indeed have to fill up that bag. It says that the bag doesn't get any air unless opened (suffocation, etc.) so I would imagine that if air can pass through the opening that means other types of indiscriminate matter too.
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
*Cogmin stays put.
"It's blood, Balgron. That smell is blood."
Cogmin rips his axe out of the corpse and looks over at the far wall, at the stirge.
"What the...?"
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
"Balgron, do you smell that?"
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
Cogmin kicks away the shadows and cricks his neck. If warforged could smile...
*Cogmin attacks X3
Cogmin whirls the axe in hand and then brings it down onto the blue man with all his strength.
POWER ATTACK -2 to hit, +2 for flanking (see above attack for all other bonuses 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Possible damage (+3 for Power Attack) = 1d12 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
Reflex defense=11 hit :[
taking 5 ongoing damage (Current HP=21)
Taking Minor Action Encounter Power
-Warforged Resolve
*gain 3 temp hit points (24 HP now) and can make a save against one effect -
1d20 ⇒ 14
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
*DM: Quick question: do I get an attack of opportunity against the Xivort that stood up right next to me? I'm really new to 4th ed rules.
It seems to me that if you opened a Gate, per the 9th level spell, into magma or water you would find yourself under a deluge of either, respectively.
Yet I've never seen nor heard of this being done. Any experience with this? I'm running a red dragon sorcerer against my players this weekend and he has access to that spell and I don't see why he wouldn't employ the magma tactic, especially in a small space that would quickly fill up.
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
In response to the above: my utmost apologies for absences - been so busy I sometimes forget to check the boards...! Oop! It's my turn!!!
I'll do my best to commit to at least a posting once a day.
Feel free to NPC any Cogmin turns if I am absent.
With love,
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
*DM: Please correct me if any of my actions are too over the top or not acceptable within the round - ;}
Cogmin runs and jumps through the window (at M10/11 landing in M11) and (if successful) immediately brings his axe over in a wide cutting arc into the blue man (X3), using all his momentum.
ATHLETICS - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
divide by 5 (due to moving at least two squares -
SPINNING SWEEP (LVL 1 ENCOUNTER POWER) (2 handed axe, two handed fighter weapon talent +1 to attack, PROFICIENT - +2 to attack): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
POSSIBLE DAMAGE: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Bomanz wrote: I love the repeating crossbow. My new lvl 10 Bard is wielding one in the game we are starting. PEW PEW PEW! Take THAT zombie barstard! PEW PEW....oh crap, must reload! Screw that, drop first one Handy Haversack the next one and move, PEW PEW PEW!
Are you not entertained?!
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
"Kyleria, wait."
*Cogmin unties the thin cord holding his white wool robe closed and pulls the chainmail hood up over his head. After that he pulls his axe out out and moves up beside Kyleria (J-16).
*Cogmin looks back at Tul and Balgron.
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
*Cogmin was imagining a world made up entirely of clock parts and got way distracted.... ;}
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
sorry! sorry! sorry! sorry!
Inititiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
*Cogmin breaks from his frozen revery and realizes that it's time to act.
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
To Kyleria - "It's curious that you know this Lower Dura so well, Kyleria...but lead on. We must find Jolin."
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
Cogmin watches and listens and nods - "I know nothing of Lower Dura - but I will follow all of you if you think it will take us closer to finding Jolin."
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
Heading out to look for Jolin.
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
"What a simple yet elegant solutiion, Kyleria."
Stares down at Mevitari to see if there is any change in his condition.
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
"Tulgeikh, Kyleria, come with me, we're going to look for Jolin. Ostran, Balgron, take Mevitari to the monks. We'll meet back here in three hours, no matter what."
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
"Ostran, I can't tell what's wrong with him. Have you ever seen Mevitari do this before?"
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
"Kyleria, Balgron, tell Krovok to watch the children, keep them away from this..."
Cogmin leans down next to Mevitari and makes a Heal check to see whats wrong:
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
Cogmin runs to find Mevitari - when he finds him:
"Jolin is missing. I'm going to take some of the older children with me to look for him."
Cogmin waits for a response and listens intently - afterwards he makes sure to grab his axe and longbow from the storage room where he stays.

The rogue dandy, Costello, in my Council of Thieves game is now cavorting around Westcrown with his Migrus herking and jerking on a leash behind him (kind of a disgusting version of a Westcrown Paris Hilton).
All his team members are freaked out and waiting for the hammer to fall, especially after seeing the Migrus's creepy smile.
In response to some of the old posts above I just wanted to point out how much fun I'm having with this item and how to use it in interesting ways (as a DM):
1. With the caveat that the Migrus is old and has a creepy alien intelligence and has had many masters - you can only imagine all the arcane knowledge locked away inside those smiling little eyes. But how do you communicate with the thing?
side note: I think it's okay for detect magic not to give you every detail regarding powerful or old or alien magics. Mystery is good, I think - never let your PCs get too comfortable.
2. The Aspis Consortium is VERY interested in an item this old and this strange - and so is The Pathfinder society. Both organizations have taken notice and are watching Costello, one with possible violence in mind.
3. The Migrus has its own agenda. Just like The One Ring, it has a corrupting influence - not like a curse but in the sense that it will always fulfill its orders in the most horrific of ways...Costello will be implicated in anything his pet does.
4. The Migrus itself has regenerative powers that some powerful people interested in immortality would be equally interested in this thing. Specifically, an ensouled flesh golem has been searching for the Migrus for years just for the purpose of studying how it can die and return time and time again. Costello may soon meet this ancient being.
And there you have it! Fun in a box!
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Cogmin grabs Balgron by the shoulder - "You can't find Jolin? Tell, Mevitari! We must go back!"
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
*Cogmin nods his head barely listening to Balgron - he's too distracted by the pegasus to pay any heed.
"Children, listen to Mevitari!"
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
After seeing the man fall Cogmin herds the smaller children away from the edge of the roof.
Cogmin notices Balgron -
"Where were you, Balgron?"
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
*Cogmin doesn't watch the races so much as he watches Mevitari with a sinking feeling.
male-ish Warforged Fighter 1
"Kyleria, we must teach the children continuance. Not...not continuance."
Organized Play Characters