The Expansionist

Chris Such's page

19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


9:22pm here in Australia. Went down to the shops today to buy a fresh toner cartridge as my current one is on it's last legs and I do NOT want it running out midway through ...

manda wrote:
I know there must be more Aussies excited then just myself and my gaming group.

You can add myself and my group to the list of excitied Aussies. Don't know if we can make it up for GenCon Oz (we are in Adelaide) but this would certainly help sway my decision.

Cheers, Chris.

Cosmo wrote:

Since your order was completed on the 6th (a Saturday) and yesterday was a US postal holiday (Columbus Day), today is the first business day from the completion of the order. Therefore, your first volume should be shipping out sometime this week or early next. You will get an email when it ships (which will also be when you get access to the PDF).


Cheers Cos.

Hi all,

Not that I am desperate or anything but I was wondering how long subscriptions usually take to get processed?

Seriously, you guys just need to work 24x7 :)

Cheers, Chris.

Nicolas Logue wrote:

Hi Chris!

I think Xen'drik is a great option for Rise of the Runelords...with Stormreach as Sandpoint, or adding Sandpoint to the continent. Some other people have mentioned Q'barra as a good location too and I think with some adaptation that could work out great: Thassilonian = Sarlonan Wizard Kings who fled Sarlona when the Quori threat began maybe.

Adar may work as well with some tweaking. It certainly has the geography for it.

I'm not worthy ... I'm not worthy ... I'm not worthy :)

Seriously, thanks Nicolas. I will pitch that idea to them.

Cheers, Chris.


So I have a few players who are totally hooked on Eberron. I mean seriously hooked on Eberron. They want me to try and place the Pathfinder stuff somewhere in that world.

I need to at least humour them so was wondering if anyone else had tried to find a reasonable location and what sort of conversions they made.

Cheers, Chris.

Cosmo wrote:

We do not offer a PDF only subscription, however, the subscription price for Pathfinder is $13.99 plus shipping and handling, which for an international subscription is $5.00. This makes the monthly fee for an international Pathfinder subscription $18.99. Furthermore, you get the PDF of each volume for free when it ships.

The price of each PDF of Pathfinder is $13.99, so you can look at a Pathfinder subscription as a PDF subscription, with a $5 book.


You sold me Cos ...

Cheers, Chris.

Thanks for all the responses.

We had a chat about before our last session and it was fairly unproductive.

The ownership thing came up and one player wanted to keep records of what was purchased so that we could compensate someone who left the group etc.

Another player just didn't want to contribute at all beyond paying his share of the e-tools files he uses.

In the end I basically had to say no more minis and no more funky dundjinni maps since I couldnt afford the printing costs etc.

I was a bit disappointed with that but I don't think it is fair for the DM to bear the bulk of the costs (as seems to be common practice).

Cheers, Chris.

Hiya all,

Up until now, I have been buying all the gaming supplies for my group (including a fairly heft miniatures bill).

Realistically, I can't keep this up any longer so I would like my players to help cover some of the costs. I don't want to get into a 'pay for play' situation so was trying to think of alternatives.

How do people out there tackle this sort of issue?

Cheers, Chris.

Thanks for all the great ideas ...

The player is interested in pursuing ressurection even though he knows it may be a bumpy ride.

I am currently looking at Mayaheine as another cog in the wheel.

Cheers, Chris.

Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Why exactly would being raised by a cleric of Pelor convert him to CG?

I was thinking more along the lines of being raised by Pelor himself.

I see it as a chaotic act since the paladin would be accepting that his own survival is more important even though it is counter to what Heironeous thinks.

Basically I am looking at introducing a spark into the campaign by adding in tension between two greater powers.

Hiya all,

I have a question for your good selves.

In the campaign I run, a Paladin of Heironeous was killed mostly by bad luck. There isn't anyone nearby who is capable of raising him and they can't really head off-track to find someone.

Now, I could just get the player to roll up a new PC but he is really attached to this Paladin.

So, what I was thinking of doing is having Pelor, via a proxy, offer ressurection to the PC.

I think the first effect of this is the PC would shift to Chaotic Good rather than LG. Obviously, this would breach the Paladin.

I would then work in an Atonement (again, offered by Pelor's proxy) to allow the player to regain his former powers, this time in service to Pelor rather than Heironeous.

So, what do people think?

Cheers, Chris.

Jonathan Drain wrote:
There's little point to writing your own Wiki software, since software like Mediawiki (what Wikipedia runs on) is free. Setting up your own wiki with that isn't too difficult, just as long as you have a webhost supports PHP and MySQL. If not, you can get one quite cheaply ($5 monthly, or less).

I use Tiddlywiki ( for my campaign. It doesn't need a server and it is free. It is a sensational piece of software.

Cheers, Chris.

Woontal wrote:
1) A system of mass warfare. I'm not talking about a minitures game, I'm talking about a resolution system for when heroic PCs gather armies of thousands!

There was something like that in one of the old D&D boxed sets (Companion I think) but can't quite recall.

Not exactly what you were after but it might help.

Cheers, Chris.

I started D&D again after a long hiatus just when Eberron was being released so I picked that up as my campaign setting. Now, I am kinda over it so have moved to GH. Ironically, I selected GH over FR because it didn't have a plethora of books for it. I got the Gazetter and some PDFs from the Paizo store and I am all set.

I don't see any of it as a waste and the fluff is still good regardless of the rules set it was written under.

Cheers, Chris.

silenttimo wrote:
There is so much to do in Greyhawk. Having the box can let you imagine how was the world before the wars (not better, anyway : slavelords, horned society, a powerful and united Great Kingdom, the first giants invasion...).

What a sensible response. That is all the convincing I need ... off to the store ...

Cheers, Chris.

I have been following this thread with interest and have also picked up most of the books mentioned.

One question though ...

I have:

From the Ashes
Greyhawk Wars
Adventure Begins
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer

How much use would the World of Greyhawk boxed set actually be?

Cheers, Chris.

Dryder wrote:
As I am kind of new to GH, such an idea would be great indeed. I play Eberron but I started to love Greyhawk for its feel. I am all for fluff about GH presently, and maybe two or three adventures (just to get to know their story). If this fluff would be picked by "specialists" the better!!!

Me too ...

I am a bit over Eberron so wanted to jump into GH to run the Red Hand of Doom. I wonder if GH is on a bit of an upswing.

Anyway, so far I have picked up:

Living Greyhawk Gazeteer (v3.0)
The Adventure Begins (v2.0)
Player's Guide (v2.0)

Cheers, Chris.

Greg V wrote:

You are very welcome. I'm glad it was a hit with your guys. Let's just say the Malgoth still lives somewhere in the depths of my mind. At one point in time I had some rough notes for a follow-up adventure (or three). I may have to dig them out sometime and take a whack at it. After all, we've still never seen where the Malgoth used to live.

Let me add my name to your fanclub then. The trilogy of adventures inspired me to write a whole campaign around it. Funilly enough, the party entered Istivin last night (ok, actually they entered Newthrone in Eberron thanks to a transplant, but you get the idea).

It pretty much freaked them out :)

All I can say is ... more ... more ... more ...

Cheers, Chris.