
Ciara Talbot's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts (39 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


GM Core Campaign wrote:

@Marjim Marc Arafiles: are you new to PFS and/or to PbP?

CORE campaign is a variant of PFS, in which the characters are made with only the Core Rulebook and a couple additional booklets.
Check my profile (by clicking on my "name" above this post, for example), and the "What is PFS CORE CAMPAIGN:" entry for some explanations and links.
To see if you are interested in this or if you prefer a Standard character.

@Ciara Talos: hello!
We'll see how it goes w. Marjim re a spot left or not.
However, in the meantime, is there some help that can be given already?

Thanks. I’m not quite sure where to get started. I’m kind of feeling my way around very clumsily. I see where the recruitment stuff is, but I’m not sure how to register a character.

I see you still have an opening for a newbie. I would love to participate as a Druid if there’s still a spot.

ETA: I’m new to this board and to Pathfinder so I may need extra help. I’ve read most of the Core rules but haven’t played a complete game.