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Hi all,

So my daughter has the Merchantman ship at Shark Island. My character is at the Floating Shipyard.

So is she on the ship right now during her turn at her location and on my turn I am not on the ship at my location? Trying to understand pg 17 ("commanding and moving ships") in the rule book.


Third Base

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Vic Wertz wrote:
Wyphy wrote:
I dunno, I just kind of feel like it's now just turned into a big cash grab...
When people are asking for more, offering them more isn't what I call a "cash grab"—it's what I call "doing things right."

Amen, Vic! Amen!

Good golly, Miss Molly - I cannot believe that people would complain about a monthly release schedule. Here's a thought: if you can't buy a particular pack, just wait til you can! Or, ask some of your game group to chip in. Or, throw a few of the packs on your birthday or holiday gift list.

Of course, we want more expansions and content for a phenomenal game. For goodness sake, no one is forcing you to buy them all the second they come out. It's not like these are limited edition products.

Wouldn't you rather have the option of buying more add-ons than being forced to wait for the new ones?!

And to call it a "cash grab" is absurd. Heaven forbid the Paizo team trys to make a profit or gets increased capital to invest more into the game (or other new products). A monthly release schedule for an insanely popular new game makes complete business sense.

Mike and Vic: Loyal gamers here in Arizona are rejoicing at this news. You picked a perfect, new campaign setting and a killer release schedule. Congrats on the much deserved success.


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Hi Guys,

I thought I would share my leveling up of Valeros through Skinsaw Murders so far (which has been an absolute blast).

My Valeros (playing with Lini) through Burnt Offerings...

Str: put my first skill point here.
Char: put my second skill point here.
Hand Size 5: put my first power feat here.
Card List: put it in allies.

Notes: the first strength bump was a no brainer but that d10+4 on combat when combined with recharging weapons makes Valeros just a thumper (so another boost hasn't been needed). I love getting allies so Charisma was a natural upgrade for me. Hand size to five was also a no-brainer.


Then we moved onto Skinsaw Murders...

Hand Size 6: put my second power feat here.
Char: put my second skill point here.

Notes: Lini just hasn't needed anything more than a d4 from Valeros. He also has two magic ranged weapons so we are typically at different locations (because I can give her a 1d4 as needed). The second skill point was really tough choice for me. I kicked around Dexterity but Valeros rarely uses it (even with those magic bows). My combat melee attacks are still wicked heavy with that discard power so Strength still seemed overkill. Allies often let me go again so I put that second skill point into Charisma. Not sure if I did the right thing though. Hmmmmmm.

His deck to date:
W: Deathbane Crossbow +1, Flaming Mace +1, Heavy Pick +1, Longbow +1, Scythe+1

A: Magic Half-Plate x2, Deathbane Shield
I: Masterwork Tools, Staff of Minor Healing
A: Brodert Quink, Father Zantus, Poog
B: Gorum, BOG x2

Would love to hear how you guys have been leveling Valeros through Skinsaw Murders if you care to share.


Ben (and Abby)