
ChazzAtron5000's page

Organized Play Member. 18 posts (484 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 aliases.

7 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Subject says it, here's the wording that makes it questionable (paraphrasing for brevity):

Trick Attack
As a full action you can move then make an attack...

Deadly Aim
When you take the attack or full attack action...

It might be mincing words, but Deadly Aim specifies when it can be used in such a way that though one could reason by RAI Deadly Aim can be used in conjunction with Trick Attack, RAW doesn't support it.

Another example: As Deadly Aim in Starfinder doesn't discriminate between ranged and melee weapons as it did in Pathfinder; RAI could suggest that Deadly Aim works with the Charge action.

A full action that allows you to move up to double your speed and make a melee attack at the end of the movement.

However, RAW for Deadly Aim specifies only the attack or full attack actions - both Trick Attack and Charge are special full actions of their own.

While I can see it argued either way, I do believe it requires clarification since Starfinder is new, the intention of the rules is still more in flux. It could be a purposeful thing, or merely an oversight in wording as seen in the FAQ so far (ie, a Mechanic's Custom Rig acting as a MK1 comms device but the Equipment section having different comms device distinctions).

Another place for out of character discussion if you get lost on the FB chat.

Once I get read up on the first part of the adventure and your backgrounds, I'll write up some nice flavor text to start things up. For now, I'm just starting the thread and posting the character creation rules in case you forgot.

- Race: Goblin
- 20 point build
- 3 traits, one has to be racial
- 2 extra skill points per level
- HP after first level will be half plus roll the other half, like 1d8 will be 1d4+4 (this will be the same for animal companions and eidolons)
- Max GP for first level

New Goblin racial trait:
Mutation - Due to an unexplained genetic and/or behavioral and/or magical experiment, you no longer suffer a -2 to charisma. However, the experiment took its toll on your mind, so you suffer a -2 to wisdom instead.