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So I’ve been looking at the Kensai Magus lately and considering using it to make a Katana wielding spellblade type of character… but after really taking a hard look at what it trades out I’m left here trying to figure out how exactly this archetype is even meant to be functional…
Magus in general are martial spellcasters, weaving their spells into melee combat through the use of spellcombat and spellstrike. Sure a kensai can still do this, but the issue comes with the fact that they get 1 fewer spell slot per level, no spell recall, and no improved spell recall. Normally a magus’s limited daily spell’s isn’t a big issue since they can use spell recall to recover spells as a swift action and keep casting, so long as they have enough Arcane Pool Points left… and while that may not be the most optimal use of arcane pool, it is a very valuable option when you find yourself in situations where several combats will happen. I assume I should probably just take Wand Wielder and cast a persistent Weaponwand spell every morning so that I always have access to good spells for spellstrike?
Kensai’s lack of armor prof pushes it to be heavily Dex focused, and with Canny Defense a high Int is also recommended. This kinda shoehorns me into using only finesse weapons. Since trying to maintain a high Str alongside high Dex, Int, and Con is untenable, and if you’re going to have a high Dex anyways, you might as well use finesse weapons. Sure, an Effortless Lace can turn any one-handed weapon into a finesse weapon, but thats a fairly costly solution at early levels, and with the free exotic weapon proficiency, one that may be hard to pass up with weapons like the Katana being available to them. Am I just supposed to dump Strength, take Weapon Finesse, invest in an Effortless Lace, and enchant my weapon with Agile as soon as humanly possible?
From what I can tell, the archetype is heavily focused on AoOs, Crits, and acting early in Initiative… but its lack of armor prof and poor spell management seems to be extremely crippling to the class as a whole… is there something I’m missing here? Just how is this supposed to even function as a magus? From what I see, its a potentially heavy hitting melee combatant that is highly vulnerable in melee range and has minor spell-casting abilities…
Help me understand how this archetype is supposed to work… I really want to try and play one, but it just seems like it loses out on so much of what makes a magus a magus and gets so little in return…
I’ve got a Witch/Magus build designed around cardcasting and hexes that I’ve been putting together for an upcomming campaign and I’m contemplating progressing her into the Harrower prC… currently her build is Cartomancer Witch:3/Card Caster Hexcrafter Magus:X… as it is now it focuses more on her Magus spells as her CL3 witch spells will be of little benefit…
If I go into Harrower I find myself in an odd predicament since I could progress either classes spellcasting at that point… my class levels would be Witch:3/Magus:7/Harrower:X but my options become Witch CL10 5th Level Spells & Magus CL7 3rd Level spells or Witch CL3 2nd Level Magus CL14 5th Level Spells…
If I advance my witch spells then I should pick up the Broad Study Magus arcana, but if I advance Magus spells then I can just assign my handful of CL3 witch spells to out of combat usage… I’m a bit torn between the two options…
On one hand I get a higher max CL, but on the other hand I keep both classes around the same CL and if the game ends up going to 20 (my groups games usually end around 17) access to higher level spells… Magus 17 gives 6th level spells while Witch 13 gives 7th level…
Ultimately the character is going to be a buff/debuffer type of build, not really going for blasting or high damage but I want her to be able to contribute to damage as well…
Also… is there a resource document anywhere that explains the harrow decks that the harrower and a few related archetypes and feats are meant to use are set up? The prC is very vague on the subject…
I’m working on planning out a few characters for some upcoming games with my group and I’d like some input on feat and rage power selections for my Oread Wildborn Hurler Barbarian…
Lv 1 {Improved Unarmed Strike (Combat), Catch Off-Guard (Combat)} granted by archetype, & Throw Anything (Combat)
Lv 2 Furious Draw (Ex) - gives Quick Draw
Lv 3 Raging Hurler - pickup objects as part of attack & full attack actions
Lv 4 Furious Barrage (Ex) - gives Rapid Shot
Lv 5 Power Attack (Combat)
Lv 6 Lesser Hurling (Ex) - Throw Small objects as Two-handed weapons
Lv 7 Two-handed Thrower (Combat) - Throw multiple two-handed weapons per round
Lv 8 Accurate Stance (Ex)
Lv 9 Shikigami Style (Combat, Style) - Improvised Weapon virtual size increase x2
Lv 10 Hurling (Ex) - Throw Medium objects as Two-handed weapons
Lv 11 Shikigami Mimicry (Combat) - virtual size increase x3
Lv 12 Greater Hurling (Ex) - Throw Large objects as Two-handed weapons
Lv 13 Shikigami Manipulation (Combat) - virtual size increase x4
Lv 14 Deadly Accuracy (Ex)
Lv 15 Improvised Weapon Mastery (Combat)
Lv 16 Lethal Accuracy (Ex)
Lv 17 Improvised Defense
The Idea is that she’ll be picking up and throwing Small to Large objects at people every round if she can get her hands on them, otherwise bashing people with either a heavy mace, her fists, or some random rock or branch she picked up. Ideally she’ll use improvised weapons primarily, especially once Shikigami Style kicks in…
Note: I know someone is going to point out that Improvised Weapon Mastery is unnecessary with Shikigami Style, but it still improves crit to 19-20/x2 which with Lethal Accuracy rage power means she’ll have a 19-20/x3 crit with improvised weapons late game… I’m not 100% attached to the Accurate Stance rage power line, just wasn’t sure what else to pick up and needed to fill in 3 rage powers… so I am open to suggestions for replacing these 3 rage powers and IWM…
Note 2: I’m aware power attack doesn’t apply to thrown weapons, deadly aim does… Hurling rage power applies it… and if someone gets too close the extra melee damage will make them rethink their decision.
I was looking at the Wildborn Archetype for Barbarian for a character I’m planning to make in a future campaign and I just wanted to get a little clarification on something with its weapon proficiencies…
To start I’m well aware that it is heavily restricted on what types of weapons it can use. I understand that part… ”all simple weapons that can be crafted from bone, stone, or wood.”
Bone: “Light and one-handed melee weapons, as well as twohanded weapons that deal bludgeoning damage only, can be crafted from bone. Hafted two-handed weapons such as spears can be crafted with bone tips, as can arrowheads. Other two-handed weapons cannot be constructed of bone.”
Stone: “Light and one-handed bludgeoning weapons, spears, axes, daggers, and arrowheads can all be made of stone.”
And wood is just Stakes, Clubs, Spears, Javelins, Staves, Sticks, & Bows…
Which boils down to she can use all simple weapons except for Kumade, Bayonet, & Crossbows…
My question though is this… it says “that can be crafted from” not “that are crafted from”… so am I actually allowed to use metal simple weapons without incurring this penalty: “If she uses any other kind of weapon or armor, she loses her abilities from this archetype (except illiteracy) for the next 24 hours.”?
The reason I’m wondering is because I intend to have the character in question be an Oread, and I’m contemplating taking the Ferrous Growth ART on her. I want to make sure if she could actually use metal weapons crafted through that ability before settling on it. If not, I’ll probably just stick to their normal Spell-like ability of Magic Stone.
My group is getting ready to start a Kingmaker campaign after our current campaign ends and most of the party has already settled in on their builds and characters for the game. I’ve settled on my character, but I’ve got myself stuck in a situation where I have several possibilities for how to go about building her…
The character is basically a Druid, but not officially a Druid… they are a fierce protector of nature and its inhabitants. Well, that’s the simplest way to describe her anyways…
Option 1) Sacred Huntsmaster/Green Faith Initiate Inquisitor - with this option I would be building largely for Archery and taking an assortment of teamwork feats that work with her pet (as well as eventually some that work with another member of the party who is getting bonus teamwork feats)
Option 2) Grasping Vine Shaman w/Nature Spirit - with this option I would be playing into the full caster route, focusing on area control type spells and bolstering my familiar via feats such as Evolved Familiar as we level.
Option 3) Nature-bonded/Staff Magus - a more melee oriented playstyle using her bond with nature to bolster her defense as well as to a lesser degree apply some area control with spells such as Entangle…
Option 4) Verdant Shifter - Similar concept to the magus route, except non-caster and far more defensively focused… I know this one is likely to be rather feat starved…
Option 5) Terrakineticist - sort of a wildcard style build… taking a bit of a blaster-caster approach with her power drawn from the land around her, rather than bending nature to her will she uses nature as it permits her to.
The party consists of a Bard, Slayer (archery focused), Cleric, Druid, Hunter (Two-Handed), Rogue, & a Fighter (Two-Weapon). So I’m not exactly filling any niches that aren’t covered by someone else in the party, I’ve spent the better part of a month bouncing between which build I’d like to play… so I figured I’d ask for some input here to see what others think… I’ve tried asking input from the other players in the party but I got only the non-helpful answer of “play whichever one you want”… I wouldn’t be asking for advice if I knew which one I want to play most, so that answer really isn’t helpful at all…
So I was finalizing details on a character I'm working on for a campaign, when I noticed something in the wording of the Alkahest Bombs ability that has me confused....
A crypt breaker’s bombs are specially designed to work best against constructs and corporeal undead-two foes commonly encountered in ancient tombs. Known as alkahest bombs, these bombs deal acid damage instead of fire damage. Alkahest is an alchemical fluid that eats away unliving flesh and animated constructs, but it doesn’t work as well against other targets. Against constructs and corporeal undead, alkahest bombs deal 1d8 points of damage, plus 1d8 points of damage for every odd-numbered level instead of 1d6. Against all other creatures, alkahest bombs deal 1d4 points of damage, plus 1d4 points of force damage for every odd-numbered level. This ability otherwise functions as and replaces the standard alchemist bomb class feature. So... I'm just a bit confused as to what type of damage these bombs actually deal now... at first I thought it was just they deal Force damage, as the second sintance of the ability states... but after noticing that it says Force damage later on...
Would I be correct in understanding this to mean that against constructs and undead the bombs deal Acid, while against all other creatures they deal Force?
My group started a new campaign the other day, and my character (a silo battle dancer) is going to be building into the snake style feat chain. However, I only have a 10 in wisdom and my two best stats are Dexterity and Charisma... to make the most out of the snake style feat chain I really need to be able to boost my sense motive high enough that I can reliably exceed my AC with it. As it stands however, I will only be able to get an effective +2 to my AC on a roll of 10... if possible I would love to be able to apply my charisma or dexterity to sense motive. I know of expanded versatility for bard, which would let me use my perform (dance) but the 6 level investment to do so is not worth it... and with the Champaign targeted to end at about level 15, I ideally would like to avoid any level dips...
One of my groups campaigns is approaching it's conclusion, and we've picked what story our next campaign is going to follow (it's a homebrew campaign), so many of us are working on getting our characters for the next campaign sorted out so we'll be all ready to go when it starts. Currently I'm torn between a couple different build paths for my particular character.
Build 1) Brawler(Battle Dancer)20 - Just a single class build with no spellcasting, just simply a Battle Dancer, weapon of choice 2x Fighting Fans
Build 2) Brawler(Battle Dancer)2/Bard(Juggler)2/Magus(Eldritch Scion/Card Caster)16 - Multiclassed build designed around use of Magus spellcombat and spellstrikes interweaved within the highly mobile combat style of a battle dancer, using the Juggler Bard to facilitate two-weapon fighting and Spellcombat/Spellstrike
Build 3) Brawler(Battle Dancer)2/Bard(Juggler)18 - An alternative caster option focused more on using spells for utility purposes rather than direct combat with them
regardless of build path chosen the character will be a Suli, with the Mostly Human and Energy Strike(Earthfoot) ARTs, and starting off as a Brawler(Battle Dancer). Stats are: Str-10, Dex-16, Con-12, Int-12, Wis-10, Cha-20.
So as to keep things civilized, please don't post a response saying that "___ is a terrible class/archetype and should never be used." Constructive criticism please, not destructive...
I'm bringing a new character into a campaign in progress this weekend, and I just wanted to make sure I properly understand how the enhancement bonuses for this archetype function...
So I know that the total bonus is reduced from every 2 levels to every 2.5 levels, no issues there. As well as the fact that the actual Enhancement bonus before any special abilities is +1 per 3 levels, so again no issue there... The problem I have comes in the reading of the Enhanced Mind Armaments ability from the Armored Blade archetype...
Enhanced Mind Armaments wrote:
The armored blade’s mind armor and mind blade are improved like a standard soulknife’s mind blade, including if the armored blade creates two mind blades, except the enhancement bonus increases at a reduced rate, rather than every odd level, as indicated on Table: Mind Armament Progression. The enhancement bonus for mind armor is unaffected if the armored blade shapes two mind blades. The armored blade can select armor special abilities from the Table: Mind Armament Abilities.
Enhanced Mind Blade wrote:
A soulknife’s mind blade improves as the character gains higher levels. At 3rd level and every odd level thereafter, the mind blade gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus that she may spend on an actual enhancement bonus or on weapon special abilities. A soulknife’s level determines her maximum enhancement bonus (see Table: The Soulknife). The soulknife may (and must, when her total enhancement is higher than her maximum bonus) apply any special ability from Table: Weapon Special Abilities instead of an enhancement bonus, as long as she meets the level requirements. A soulknife can choose any combination of weapon special abilities and/or enhancement bonus enhancement bonus before assigning any special abilities. If the soulknife shapes her mind blade into two items, the enhancement bonus of her mind blade (if any) is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0). If this would reduce the enhancement bonus on the mind blades to 0 and weapon special abilities are applied, the soulknife must reshape her mind blade to make the options valid. Both mind blades have the same selection of enhancement bonus that does not exceed the total allowed by the soulknife’s level, but she must assign at least a +1 and weapon special abilities (if any). This penalty does not apply when using the Mind Shield blade skill.
The bolded parts in particular highlight the confusion... So if I have +2 total Enhancement and I form both my Mind Blade and Mind Armor, do I form them both at +2, both at +1, or blade at +1 armor at +2? At first I thought it was +1, but the line in Armored Blade about the enhancement bonus for mind armor being unaffected if I shape two blades has me questioning this... Does it simply mean if I choose to form two light or one-handed mind blades alongside the armor, that the armor wouldn't have it's enhancement bonus further reduced, or does it mean that mean that the armor's enhancement is never reduced, or what?
I would like to have a proper understanding of this before the first session with this character if at all possible...
I have been playing a character who makes regular usage of Enlarge Person on themselves lately, and am looking to add some enchantments to their ranged weapon to aid them when melee is either not an option or a terrible idea...
Now, I am well aware that projectiles revert to their original size after they leave your possession while under the effects of Enlarge Person. That is not in question one bit... however...
1) Would a Bow with the Endless Ammunition enchantment create Large arrows when affected by Enlarge Person, or would it still create Medium Arrows that are enlarged only for as long as it takes to release them?
2) If I invested in a quiver full of Resizing Arrows, would they remain enlarged after fired until 1 round later (as the enchantment states) or would they still be reverted the moment they leave my possession as a result of the Enlarge Person spell? Basically, which effect takes priority here?
3) If both of the above still result in firing Medium sized arrows, would a Resizing Bow with Endless Ammunition yield the desired result of Large sized arrows?
Is there any way to accomplish this? I ask because of the Whip-shot Deed Feat, it lists Amateur Gunslinger as an interchangeable prerequisite with grit class feature... but to my knowledge Amateur Gunslinger only allows for a 1st level deed... and since the Whip Shot deed requires the 3rd level deed Pistol Whip, I'm not sure if this is just a case of bad editing or if there is something I'm missing that can be used to gain higher level deeds with Amateur Gunslinger...
If this is possible, then it will greatly help out with a character I'm playing in a campaign, since the Gunslinger Class itself is not permitted in this campaign, but early firearms are as is the Amateur Gunslinger feat...
My DM asked me to help create some worlds and races for an upcomming campaign we're going to run. So far I've only created one race, and I wanted to run the stat block by others to get some feedback on potential balance issues.
I still have some work to do on their full lore, but here's the basics of their homeworld and the race.
Irid - Irid is a terrestrial planet with a very dense atmosphere that has been continually bombarded with radiation. Despite how inhospitable the planet should be, life has found a way to thrive here. The surface of the planet is a charred wasteland with very little surface water. However the subterranean ecosystem is surprisingly lush, a series of underground rivers and caverns traverse the majority of the planet's crust. Amidst the charred wasteland are several large cities housed under massive dome shaped energy shields. Visitors to the planet are advised to wear protective equipment at all times to avoid radiation exposure. While the shields may provide protection from the more harmful radiation from Iona, they do not protect visitors from exposure to the biological radiation of the planet's native inhabitants.
Iridii - Irid is home to a race of humanoids on the cusp of intergalactic travel known as the Iridii. This monogendered humanoid race is highly resistant to radiation but possesses a frail physique. Their marbled skin tones possess tones of Green, Purple, and Yellow, with one tone taking priority over the others. Their technological advancement experienced multiple sudden leaps leaving their technology in an odd state of some areas being far more advanced than others. Due to their natural radiation, most Iridii wear protective environmental suits when offworld not for their own protection, but rather for the protection of others.
Iridii stat block
Ability Modifiers +4 Int, +2 Cha, -2 Str, -2 Con
Hit Points 2
Size and Type
Iridii are Medium Humanoids with the Iridii subtype
Biologic Radiation
Iridii are naturally radioactive and have learned to direct that radiation into powerful bursts of energy. When in the area of Detect Radiation, an Iridii will detect as low radiation. Iridii gain the following as supernatural abilities: At will: Hazard (electricity and fire only), Energy Ray (electricity and fire only) 1/day: Irradiate (range: centered on self). Iridii are never at risk from their own radiation.
Radiation Resistant
Iridii are naturally resistant to Radiation, when subject to low radiation and radiation sickness with a DC of 13 or lower they automatically succeed their save, against radiation and radiation sickness with a DC above 13 an Iridii receive a +2 racial bonus to the saving throws.
Radiation Poisoning
A creature that hits an Iridii with a bite attack must succeed at a Fortitude save or become sickened for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is equal to 10 + half the Iridii’s level + its Constitution modifier.
Glowing Eyes
Iridii gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet and low-light vision, meaning they can see in dim light as if it were normal light.
Technological Savant
Iridii culture encourages technological study, as such they receive a +2 racial bonus to Engineering and Physical Science.
So my Pathfinder group is planning to start a Starfinder campaign sometime in the near future after we wrap up our current campaign, and I’ve been working on getting a head start on creating a character. I have settled on the mechanic class with a drone (not sure which chassis just yet)... But what I can’t seem to decide on is a race... so far I have narrowed it down to just a few options...
Android: playing heavily on the cybernetic augmentation aspect of the custom rig and using the drone as more of an extension of myself rather than a tool/companion... would be taking the Easily Augmented and Infosphere Integration ARTs if I went with this race.
Kasatha: A Nomad Kasatha with the Crew Member ART would pair up nicely for stats and bonuses with the mechanic class, and I could certainly get some extra mileage out of those extra arms...
Lashunta: a standard Damaya Lashunta seems to mesh quite well with the mechanic class, and the limited telepathy would allow for some coms free communication when necessary... also their spell like abilities would add some nice extra versatility.
Human: nothing particularly special, just an ordinary human... the extra feat and skill points could prove useful...
I've run into a bit of an abnormal situation, and am not 100% sure how the rules would apply in this situation.
If a character has a Tail Slap attack from race, no other natural attacks, I know it is treated as Primary with 1.5x STR if it is their only natural attack but otherwise is a Secondary with .5x STR (as tail slaps are normally secondary).
Now, if said character were to obtain a claw attack via an item, would simply wearing the item turn their tail slap back into a Secondary attack with .5x STR, or would it only change if the claw attack is used?
I was looking into options for a level dip I have to take for a character I'm making for a future campaign, when I noticed the wording on the Warpriest Sacred Weapon ability...
Sacred Weapon wrote: At 1st level, weapons wielded by a warpriest are charged with the power of his faith. In addition to the favored weapon of his deity, the warpriest can designate a weapon as a sacred weapon by selecting that weapon with the Weapon Focus feat; if he has multiple Weapon Focus feats, this ability applies to all of them. Whenever the warpriest hits with his sacred weapon, the weapon damage is based on his level and not the weapon type. The damage for Medium warpriests is listed on Table 1–14; see the table below for Small and Large warpriests. The warpriest can decide to use the weapon’s base damage instead of the sacred weapon damage—this must be declared before the attack roll is made. (If the weapon’s base damage exceeds the sacred weapon damage, its damage is unchanged.) This increase in damage does not affect any other aspect of the weapon, and doesn’t apply to alchemical items, bombs, or other weapons that only deal energy damage. The bolded portion in particular is what caught my eye... does this mean that Sacred Weapon always applies to your Deity's favored weapon even if you didn't select it for Weapon Focus? So for example, if I chose Weapon Focus (Shield Spikes) and had my Deity's favored weapon as my primary weapon, would I get to apply the effects of Sacred Weapon to both at level 1 without the need to take Weapon Focus with my Deity's favored weapon?
Ok, so I have been wondering for a while now, how exactly these are actually meant to interact...
Hunter's Surprise wrote: Once per day, a rogue with this talent can designate a single enemy she is adjacent to as her prey. Until the end of her next turn, she can add her sneak attack damage to all attacks made against her prey, even if she is not flanking it or it is not flat-footed. Sneaky wrote: This special ability can be placed only on a melee weapon. Once per day as a free action, the wielder of a sneaky weapon can designate a single foe within his melee reach as his prey. If the wielder has the sneak attack class feature, he adds his sneak attack damage to the next attack he makes against his prey, even if the wielder is not flanking and the target is not denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, as long as that attack is made before the end of the wielder’s next turn. If the wielder is a rogue or slayer with the hunter’s surprise talent, he can use that talent one additional time per day. From the way it reads it sounds as if by wielding a Sneaky weapon and having the Hunter's Surprise talent I'd get 2 uses of Hunter's Surprise AND 1 use of the Sneaky weapon ability. Is this correct? It doesn't say it replaces the initially effect, so I assume this is a correct interpretation... Additionally, if I were to wield 2 Sneaky weapons would they both increase my uses of Hunter's Surprise yielding 3 uses per day?
I’m playing a character in a campaign who recently gained a torble as a familiar and it has come to my attention that unlike all other familiars the creature entry for the torble does not include a feat. Does the Torble Familiar still qualify to have a feat with it’s first HD?
After posting a suggestion of a Kobold Bloodrager/Dragon Disciple/Rage Prophet in another topic, I had the idea to actually try to flesh out the build idea as a possible character for a future campaign... and thought I'd ask here for some advice on smoothing out some of the build.
What I have in mind so far is as follows
Kobold Alternate Racial Traits: Day Raider, Gliding Wings, Dragonmaw
Primalist Bloodrager 4 Levels
Bloodline: Draconic
Rage Powers at 4th: Moment of Clarity, Brawler
Oracle 1 Level
Mystery: Dragon
Revelation: Draconic Resistances or Dragon Senses
Curse: Hunger
Dragon Disciple 5 Levels
Bloodline Feats: Power Attack, Toughness
Rage Prophet 10 Levels
Leveling Feats: Tail Terror, Mad Magic, Scaled Disciple, Weapon Focus [Claws], Feral Combat Training [Claws], Dragon Style, Stunning Fist, Dragon Ferocity, +2 more
As it stands this would result in a 9th Level Draconic Bloodline (13th with Robe of Arcane Heritage); 15th Level Rage Powers, Revelation, & Curse; +4 to Str (negating Kobold's -4 to Str); +6 Morale to Str & Con when Bloodraging; -1/+3 Power Attack on Claws & Bite with -1/+1 Power Attack on Tail Slap; and 14th level Oracle spell casting (Dragon Disciple progresses Oracle spellcasting via Scaled Disciple feat).
I'd really love to get that 6th Level of Dragon Disciple for 1d6 elemental damage on my Bite and a +2 to Con (negating Kobold's -2 to Con), but I can't get both Dragon Disciple 6 & Rage Prophet 10 since both require a minimum of 5 levels prior, and between the two, getting Greater Rage is a better pay off...
I'm tempted to add in Weapon Focus [Tail] & Feral Combat Training [Tail] just to bump my Tail's damage up to 2xStr from ½Str, though it's Power Attack bonus would remain -1/+1 due to it still being a secondary attack. I know Dragon Ferocity will only apply 2xStr on the first "unarmed strike" each round, so if I took this route, I'd be opening with my Tail Slap for 2xStr then following up with Claws at 1½xStr. And since I only get up to +14 BAB my Power Attack caps out at -4/+8, this would come close to evening out my damage at max level (+30 Primary & +28 Secondary vs +30 Primary & +10 Secondary).
My main concerns with this though is I'm not quite sure that the Dragon Style feat chain is really worth it for this build, it's a rather heafty feat investment for an already feat starved build and locks my 2nd rage power selection to Brawler for Improved Unarmed Strike, effectively restricting both of my Rage Powers to filling prerequisites and nothing else.
any advice or suggestions?
A very simple, yet a bit odd question regarding Improved Familiars... Can I choose to pick my Improved Familiar at a later level from when I took the feat, or must I choose my new familiar at that moment?
Like for example:
Let's say I were wanting to pick Devil, imp consular as my improved familiar, it has a effective wizard level requirement of 8. Could I take Improved Familiar at 7th level and then get my free instant familiar change later at level 8 or would I need to wait and get the feat at 9th?
To continue the discussion from this thread: https://paizo.com/threads/rzs42vzi?Tail-Terror-Best-class-options, in the appropriate Rules Questions board as to allow that thread to get back on track.
Are attacks made with Kobold Tail Attachments considered Natural Attacks or Manufactured Weapon Attacks?
So far there doesn't seem to be a general consensus either direction on this topic. The weapons description is rather confusing on it's intended usage. It clearly labels it as a Light Weapon, but many argue that since it states that it augments the Tail Slap attack that it still functions as a Natural Weapon.
Personally I'm of the firm belief that it does in fact get treated as a manufactured weapon in the same way that the Catfolk Claw Blades are, as they share the same sort of wording. I have seen a general consensus that Claw Blades are treated in fact as Manufactured Weapons, but the arguments I've seen to the contrary for Kobold Tail Attachments would similarly favor treating Claw Blades as natural attacks still.
Both state that they augment or enhance a specific natural attack, and both reclassify the weapon type from natural weapon to light weapon. Neither of them explicitly state that you no longer make a natural attack or that you use them as a manufactured weapon when equipped. I see no reason why one should be treated differently than the other when the wording on them both would imply they share the same functional usage.
I'm working on a character concept for the next campaign I'm a part in. The concept is actually an unusual pair of Twins, one an Aasimar the other a Tiefling. I intend to use the Instructor Wizard archetype to have both in play from 1st Level, however what I'm looking for some advice on is more to do with racial options.
Conceptual Idea is that their mother was a Succubus and their Father any sort of Celestial being, likely a fallen angel, or even perhaps an Aasimar himself. I'd like to have some options that reflect their heritage particularly that of their mother's as a Succubus. Be it Alternate Racial Traits, Variant Heritages, Feats, or even class/archetype options.
Just wondering what my options are to accomplish this. Since obviously, the Aasimar doesn't inherently have and demonic options (besides Lost Promise which requires Evil alignment), and the Tiefling seems to lack a clear option for a Succubus-kin.
I'm looking at making an Instructor Wizard in the next campaign I'm a part of, however I've got a couple questions regarding the apprentice and it's progression.
1) At level 1 the Instructor starts with an 1st level Commoner as an Apprentice, does their Apprentice advance to 2nd level Commoner when they attain enough XP to level up, or are they locked as a 1st level Commoner until after the Instructor reaches 3rd level?
2) At 3rd level when the Apprentice becomes a 1st Level Wizard, does this replace a level of Commoner or is it added in addition to their Commoner level(s)?
3) I know the Apprentice must take the same Arcane spell school as the Instructor, however is the Apprentice eligible to select a different subschool? For example, if the Instructor has Illusion as their spell school (no subschool) can the Apprentice be Illusion with the Shadow subschool?
4) Can the Apprentice take a wizard Archetype, so long as it keeps it's spell school?
5) After 3rd level, is the Apprentice eligible to take levels outside of Wizard or must all of it's levels be in Wizard?
6) Does the Apprentice continue to advance if the Instructor takes levels outside of Wizard?
7) If the answer to 5 &/or 6 is no, does that change after 7th Level if the Instructor takes the Leadership feat?
8) The Apprentice ability says that the Apprentice never gains item creation feats, I assume this also prevents them from obtaining Scribe Scroll at 1st Level Wizard as well, or is that line meant to pertain only to their selection of Bonus Feats at every 5th Level? If it does also prevent obtaining Scribe Scroll, then does the Scribe Scroll bonus feat class feature simply become a dead class feature for them?
I was looking over the Elemental Familiar Archetype for a character and am a bit confused as to how the Elemental Manifestation ability is actually supposed to function if Fire is the chosen element.
Elemental Manifestation (Ex) wrote: An elemental familiar gains one or more special abilities based on its element. An air familiar gains a fly speed of 20 feet (good maneuverability); an air familiar that already has a fly speed instead improves its maneuverability by one category or increases its fly speed by 10 feet. An air familiar is considered three size categories larger than its actual size when calculating whether it can be moved by wind. An earth familiar increases the natural armor bonus it gains from its master’s class level by 50% (minimum +1). A fire familiar can spit a globule of fire as a ranged touch attack once every 1d4 rounds; this attack has a range of 30 feet and deals 1d4 fire damage for every 3 character levels the master has. A water familiar can breathe underwater and gains a swim speed of 20 feet; a water familiar that already has a swim speed instead increases its swim speed by 10 feet. A water familiar also gains a bonus to its CMD when resisting bull rush, drag, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers; this bonus is equal to the natural armor adjustment gained from its master’s level.
This replaces improved evasion.
How is this meant to function? The way I see it there are 4 possibilities on how this functions.
1) Unusable until Lv3, where it then deals 1d4 damage
2) Deals minimum 1 damage (possibly nonlethal even) until Lv3, where it then deals 1d4 damage
3) Deals 1d4 damage until level 6, where it then increases to 2d4, no increase at level 3
4) Deals 1d4 damage until level 3, where it then increases to 2d4
I'm looking for both a RAW and RAI on this... I'm sure RAW is probably option 1 or 2, and RAI might be 2 or 3...
So, I've been trying for the last week to find a rules clarification on the interaction between the Shaman hybrid classes 16th level Nature True Spirit Ability and the Halfling Shaman Favored Class bonus.
Would the favored class bonus affect only those abilities normally granted to familiars and their archetypes, or would it also extend into the animal companion abilities it gains at 16th level? If it does extend into the animal companion abilities, what all would it actually affect?