Sbourf's page

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Hi all,

I am running a Wizard/Cleric/Mystic Theurge. I wanted to play it as an enchanter.
I knew that it would be hard because there is mostly 'save or lose' spell. And I was ready for that
On the bad side, since a third of our encounters are immune (vermin, plant, undead, construct...) and another third of them die in a few round because of the warriors, I often feel useless. Okay, I can live with it: it comes with the deal.

But when I get to do something: Protection from Evil.
Come! On!
Spell Lvl 2. Immune to 'real' enchanting spells(domination, charm, suggestion and the others...).
Either way, I start a fight with my underlings. Circle of protection from evil. Fight just got worser...

My question is: What the f%@* can I do?
Easiest would be to kill my underling and transform them as undead. But it ain't in my fuff...
Ring of counterspell and Spell immunity on them everyday? -_-
Is there no other solution? Or am I missing something?