Cruel Instructor

Chaos Monk's page

13 posts. Alias of asdffghjkl01.


Grand Archive

caps wrote:
Chaos Monk wrote:

Just curious if anyone does PbP mostly from mobile. I like to check threads on my phone but it always seems like a pain to do any player or GM posts without a keyboard and mouse.

Any suggestions for PbP being more mobile friendly?

I have been playing PbP almost exclusively on mobile from my phone for years now. I posted some advice in this post and some following ones on setting up push notifications and the like to make reading better; more importantly the tips I gave there make managing "which posts do I still need to reply to" much better than just using Paizo's site (where IMO it is easy to read a thread and then forget you need to go back and add a post of your own).

For GMing, which I have done very little of, I recommend creating a "template" for GM posts in combat with all the spoiler tags and formatting. Put the template in a Google Keep note (or Evernote or Google docs, or whatever) and then copy paste it and edit for the moment. If I recall correctly I usually duplicated my base template to create a template per table with the PC names already there. For a longer combat you could duplicate *that* one and populate it with the initiative order.

I would think for GMing that a good pdf reader app would be a must. I recommend Xodo for being blazing fast and having a good interface for interacting with Paizo's very well bookmarked PDFs.

Thanks, that was the type of information I was looking for. The first thing I did when I started playing PbP was figure out how to get some form of notification for thread posts. I ended up using something that sent me an email whenever there was a new post in a thread.

Grand Archive

Just curious if anyone does PbP mostly from mobile. I like to check threads on my phone but it always seems like a pain to do any player or GM posts without a keyboard and mouse.

Any suggestions for PbP being more mobile friendly?

Grand Archive

Thanks CyberMephit! I find the notes and stuff a little clunky but I definitely like it being mobile friendly and how the characters can chat. One of my favorite features is the languages and that it can auto translate for players fluent in the appropriate languages. I haven't found the timer feature for rolls but that sounds awesome as do secret rolls.

Would you be interested in joining my quest 2 on it as our expert to help us along with features?

Grand Archive

This is for my Role Gate run of Quest 2.

Grand Archive

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Oh right, I forgot mythweavers had one.

From my quick skimming it seems like a great platform for the game although it's in-app map system doesn't seem very useful.

I'm considering running a game on it to test it out but I'm going to skim through it some more first

Grand Archive

Has anyone tried the Rolegate format of PbP games? Over the years, I've really only seen Paizo Boards, Discord, and Boardgamegeek.

Grand Archive

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Definitely! The point of running games is to have fun and let players play, the stars are just a bonus prize for offering games instead of playing them. If you don't like GM-ing, you shouldn't do it just to collect stars.

Grand Archive

I want to point out that the seek action is versus the creatures stealth DC (stealth bonus +10) it is not based on what they roll when they choose to stealth (which is against perception DCs). I can't be sure if this is being done of course, but it's very easy to make a mistake on

Grand Archive

It's a single boss type enemy so that seems pretty standard. Single opponents tend to be about 3 levels higher than the PCs

Grand Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Dennis Muldoon wrote:
GM Dennis wrote:

Speaking of Quests....

Now recruiting for the quest I wrote, PFS Quest 7: A Curious Claim (level 3-6, non-repeatable). If you're interested, please sign up on THIS SHEET. Recruitment is open until Tuesday, at which point I'll randomly select a table and get us started.

Still room for 3 more!

Well, I'm not going to turn down a chance to play a quest run by its author.

Grand Archive

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I'm curious if Monk Stances have "handedness" intentionally. For example, Wolf Style calls out "with your hands held like fanged teeth" and Tangled Forest Stance says "You extend your arms like gnarled branches to interfere with your foes’ movements." I, of course, understand the flavor behind such verbiage, but does this mean you cannot use your feet, elbow, or head to make Wolf Jaw or Lashing Branch attacks from those stances respectively?

A clearer example question would be: If I'm holding a two-handed weapon and in say, Wolf Stance (with your hands held like fanged teeth), can I swing my two-handed weapon then use my Wolf Jaw attacks with my feet/elbows/head?

I'm just not sure if those words ("hands/arms") were chosen specifically to limit limb usage, or were just flavor text that might be unintentionally limiting monks.

Grand Archive

It is repeatable!

Grand Archive

I'm interested! Trying to find a good 2e profile template. I swear I just saw one being discussed, but I can't seem to find where it is.