Centarius |
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Eh. I think it was more like ..
Hype: You get a car!
Expectation: It's going to be a great sports car with all the perks!
Actual Product: It's a Ford Focus.
Customers: #%@%^#^#%$&
Reply: We said it'd be a car, we never promised what type.
I think that's a bit of an over simplification and not entirely accurate. I don't think it's necessarily wrong for paying customers to expect quality content, in fact it should be the standard. When I read a customer's grievances with the class, I see people who were genuinely let down by the quality of the content provided. The Shifter was seen as the main appeal of the entire book, and it was marketed as such. Remember that new classes don't come out nearly as often as the other features presented in the book, so this was a big deal for many loyal fans.
If a company made a product that did not meet the standards of the general consumers, then they did something wrong. I'm not saying to go after them with torches and pitch forks, no far from it, but it should be entirely within our rights as consumers to talk, discuss, debate, and review content like this so that people coming in get a good idea of what they are buying.