Hiya all,
I have a question for your good selves.
In the campaign I run, a Paladin of Heironeous was killed mostly by bad luck. There isn't anyone nearby who is capable of raising him and they can't really head off-track to find someone.
Now, I could just get the player to roll up a new PC but he is really attached to this Paladin.
So, what I was thinking of doing is having Pelor, via a proxy, offer ressurection to the PC.
I think the first effect of this is the PC would shift to Chaotic Good rather than LG. Obviously, this would breach the Paladin.
I would then work in an Atonement (again, offered by Pelor's proxy) to allow the player to regain his former powers, this time in service to Pelor rather than Heironeous.
So, what do people think?
Cheers, Chris.