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Is it possible to retire a character early and make a new one at the same level? I really dont like my first character, as she is a one trick pony, and would rather do something else with that slot. If there is any rules for that could someone please tell me or point me to where I can maybe look? I have looked everywhere I can think of but haven't found anything. Thank you for any help in this matter. ![]()
I dont know if this has been discussed and if it has I appologige but I was wondering. In society is it possible to have two archetypes? The ones in question are Wildblooded and Crossblooded. I used the crossblooded to pick up two and the wildblooded for Primal and Sanguine. Are those legal choices for society? And if not I do need to know so that I may fix my sorc. Thank you. ![]()
This is far from my first character as I've been playing for years. We had a problem come up on society when my DM didn't like how many attacks I was making per turn, (a spellstriking SG followed up by normal att without moving) and he decided to limit me to only the spellstrike attack with out granting me my normal full attack. I fealt that since I had read the rules multiple times before creating the character that I had every right to be ticked off. So I then later that night decided to post on here so that I would have evidence showing that I get exactly what the book says I get, hoping somehow that this avoids further problems. I don't like argueing with a friend, I hate it even more when they aren't willing to listen. So I'm hoping that this post will show that I do know what I'm talking about and that I make sure the rules are followed EVERY TIME I make a new character. And if somehow I find that my reading of the rules is incorrect I immediately change my characters concept of how I plan on building them further to compensate. Like it looks like I'm going to have to do with my Monk now. Anyways thank you for your replies and hopefully this can help someone else who has questions about the magus. ![]()
wraithstrike wrote:
Awesome. Thank you for all the help. If I survive to lvl 5 I'll let you know how it went. And thank you again for all the help. ![]()
wraithstrike wrote:
Thats where I got my info from too. All I read on anything is that he cant wear armor because it messes with the link but that I can. And that I can designate his armor to be either type I want. What would you say the penalties to using two two handers would be with two actual hands on each weapon? ![]()
ok so I'm going to have to rebuild. Thanks for the help and I have just three more questions. 1. If my dex is 15 so I can take twf and I summon my eidolon which brings my dex down to 12 can I no longer use twf? 2. If I give my eidolon another set of arms can he wield two handed weapons when twf since he'll essentually have two hands on each side of his body to hold the weapons with. 3. If I'm wearing armor and my eidolon has all his armor points designated to natural armor, do I still get the armor bonus from the armor I wear? Just letting you know for all three questions that I went synthesist alt and it says me and him are one in the same being. ![]()
wraithstrike wrote: Caster level and class level are not the same thing. You can get traits and such that increase your caster level, but that does not effect your class level, which is what Eidolons go off of. So what trait will allow me to do something like what I'm wanting to where I can take a level or two of fighter but keep moving my eidolon up? ![]()
Jadeite wrote: No. Eidolons are not based on caster level. Then why does it say that their abilities are based on what level of summoner you are? And by abilities I mean EP, NA, and HD. I know you don't get the actual listed abilities that a summoner gets unless you take the levels of summoner. But it says that if you are a 2nd level summoner these are the HD NA and EP that the eidolon would have. And if I were a summoner 1 and a fighter 1 with that trait, I would be a summoner two for caster level... Thats the only thing thats confusing me. I mean I know they are not an actual spell but the opperate on the fact that the summoners caster level is a certain number. ![]()
Ok there is a trait that reads as follows: Magical Knack: You were raised, either wholly or in part, by a magical creature, either after it found you abandoned in the woods or because your parents often left you in the care of a magical minion. This constant exposure to magic has made its mysteries easy for you to understand, even when you turn your mind to other devotions and tasks. Pick a class when you gain this trait--your caster level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn't raise your caster level above your current hit dice. Now my question is, if I take that as a 1st level summoner and my next two levels are going to be fighter, can I say that, that trait applies to my eidolon since the summoner class says that summoning an eidolon counts as casting summon monster? I mean it does say that the abilities for the eidolon are as if that is your level in summoner. Please let me know asap. Playing tonight and want to have the summoner done before we start. Thank you. ![]()
ThornDJL7 wrote: You always round down unless it says specifically otherwise. So, at 1st level it sounds like no. Dang... Alright, thanks for the help guys. I'll let my DM know. I'm playing the character but we both read it the same way and thought it was over powered. Now that I know how it really works it makes more sense. Thanks again. ![]()
DragonKnight03 wrote: When taking the half-orcs class bonus of +1/2 damage for bombs for the alchemist class what does that apply to? All damage, just the first d6+intel, or just the first d6 or just intel? Oh so do I get any benefit at first level, like it rounding up to the nearest whole point? Or anything like that? |