
Chris Wallace 621's page

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We just started last weekend & I'm GM this AP. The group consist of the following:

Orena Gemkin (Female Dwarf Rogue) Unknown background for the self proclaimed "Acquirer of rare goods & limited access specialist."

Aylmora Weshus (Female Changeling Inquisitor of Desna) From Varisia, loves travel & mother is Hag...enough said.

Ophina (Female Aasimar Oracle) From Absalom, follower of Desna. Extremely intelligent & able to read others. Emotionally detach to people she finds irrelvant.

Quinrey (Male Half-Elf Alchemist) From Iadenveigh, driven to be better alchemist & motivated by wealth

Ausk (Male Half-Orc Barbarian) From Chesed, Hired to bodyguard Quinrey. Extremely angry & always drinking which often results in raging Half-Orc. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Drogull the Drake (Male Half-Orc Rogue) From Chesed, follower of Gorum. Schemer from birth, clever, & can be charming if it to his benefit. Self taught & the exact opposite to Ausk.

Everyone had a good time & can't wait to see what next.