Charles Schroder's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


Mike (Qstor),

I sent you an e-mail from about potential gaming with my son and your group. Thanks!


Kheled, where in PG do you live? Thanks for the advice DeathQuaker. The owner of the Family Game Store did say they would work with any new players looking for a game and during the time the other game was going (4-7 pm, Sat), there was some room at their tables so I believe Kheled and his wife and my son and I would have room. I can be reached at if you want to try and arrange something at Savage Mills or somewhere else.


I just bought the beginner's box today as well. My son and I were interested in playing and went to the Family Game Store in Savage Mills yesterday as they were advertising a Pathfinder game from 4 to 7 pm. Unfortunately they already had 8 players so we're still looking. Games Comics and Stuff is a nice store in Glen Burnie so I'll probably check there next but in the meantime I bought the beginner's box so I can try it with my son. Good luck and let me know if anyone finds anything! We're in Columbia, MD.