Chronosnight's page

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So I have been think of putting together a city based game in which the main story revolves around the mafia, or thieves guild, as the case may be. Think, Steven Brust's setting for the Vlad Taltos books. I would like the players to start in low level crime and work their way through the ranks as they level.
My question is has anyone come up with, or read about, month to month rules for running crime in a large city. Thinking kingdom building style (King Maker AP) but for crime.

If not I will likely put something together and share when done.


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This came up in this weeks game session,

Greater Magic Weapon +1 per four caster levels (maximum +5)

I have always taken this as; at 1st level you are +1, 5th +2, 9th +3 etc.

DM took it to mean caster level/4 round down. so levels 1-7 +1, 8-11 +2, 12-15 +3 etc.

Thoughts? Is there a ruling in the books that I missed?