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A good concept executed well. Obviously I enjoy the cards but there are a few things I'd like to see done differently.
I'm not thrilled with random distribution but I understand why it is done and can live with it. However, I'd like to see less scrolls, potions, and (especially) wands and staves and more armor, weapons, and wondrous items instead. Yes, characters use a lot of scrolls and potions but I really don’t need a lot of different pretty pictures of them. In many cases they are items that I can be comfortable just giving my players printed cards of. I find that the amount of wands and staves in this set far outpaces their use by my players and again I don’t need wands with many distinct looks – I’d much rather have more variations of armor and weapons.
The artwork is good and there is a nice feel of consistency from the fact that one artist is responsible for all of it. However, this does result on a lack of variation, as any artist will tend to use the same style repeatedly. I like the artist’s style but it would nice to get some variation.