Human Barbarian 6
Str 18 (+2)=20
Dex 14
Con 15
Int 7
Wis 9
Cha 7
Level 1: Fast Movement, Rage, Power Attack, Raging Vitality/Tribal Scars/Toughness (Can't Decide)
Level 2: DR1/-, Reckless Abandon
Level 3: Extreme Endurance, Intimidating Prowess/Raging Vitality/Toughness
Level 4: DR2/-, Rage Power: Superstition, +1 CON
Level 5: Extra Rage Power: Strength Surge
Level 6: DR3/-, Cold/or Fire Resist 1, Witch Hunter
So these stats are VERY specialized but that's what barbarians are all about. I could drop STR by 1 point and bring my Int and Wis back up which I may do, or I could drop my idea of a CAGM(Come And Get Me) build and lower my dex
Class Arch types
Invulnerable Rager seems to look like it would work the best, gets rid of some OK features and gives me some DR which I would get ALOT of mileage out of because of how often I will be hit (On a side not DR - means there is no way to bypass?)
Drunken Brute seems pretty interesting, losing out on the movement hurts but gaining rage rounds sounds good (although with a high con I probably won't need them). And I have a question about how the Drink ability works, it says May drink a potion or alcoholic drink as a move action that DOES NOT provoke, does this include retrieving the item from a belt/haversack/dead body/wherever?
Mounted Rager would be fun to make cavaliers cry at the absurd strength of my mount, Plus Rage Trample!
I think the Auspicious tattoo trait is awesome for a barbarian, I was planning on taking Tribal Scars so they would go well together for a background to the character. Anything that adds a skill would be nice, as PFS has ALOT to do outside of combat even one more class skill could really make sessions more fun. Any trait that adds to CMD/CMB for grapple or sunder would fit the character idea as well.
So this is where things get hairy, I was thinking of sliding in some fighter levels but as people have pointed out to get more than just feats out of it I would need to take at least 3 (Two handed fighter) or 1 (Unbreakable - gives die hard+endurance) but with the latter I would lose out on the bonus feat
First level Tribal Scars/Toughness/Raging Vitality, all are really good IMO Raging Vitality obviously being the best for raging HP. I am a sponge so I need to be very.....spongy
For third level I can't decide if I want to take the character in a ROLE-play direction or keep ROLL-play going, I think Int Prowess could cover both Role-play and Roll-play later with Corungun Smash
For fifth the extra rage power is nice but I could replace it with another feat without losing much IMO
Acrobatics, Climb, Knowledge Nature, Perception, Intimidate (Maybe something extra from a trait?)
Rage Powers
Reckless Abandon so that I never have to worry about missing with Power Attack, screw AC at this point
Superstition for Great saves plus some Role-play (I need the Golarion equivalent of Krom for whenever I have to make a saving throw)
Strength Surge if I take it makes Grapple/Sunder much more likely, and keeps dice from embarrassing you when you try to lift that heavy thing
Witch Hunter looks like it will just be free extra damage on most BBEG past level 6, and if they happen to be a non caster humanoid they better have a ton of HP
I was also taking a look at the Beast totem rage tree, free claw attacks, NAC, and Pounce are all cool looking things.
I'm starting to get excited about playing the character, it will be fun either way (Death or Glory!)
Any thoughts on this build so far?