
Chris Glade's page

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I run into this issue a lot. The players in my group are very much min/max players and go for sheer power. I have handled this in a couple of ways. First is the option I like least, you can fudge some of the monsters. Make them resistant to whatever class your power player makes (immune to divine energy, etc). It works, but can be hard to keep flow. The second option is to play off their personality. I had an npc that was cursed with an item trick and "gift" the item to the player in question. This let me nerf the character, but still felt to in line with the role play aspect. Overall, everyone had a good time, and the player felt that it was a consequence to his choices instead of a punishment. As a GM i try to make the game fun for all the players. Good luck, sounds like he is open to creative ideas.

So many new adventures are full of adventure and ideas, it is hard to put them down. I admit, I enjoy the characters and plots that appear in the pages of so many books and magazine covers. However, I can never forget many of the adventures where dungeons were crawling with goblins, or where a lich covered his tomb with traps galore. But unfortunatly, many of these adventrues have become hard to find, or are so expensive I am forced to use my own imagination... I know many will explain that I can always buy the PDF; but I don't wan't the PDF, I want something of substance, something that I can hold in my two hands. I think it would be an intersting idea if Paizo would publish several hardbound books, with the most exciting adventures of the past. Birthright, Ravenloft, even The Village of Hommlet if they so please. Bring these adventures back to our hands and into the experiences of the players. They know what we like, hey they even published the ones we like best (Dungeon 116). I may be old fashioned, but I still enjoy many of the good 'ol "Module's," and would be very interested in a product that could bring some of em back into the light.