Chronosnight's page

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Feel bad for the pcs when Arioch (Be it the lion or mad god) shows up. Nice work, do you keep track of time in your world, have a calendar? If so it might be cool to write another one or two that reveals a more precise alignment of the stars, im thinking December 21st :-)

So I have been think of putting together a city based game in which the main story revolves around the mafia, or thieves guild, as the case may be. Think, Steven Brust's setting for the Vlad Taltos books. I would like the players to start in low level crime and work their way through the ranks as they level.
My question is has anyone come up with, or read about, month to month rules for running crime in a large city. Thinking kingdom building style (King Maker AP) but for crime.

If not I will likely put something together and share when done.


Well said maerimydra, that is how I feel as a gm and I believe my gm feels the same way :-)

Sam S, I love it, not sure how I haven't stumbled across this before! Very Dresden-esq!


Advancing the creature, with the cannon rules, works really well.
Don't have to add class levels, or advanced templates, just increase monsters HD as per the rules. The creature ends up being a bit less powerful than a creature built at that same CR.


Lol, awesome Sam s, I have had long (1 round per level) conversations with the creature, learned it's name etc. So far it hasn't seemed to care, might make for some fun in game roll played, eh BornofHate?
And there are times when I summon it, for no reason other than to talk.

So far I like that idea the most, I guess, it would let me keep the amazing power or the higher level summoned monster with the roll playing aspect I am looking for, that defiantly gives me the advantage =)


I don't agree with Mojorats statement at all, have you looked at the summon monster lists? I feel like I am doing the exact opposite of making a optimal monster for every situation, if I wanted to do that I would forgo the Hounds and summon something appropriate to the situation from the vast list of summonable monsters. Instead I am pigeonholing myself into one monster that is likely the least optimal for most situations (read, no ranged attacks) for the sake of color.


I just did the advancement on the hound, and it came out looking exactly like the Bearded Devil, except the hounds stats are lower overall (can't figure out why). The hound is still a lower CR than some of the other Summon V creatures.

As I am the Wizard in question though, this is simply my defense for allowing me to do it =)

It's more of a color thing than a min/max thing, I don't care that the hound is not the most powerful thing I can summon form the list, I have roll played the character as if he has developed a bond with the Hound he has been summoning for the last 20 or so game session. I just hate the idea of not summoning it anymore, because it is quickly becoming out classed.


Crazy, have been doing that wrong all of 3rd edition and onward.

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This came up in this weeks game session,

Greater Magic Weapon +1 per four caster levels (maximum +5)

I have always taken this as; at 1st level you are +1, 5th +2, 9th +3 etc.

DM took it to mean caster level/4 round down. so levels 1-7 +1, 8-11 +2, 12-15 +3 etc.

Thoughts? Is there a ruling in the books that I missed?