Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() I'm not certain that they will let us leave if we were to do so openly. Drinking the "poison", pretending to be ill, (and dying) might give the merciless soldiers a reason to ignore us completely. Its a gamble, but I'm open to other ideas. I am just using the tools at hand. ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() "No, we become sick, ill, retreat to our homes, and then vanish. I do not think the guards will care for the sick. It seems that Grandmother has cultivated less humane tendencies in her soldiers." Chkaia lowers his voice again. "It will require some ability to fool our 'captors', but I think we can escape easily this way. Unclean water is not watched as it flows downriver." ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() "Honored warriors, drink and partake of this refreshing water that Guava has bequeathed to us. It is a gift from Grandmother, and one which will make us strong and healthy!" Chkaia declares loudly as he passes the jar of water around. Chkaia blinks and looks to make sure guards are watching. ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() Chkaia takes a drink of the (now purified?) water, urging the others to do so. "Then let us drink to Guava's health, temporarily at least. And use his knowledge that this was once poison against him. Guava obviously does not care for our well-being, or he would not have suggested we drink it. We can thus enact being poisoned, dying even, and thus be ignored by the military that is stationed here." ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() "I am not for spilling blood, not here, where we face insurmountable odds against us. I recommend that we use this time to escape." Chkaia looks around at his companions. "Some of you wish to remain. You think your presence will be helpful against the army that has settled here. While I have learned not to question even the most improbable of ideals, I would question the logic and faith of that action. Stay here if you wish, but I for one plan to seek out further realms of truth and wisdom." ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() "Then I suggest we act with some deception. Quickly, surround me and hide my actions. Perhaps cheering for the Grandmother or for our victory would be suitable." With a chant of a few syllables, Chkaia holds up the jar, imploring the water to return to its perfect state. casting purify food and drink Afterwards, Chkaia again looks into the water to sense the truth of its properties. detect poison ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() Chkaia tries a different tactic, hoping to distract the ruler. He bows in reverence to Guava, holding out the jar of poisoned water. "Most noble warrior, we have done what was asked of us. And one of us holds the armbands we were sent to retrieve. This jar of water was also found among the possessions of the humanitarians. Their souls, unfortunately, have departed for brighter homes." Diplomacy
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() "I would not be so eager to suggest death, my friend. Even to those we assume to be deserving. Death comes for us all, that is true. But those with lives and consciences should have the opportunity to allow the one to influence the other." (temporarily leaning towards Neutral Good here) "I am tempted to purge the jar of its poison, lest it accidentally fall into hands unknowing of its deadly nature." ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() Chkaia returns from his meditations. "I have determined, for myself, in order to pursue the true freedom of the mind that I believe is necessary to understand my mortality, and the relationship between myself and the Cosmos... I will accompany you into the Hwan territories. My fate is not so concrete that I will not pry it up with a stick of curiosity from time to time, and this seems like a perfect opportunity to make those necessary changes." He nods to his companions. "Where you go from here, my friends, is up to you. I embrace change as change challenges the soul. Hardship will challenge the mind and body, but the greatest fear of the soul is that it will become lenient and passive in the darkest times." Chkaia offers out a hand (talon?) to those defecting across the border. "There is no greater moment of potentiality, than in ending one life-long project and pursuing another." ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() "He has spoken true. The glass jar contains poison." Chkaia says calmly, but the conundrum had yet to be solved. "You will pardon me, as I meditate on our circumstances once more. I will face my inner demons, and return more certain of my actions." Chkaia withdraws to a quiet space, casts Guidance on himself, for each of the following skill checks and meditates, stilling his mind to contemplate the nature of their problem. First, he regards the words of the Bachuan soldiers, their facial expressions, their intonations, and considers the nature of all mental possibilities. Sense Motive
Next he considers the nature of the Bachuan government, its tools and methods, and its likelihood to create a false flag to attract and trap any potential defectors. Knowledge (Nobility)
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() Chkaia approaches the stranger. "I thank you for your offer. We must contemplate on this matter well, though. Some of us face uncertainties and fears that prevent our actions at this time. When one is in darkness, it helps to embrace the shadows, and then at least be in fitting company." ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() Chkaia listens to Bai's suggestion, and nods silently to say he understands the concept. "Our task, according to the soldiers who recruited us, was not to prevent them from escaping. Only to bring word (and proof) of their fates, as it was assumed they would be dead. We can do so now. But if we are expected to show greater loyalty to the Grandmother than was originally requested of us; that thought is a heavy matter." "We have been obedient. But shall we be more than that? In my contemplation of such matters, I do not suppress grander emotions and nationalism... but I am not a native of this land, nor do I feel any strong emotion for the Grandmother. I do, however, wish to remain alive. If this is a trick or a test, our lives would be in danger should we follow my conscience." This would be a great time for an augury ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() "If the path of life were easy to see, few would follow it." Chkaia surveys the situation, but he remains still for now. He waits to see what Kenta will do. "If something was taken from the Grandmother, or something promised to her, perhaps it is best to see that it is returned." ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() Chkaia waits for word from Kenta on how to continue. He meditates silently in the shade until the Nagaji returns. "What is it to be... War or Peace or the Chaos in between?" He says as Kenta approaches, not opening his eyes. Perception (10)
He stands at Kenta's request, making certain his weapons are well bound, then moves forward with the rest of the group. "It seems you are a strong voice for us, Kenta. Reach inside yourself, and see where your true power lies. Do not rely on religion, but upon the faith in the self, which is the strongest and truest form." He reaches his hand out, and chants a brief syllable with his eyes closed once more. Kenta glows with a palpable aura of light and inner strength. Touch of Glory: +1 to next charisma check, or charisma based skill check. "And do not forget, the life of the Cosmos flows through you in all things. Not only matters of voice and faith." Casting Guidance on Kenta. ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() A few notes... One, after adding up all my carried weight, I've discovered that Chkaia is encumbered with a medium weight. I thought I could escape that with the special leather lamellar, but it didn't work. :P So, his speed is 20 ft. (-3 armor check penalty), etc. Two, I have a link to a better picture of Chkaia in my profile. (No Tengu love in the available profile pictures here.) Three, DM, Would you allow the Mystery of the Gods feat from 3PP, 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming, Ways of Power Mystery of the Gods: You gain access to one of the domains of your patron deity. Prerequisite: Ability to cast 3rd level divine spells. Benefit: You gain access to a domain listed under the description of your patron deity. This is an extra domain in addition to any already chosen. For characters other than clerics, use the character’s divine spellcaster class levels to determine level for purposes of gaining domain powers. This feat may be taken only once. Of course, Chkaia doesn't have a patron deity, but it would allow access to a third (and final) cleric domain.
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() Chkaia munches on something that looks suspiciously like birdseed as he observes the others (mostly making fools out of themselves). "Perhaps Tan is the most correct." Casting guidance on self. Survival (untrained)
He looks around for a few minutes. "Ah, Clarity comes with a full stomach. It's this way." He points, very certain of himself. ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() Chkaia is also not skilled in understanding the nature of the woods beyond stillness and life. However, he reaches out with a glowing hand and touches the one whom he deems most skilled. Casting guidance "Whatever philosophy you follow, understand that spiritual truths come from within. Including the path of truth through a forest of shadows." ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() "You must learn to accept the cosmic power that flows through all things. To voice the chant of Hakthi Ani, is to voice the flow of life." Chkaia gestures around him, even at the dead giant ants. "And to respect life in all its forms. With Hakthi Ani, you will learn to reach within yourself to the wellspring of life, and heal your wounds." Chkaia leads Kenta and any other wounded to a clear part on the road, where they sit in meditation. After a moment of silence, Chkaia opens his beak and releases a long musical note that eventually ends as a syllable, then repeats each syllable, allowing those within hearing range to chant along with him. Somehow the tones elicit energy from the air around them, coalescing as brilliant life-giving motes of light over the wounds of those present. Channel Positive Energy
Since some were not as healed as he would have preferred, Chkaia repeats the chant, allowing those near him to chant along again. This time the process is more rapid. Channel Positive Energy
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() "It may be of little consequence, but I have learned healing techniques in my time across the seas. It is the healing power of the chant of Hakthi Ani. If you wish, I will guide you in the chant." Chkaia makes a gesture of respect by placing his hand over his forehead and bowing his head. ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() Oops, sorry. Missed my cue. Round 3: 8/8 HP, AC 17/14/13 If Chkaia can take a 5 foot step and attack (full attack), he does so. Otherwise move and attack. Chkaia moves forward, the charms on both temple swords jingling as he swings them at the remaining ant. 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (15) - 3 = 12 for 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 sword damage.
If Chkaia can only make one attack, use the first roll but with +1 to hit instead of -3. ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() Round 1: 8/8 HP, AC 17/14/13 Chkaia quickly moves into a ritual stance, drawing one of the temple swords from his back. The charms and holy symbols dangling from its bar jingle in the breeze, before the weapon suddenly flies from Chkaia's grasp towards the new ant that appears. Hand of the Acolyte
After this sudden movement, the sword jingles past the ant without striking it then returns to Chkaia's grasp. ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() Chkaia is silent as the others communicate with one another. When a suitable silence is available in which to speak, he forms a mudra with his arms and hands. "No voice in the Cosmos is more pure, and none more delicate, than the nameless." He stands straight again, allowing the words to have their effect before continuing. "I am known by many names, in many tongues. But here you may call me by the name that comes easiest to the tongue of tengu. Chkaia Linthel." (pronounced Cha-kaya Lint-hell) "As for fate, some are at the whims of its mercy, some forge the paths that swirl through it, swallowed again by time as identity is confounded." ![]()
Tengu Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
![]() I will post the stats in the profile immediately. Before we get any further, I thought I would ask this, as it has been nagging at me. The tengu ability says that a tengu is proficient with swordlike weapons, but it does not say martial or simple only, so I am assuming that it was intended that tengu would be proficient with exotic swordlike weapons (much as Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs are proficient with exotic weapons with the race names in them). However, I stand ready to be corrected if that is overpowering.
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![]() Hello everyone, and welcome to my The Segang Expedition thread! If you signed up to the game through the Docs spreadsheet, feel free to leave the following information here: Player Name
The game is scheduled for the GameDay's second slot, so starting October 1st. Looking forward to seeing you there! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
![]() I recently picked up Legacy of Dragons and enjoyed it quite a lot, even though there were some errors (for example, a fighter archetype replacing the 3rd and 5th level bonus feats). I decided I want to build a Drakerider, but ran into a problem. A level 1 drake is Tiny, and the ability granting it replaces a lot of Cavalier features. Is there a size adjustment I missed, or do I have to handle the loss of nearly all my features and wait until the Drake becomes large at 13th level or build a diminutive character (somehow)? I know a Cavalier can have a "mount" he doesn't ride, but it seems strange that you can only actually be a drake rider starting at 13th level. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
![]() I'm currently beginning to run the first campaign for me as a GM, Rise of the Runelords. I'm running it for my local group, with which I've played D&D 4e for the last few years, and now I've introduced them to Pathfinder. From how I know them, they won't want to join the Pathfinder Society (most of them are casual players and aren't likely to invest much time in games outside our home game.) That being said, my question is: Can I receive GM credit for running the Rise of the Runelords AP in campaign mode, even if my players aren't part of the Pathfinder Society (and thus won't receive Chronicle Sheets or be reported as players)? I'm guessing the answer is no, but I might as well ask. |