The Scribbler

Cenobyte's page

43 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Hey everyone,

I am running ROTRL with my gaming group and we are just starting book 5. After finishing that AP I will have a high level cleric inform the characters that the Torc of Kostchchsdgafgksdlfkseie needs to be gathered from Irrisen to stop the rising of another runelord, so we will at first play the Witchwar Legacy and after that something i wrote up myself. But we will do that only after the characters which will reach Level 17 after hopefully stopping Karzoug have had some time to spend for themselves. Meaning: We will probably return to that storyarch in about 2 years from now on.
The time between that will be spend on the Serpents Skull AP, which reads really great so far. But after reading all the fluff in the books released so far the age old installment Labyrinth of Madness popped into my mind not only as a literally killer adventure, but also as one using the serpentfolk and their mythology. Converting the AD&D adventure to follow up to that AP seems to really fit storywise, so i guess i will give it a try.
First i will try to modify the rules for the traps and monsters in Labyrinth and work on the story later, when Sanctum of the Serpent God is out.

Now have to read through LoM again and will then start converting. Any Feedback (be it wishes, ideas, curses or rotten tomatoes) in advance will be taken into consideration.
As a graphics guy i will probably also make some new illustrations and edit the maps and handouts. Looking forward to this! :D

I know there is a thread in the archive concerning LoM, but the project seems to have dies before it started, so this is a fresh new start.

Cainus wrote:
Cenobyte wrote:
Cainus wrote:
Cainus wrote:

I've seen the stuff on d20pfsrd and there's not much there for those two adventures.

If anyone has and cares to share, or direct me to a place I can find it it would be very appreciated.


Extremely hopeful bump.
Also bumping this. Has anyone else converted these and is willing to share?

Hey Cenobyte, I've done a bunch of converting for Sins. Post an email address and I'll send it to you.

It's a little rough and ready but it works.

Hope you are still reading this (is there no "e-mail this user" or "direct message" function on this board?) - the mailadress would be ceno/ät/headblast/döt/de. Thank you!

ziltmilt wrote:
Cenobyte wrote:


Have the stats of the Sins of the Saviors and The spires of Xin Shalast already been converted too?


<a href= /pf-05-sins-of-the-saviors> pfsrd </a>

Well not really with

Eryalla, Lelyrin, Voivod, and Zevashala
Highlady Athroxis
Nelevetu Voan
The Simulacrum
Sinspawn Axeman
Warrior of Wrath
Xyoddin Xerriock & the
Iron Archer
missing. :(

Well okay. I guess I'll give it a try myself.

Cainus wrote:
Cainus wrote:

I've seen the stuff on d20pfsrd and there's not much there for those two adventures.

If anyone has and cares to share, or direct me to a place I can find it it would be very appreciated.


Extremely hopeful bump.

Also bumping this. Has anyone else converted these and is willing to share?

Have the stats of the Sins of the Saviors and The spires of Xin Shalast already been converted too?

Abraham spalding wrote:
Complete agreement with MerrikCale on killing them first.

Yup... sounds a good situation for the good old burning piano falling down on the PCs from outer space. ;)

Actually - I gues it would be the duty of your players to make this work. You provide the story, and they make something out of it. If they start to ruin the game, forbid it, or really: kill them, to teach them not to start such crap again. The alignments give you some cool ideas on how to behave in certain situations but as long as you are not a paladin, nothing is set in stone. Also... maybe one of the players would like to overthink his alignment again. I mean, just talk to the guys, maybe you can simply deal something out? Wouldn't lawful neutral also do it for the evil fighter?

Wow... okay. That's alot of input. Thanks a lot to everyone in advance. Will try to answer everyones postings now.

Just one thing: We just finished a campaign that was very encounter-heavy. I guess the next campaign will include far more EXP for roleplaying and the like than for wiping out the orc population of a continent. So I can "afford" to play a summoner, that is not that spoiled through to the end, and that's actually what I want to do.
One end of the forum currently complains the Summoner is too weak, the other half wants to see the Eidolon nerfed. I guess the main problem with the Eidolon is, that most of you guys have a really impressive insight to the rules. I as a casual gamer read through the rules of the Eidolon and honestly, it would take me days to figure out how hard the quadruped-pounce-multiplearms build really is. And if I do... well I would NOT play it, because it somehow looks nearly like an exploit. I am a tournament player, when it comes to tabletops. I write army lists, to win and grind my opponents into the ground and I am looking for the hardest stuff here and am not gentleman enough to not exploit rulebugs... but when playing pathfinder, i am playing in a noncompetitive environment. I am not playing to win here, but to have fun. I am a little fluffbunny, that is just there for a good time. I am here to ask if it is possible to build something that fits the miniature and the idea of the little bugger I have in my head, that will work. The only thing I do not want to do is build up a character for months and months just to realize he can't keep up in the encounters. Because even when those are only a small part of the actual game, they are a fun one in which i want to participate in a good, not borken way.

I am really impressed by the insight you guys have into the whole complex rulesset, that's why I am here to ask. Each time i come here i learn tons of new stuff and gather great ideas for playing. But i do not really want to optimize to the last bit, just build something that's fun to play. :)

Just explaining myself, where I come from and why I want to do stuff the way I do it. Everyone plays the game the way it offers the most fun for him, in this campaign, with this character I just want my biped Eidolon with sword and shield if there is any decent way to make it work. ;)

deadman wrote:

Yep, there is no prereq for the feat so you can take it whenever. Really all I would do for the AC is just make sure he has Mage armor on him. If you want to bump it up further you can cast Barkskin on him as well. They both have good and decent durations (hour/lvl & 10 min/lvl respectively).

Then I would get the SR evolution with those four free evolution points. Since he is flying around I suspect that his main concern is going to be him being targeted by spells. And if you get it at 9th level the first level you can get it, he will have a minimum of SR 20. It increases from there on.

Okay i guess taking the Feat for using a sword is set now. Spell Resistance sounds cool. If the Eidolon will really be soaring on the Battleground and not just swooping around from foe to foe, the spell resistance idea is a great one, because it minimizes weaknesses. I like that one. Thanks. Also Barnskin is noted.

james maissen wrote:

Yes and no.
I think that you are looking at the mechanics to draw a line in the sand here. That a 10 doesn't give modifiers one way or the other is just the base line.

If instead it gave a -2 and that 14 stats were the base line would you want a 14 WIS?

Hey if it doesn't fit the character then certainly don't do it. But if you want your gnome to be less attentive than normal then you WANT a lower WIS than 10. It fits the smart charismatic but unaware archetype that you are seeing in him.

I would look at the following for stats:
STR 5 (-4pts)
INT 14 (5 pts)
WIS 8 (-2pts)
DEX 12 (2pts)
CON 16 (5pts)
CHA 20 (17pts)

Which gives you 2pts to play with. You could raise the STR back to a 6, the WIS back to a 10, the CON back up to a 17 or a 9WIS 13DEX.

The later has the advantage that you will actually qualify for Dodge, which you mentioned wanting to take.

Of course you could lower the CHA to a 19 and have 4 more points to play with, but I would start with the CHA at a 20 and see what is worth giving that up for..


Beaten to it. I guess you are right. I will take the build

STR 5 (-4pts)
INT 14 (5 pts)
WIS 9 (-1pts)
DEX 13 (3pts)
CON 16 (5pts)
CHA 20 (17pts)

you made up, so i can take Dodge, when I want to. Will see if i pump my ability score increases into Charisma, or if i take one additional point of DEX for one more point of AC and more Initiative or pump up the CON even more. Guess the first point into DEX would really make sense.

Riku Riekkinen wrote:

Yes Claws on Limbs (Legs) give 2 extra attacks on your build. They are at -5 from sword attack however (-2 after multiattack).

I will think about that, but when i count this as just kicking someone or slicing them with the little blades attached to the sides of the legs, i guess this would suffice. These attacks get better with the multiattack feat then? Sorry for then stupid questions about the attacks, but I am not really getting hoe the mix of monster attacks and normal attacks works here. Which attacks gets which attack boni, which ones do more ore less damage and aaaaargh... ;) Guess if have to read through that again completely...

mdt wrote:

You might want to consider dropping maker's call, it's not really all that good. It only gives you a bonus on your eidelon for 10 minutes after you summon it. So unless you plan on banishing him every 10 minutes and resummoning him (which is going to get old really fast), it's kind of a waste as a feat. I would suggest going with your other feats (dodge is a good one, as it ups YOUR AC).

I was thinking about working with the SLA to summon monster and summon the Eidolon through the spell "Summon Eidolon". This is a conjuration spell, so if I get the rules right, Augment Summoning should add to it, as well as Summoner's Call. That wouldn't let the Eidolon stay around, but it would certainly for an encounter, as it already stays 12 rounds on level 1 and I am still able to summon monsters through my SLA, right? I know this has some serious disadvantages, as the Eidolon will not stick around until slain, but I hope this is a possibility to use both, the SLA and the Eidolon. Actually i choose to play a Summoner months ago, when the first Beta came out and i fell somehwat in love with the concept, so i am afraid, to let that go... (you know... the first idea was throwing little red and white metal balls on the ground when using the Summon Monster SLA and shouting stuff like "I CHOOSE YOU, CELESTIAL DIRE BOAR!", which i dropped by now, because it would be too goofy ;P ).

But i guess someone will now explain me why exactly that won't work. :|

Pinky's Brain wrote:

So something a little more helpful. If your DM doesn't allow reach on the sword attack, and you want it mainly for AoOs, why not just use a bite attack? (Not really more incompatible with the mini than clawed feet.) With the bite evolution taken twice it will probably do more damage than your sword to begin with on AoOs (because of the 1-1/2 strength, it works as a primary attack on an AoO).

If you then take Grab and your AoO hits you can grapple the opponent and keep him from moving ... which is actually more effective than hitting him with your sword (just release him as a free action on the Eidolon's turn).

I guess it won't be a problem to take reach with the sword. I like the idea of letting the Eidolon bite, but I have no idea how that would actually work.

I guess I have pretty set ideas on the looks and attack mechanics, although the slicing with the legs that Riku pointed out, sounds pretty nifty. I am a graphics guy and when I have an idea in my head i am just trying to make it work... ;)
To see what kind of nerd about the ideas I am... here is a digital painting i started a month ago. Currently only the background and underpainting is done, not the Eidolon or the Summoner are in any way complete...

(this is another never finished painting from my last character... using 3.5 rules this was Ulfgar a Barbarian/Fighter/Frenzied Berserker, now Level 20 and retired after saving the world... :P - this guy was pretty straightforward in what he did. Hitting people with a two handed axe. Leap Attack+Supreme Power Attack for the win! ;) That's why i need a fun-character now.)

Thanks a lot to everyone who participated in fleshing out my idea so far! I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this!


Riku Riekkinen wrote:

Couple of things...

1. Reach has to applied to a certain attack. Like Serpentine forms Reach (Bite). Also since it must be applied to an attack, it can't applied to Limbs (hands). If I were GM, I could be speaked to allow to take reach for each invidual arm also ( = Reach (Right Arm) for example ). Reach weapon is also a good chice until your eidolon grows to Large.

2. Did you know that you can also apply Claws to Limbs (Legs)?

3. Flight can't be taken until level 5

1. Ouch. Well okay, i guess my GM will let me do it none the less. Would make sense anyway.

2. No... so that are basically 2 free attacks in my current build, without having to change anything, right?

3. D'oh! Okay. Have to exchange some evolutions then. Will have to do that anyway, when i take Exotic Weapon Proficiency "Bastardsword" as a Feat to save those 4 Evolution Points.


Cenobyte wrote:
The Eidolon can not wear Armor, right?

It suffers the armor check penalties to attacks also, if it does. It can start taking Armor feats, but its easier just to cast Mage Armor on it (Mage Armor doesn't stack with normal armor as both give armor bonus)

Makes sense. Good call. So Mage Armor and Shield it is.


Cenobyte wrote:
But i can wield a magical sword and shield


Armed eidolon doesn't pay off until it gets magical weapons and shield (Eidolon can also benefit from Shield spell BTW). However I think its good enough for play and don't want to show my munchking side ;)

Okay. As i guess noone in the group will be interested in Shields or Large Bastard Swords, I guess the Eidolon could luck out a little here and there.

Thanks a lot for your feedback!

Riku Riekkinen wrote:
Also I would note that Summoner does a lot less actual summoning than it sounds. Mostly he just buffs his party members and his eidolon. Your groups wizard and cleric both get better summoning spells than you. So I would not start by taking Spell Focus (conjuration) & Augment Summoning. I would take Improved Initiative first and then see how much summoning I actully do, before using feats to that direction.

I appreciate your feedback a lot mate. That's some great input you have there for me. I will go through the single points now and would really like to hear you second thought on that. I guess our Wizard and Cleric will not Summon anything with their characters as it does not fit tehir play styles and i am sure they also do not want to start doing something my character should do well. So even if my SUmmons will not be the best possible, i guess they will none the less be the only ones. We are a very idealistic group of players with each player adding to the other ones archetype.

Our Wizard will be an Elf with very high perception stats. We are not playing premade adventures, we are even playing in an own world our GM wrote more than 15 years ago, and that ever grew from there on, called "The Nine Seas". I hope this guy will be enough to help with the traps. Otherwise our own scepticism will have to do. Or our Warrior will have to try the "ROGAR - OF COURSE!"-Method, The Gamers employed. ;)

deadman wrote:
IMO if you know your going to be using martial weapons, then it would be better to just get the Martial Weapon Proficiency feat. 1 feat frees up 4 evolution points. AC is going be a problem if he is targeted. Luckily he is flying around so it just depends on how annoying the DM thinks it is. lol. The eidolon is using just one weapon right?

Correct, yes he is. Plan was Broadsword and Shield. So I could simply take Martial Weapon Proficiency as a Feat and not take it via the Evolution tree? That could be interesting.

Any hints on how to bump up the AC? Maybe i can find a magical shield or something, but i wouldn't count on that too early on.

james maissen wrote:

WIS gives WILL saves & Perception checks, both of which you can elect to do without. That does beg the question then.. why the 10WIS?

You can certainly afford the 20CHA to start.

It is okay, when the Gnome does not have any high perception stats. I want him to be a little... how do I say that... inattentive. Childlike. So not having a high Will Save is okay too. I use WIS 10, because i do not want negative Stats in a non-corporeal Ability Score. Actually i only took a low strength, because it fits the character. I want him to be puny, but a tough little bugger. his Charisma is high enough, so maybe i can make him be good at some Social Stats. I like the idea of having physical weaknesses on the Gnome himself, but i guess by taking a low stat in either WIS or INT makes him somewhat... strange.

Does that make any sense?

Hi everyone. Thanks for the feedback so far.

Well, the odd number in CON surely is something to think about. 16 might be enough for CON. It is a point buy, epic fantasy, so 25 points. What would I need Wisdom for? The CHA Stat is odd, because putting it even higher would be too expensive and that way i can reach 20 at level the first ability score increase.

As for the Eidolon... i really know quadruped and pounce is a very strong build, but assuming I really want to go biped - what would be the way to go?

Hey everyone,

I hope i got the correct forum here for that kind of question. Have to start with an excuse - english is not my native language, so please excuse any weird formulations or typos. ;)
A lot of input here, but I am a little lost and really glad for any help or hints you guys can offer.
After having seen the final PDF of the APG, I am trying to generate a build for a summoner for our upcoming campaign. The campaign will be epic fantasy, not too munchkinesque, but I do not want to get stuck with a character, that doesn't work and - even more important - i do not want to build and paint my miniatures, in a way, that actually won't play well. ;)


I will be playing am male gnome. According to my plan the main stats including the gnome template will be:
STR 6, DEX 12, CON 17, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 19

This should make up a strong caster and a though little bugger, what help with the Damage Sharing with the Eidolon. Alignment will be Chaotic Good, so i will be summoning with the celestial template.

The miniature I will be using is this one:
from Enigma Miniatures. That is Snæfellsjökull - Gnome Extrordinaire, World-Famous-Traveller, Hero

Feats I thought that would be worth taking are
LVL1 Spellfocus Conjuration
LVL3 Augment Summoning
LVL5 Summoner's Call
After that in no particular order:
Improved Initiative, Dodge, Mobility, Combat Casting

Anything else I should consider? With only having 6 Spellranks the Metamagic Feats seem a little too unaffordable Spell-Rank-wise. Especially with all the new feats I am afraid I am missing something here. Can't be that there are so few feats worth taking for a pure casting summoner, can it?


Snæfellsjökull will be accompanied by his trusty Eidolon Bárðarbunga (if anyone wonders how I came up with these weird names, check wikipedia for icelandic volcanoes, tons of fun! ;)). But you guys can call them Snæfell and Bunga. ;)

For Bárðarbunga i wanted to use this Miniature:
from Anima Tactics - i came up with the idea inspired by the Final Fantasy Bestia. I was pretty happy reading in the finished book, that gnomish Summoners tend to forge clockwork creations as their Eidolon. As i want my Eidolon to use Shield and Sword, the Miniature will be getting a shield from a Privateer Press Light Myrmidon Warjack and the Sword of the Pheonix Heavy Myrmidon. As long, as Barda does not have the Large Mutation, I will be using this Miniature with a shield strapped to the back: (Goblin Miniature from the old Confrontation Line)

Sorry for all the talk about the minis, but I played tabletops for years... ;)

Creating the Eidolon seems a little complicated for me. I am afraid, that my shield/weapon build will not work that well, but i want something Golem like. I am pretty sure that one can dish out more Attacks by just relying on natural Attacks, especially with the Multiattacxk Feat, which comes for free - and if I get this right - will not help Bunga in any way.


So here is what I came up with:

Base Form: Biped
Starting Statistics:
Size Medium;
Speed 30 ft.;
AC +2 natural armor;
Attack 2 claws (1d4);
Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11;

I will not be taking the Claws, as i do not like the Idea. He will just have normal hands.

Evolutions for Level 1 (3 Evolution Points)
AC with Heavy Steel Shield: 12 + 1 Dex + 2 Shield = 15
Weapon Training (2 - Simple Weapons)
Reach (1)
Feat (1): Shield Proficiency

Evolutions for Level 2 (4 Evolution Points)
AC with HSS: 12 + 1 Dex + 2 Shield + 2 Armor Bonus = 17
Weapon Training (4 - Martial Weapons - will be wielding a sword from here on)
Feat (1): Shield Proficiency

Evolutions for Level 3 (5 Evolution Points)
AC with HSS: 12 + 1 Dex + 2 Shield + 2 Armor Bonus = 17
Weapon Training (4)
Reach (1)
Feats (2): Shield Proficiency, Power Attack

Evolutions for Level 4 (7 Evolution Points)
AC with HSS: 12 + 1 Dex + 2 Shield + 2 Armor Bonus = 17
Weapon Training (4)
Flight (2)
Reach (1)
Feats (2): Shield Proficiency, Power Attack

Evolutions for Level 5 (8 Evolution Points)
AC with HSS: 12 + 2 Dex + 2 Shield + 4 Armor Bonus = 20
Weapon Training (4)
Flight (2)
Reach (1)
Wing Buffet (1)
Feats (2): Shield Proficiency, Power Attack

Evolutions for Level 6 (9 Evolution Points)
AC with HSS: 12 + 2 Dex + 2 Shield + 4 Armor Bonus + Evo 2 = 22
Weapon Training (4)
Flight (2)
Reach (1)
Improved Natural Armor (1)
Wing Buffet (1 +0/+0 1W6+4) is this correct??
Feats (2): Shield Proficiency, Power Attack, Step Up

Evolutions for Level 7 (10 Evolution Points)
AC with HSS: 12 + 2 Dex + 2 Shield + 6 Armor Bonus = 22
Weapon Training (4)
Flight (2)
Reach (1)
Energy Attacks (Electricity) (2)
Wing Buffet (1) (+1/+1 1W6+5+1W6 Electricity)
Feats (2): Shield Proficiency, Power Attack, Step up

Evolutions for Level 8 (11 Evolution Points)
STR +1, STR +3 STR +8, DEX +3, DEX – 2, CON + 4, AC +1
Ability Scores Str 28, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11;

AC with HSS: 12 + 1 Dex + 2 Shield + 8 Armor Bonus -1 Size = 22
Attacks +6 BAB +9STR = +15/+10 (Power Attack +13/+8)
Schaden with Broadsword 2W6+9 (Power Attack 2W6+13)

Weapon Training (4)
Flight (2)
Reach (1)
Size Increase: Large (4)
Feats (2): Shield Proficiency, Power Attack, Step Up

Evolutions for Level 9 (13 Evolution Points)
AC with HSS: 12 + 2 Dex + 2 Shield + 6 Armor Bonus = 22
Weapon Training (4)
Flight (2)
Reach (1)
Wing Buffet (1)
Magical Attacks (1)
Size Increase: Large (4)
Feats (2): Shield Proficiency, Power Attack, Step up, Combat Reflexes, Multiattack

Evolutions for Level 10 (14 Evolution Points)
AC with HSS: 12 + 3 Dex + 2 Shield + 8 Armor Bonus = 25
Weapon Training (4)
Flight (2)
Reach (1)
Damage Reduction (3 – DR 5)
Size Increase: Large (4)
Feats (2): Shield Proficiency, Power Attack, Step up, Combat Reflexes, Multiattack

Evolutions for Level 11 (15 Evolution Points)
AC with HSS: 12 + 3 Dex + 2 Shield + 8 Armor Bonus = 25
Weapon Training (4)
Flight (2)
Reach (1)
Wing Buffet (1)
Damage Reduction (3)
Size Increase: Large (4)
Feats (2): Shield Proficiency, Power Attack, Step up, Combat Reflexes, Stand Still, Multiattack

Evolutions for Level 12 (16 Evolution Points)
AC with HSS: 12 + 3 Dex + 2 Shield + 10 Armor Bonus = 27
Weapon Training (4)
Flight (2)
Reach (1)
Damage Reduction (5 – DR 10)
Size Increase: Large (4)
Feats (2): Shield Proficiency, Power Attack, Step up, Combat Reflexes, Stand Still, Multiattack


The group will include a Cleric (Healing/Nobility: Martyr-Subdomain), a Two-handed-Fighter, a transmutation wizard and my Summoner. The role of me would be a supporting spellcaster with the Eidolon blocking enemies. With 15foot reach, combat reflexes and stand still it should be able to block most enemies from reaching the spellcasters and with step up it can harass anyone who is trying to retreat. The wings should guarantee it can reach it's destination and the AC from the shield usage, my high amount of hitpoints, which I can trade in and the DR along with the rejuvenate spells should help keeping the Eidolon alive.

Is a Broadsword the correct weapon for this Eidolon? What else would be a good choice? Will the Broadsword be large for a large Eidolon and how does that affect the Damage it does?
Do you think this build will work? Or am i missing something? The Eidolon can not wear Armor, right? But i can wield a magical sword and shield as long as i don't, correct? Or would that mean i can actually not carry anything magical in my hands? Any other Feats it should have or other ideas you guys come up with, that would fit the miniature and idea?

Thank you for any advice!

October, damn. Need NAO plox! ;) Sounds great.

Duster wrote:

Alright, quick question here: what's the distance between the two? I haven't been able to find out. The scales on the big map in the Map Folio is blank...

Thanks in advance!

Belor Hemlock rides to Magnimar in Burnt Offerings to ask for more soldiers and returns the following day. So a trip should maybe take up 6-8 hours or something?

Would love to continue playing and i am not sure, if i am up for the challenge to write it myself in the same quality, my players are used to the material, because they played the AP before. i would love the group to face one more runelord, not 6 and go up to maybe level 20+ up definitely up to 20. if this happens during an adventure path or a single book packed with all the information needed - i don't care. I just do not want my players to take their level 16 chars and put them down. PFRPG supports level 20, so i want to see level 20. ;) A character is "done" then and might retire, but i would love to see it reach this point.

Hi there. Does anyone know if this list is still being continued?

Have you tried to order at paizo?

Tommaso Matteucci wrote:
Rich2346 wrote:

I ordered mine straight from Reaper. They arrived in about 2 and a half weeks and the postage wasnt too bad either.

sorry should have mentioned im in the UK

Thanks Rich, mine have arrived early and in good conditions too. My concern is about dirty money for customs :)

BattlefieldBerlin in Germany have them:

You might also want to take a look here further down the page:
Ready for advance order.

They also ship to other countries at reasonable fees. One of the biggest german onlinestores.

Byron Zibeck wrote:

I want to see a compendium of New Monsters introduced in Pathfinder APs, Modules, etc. all updated with the new rules.

Also, Psionics update would be nice, but Dreamscarred Press is filling that gap.

Getting away from the RPG end, I'd like to see some high-level adventures or AP, especially a sequel to RotRL. You could make this full AP where each advnture focuses on one of the six remaining runelords.

+1 A rise of the Runelords Part Two from Level 16 up would be over the top awesome.

Oh great, i only now realised, that i double posted in the same post. Would be great if a mod could fix this. :(

Also it should read
"We also thought, that for tanking, the paladin will not need much Dex, as this would mostly be negated by the shield and the heavy armor none the less."

Sorry for the confusion.

Okay, i guess the route without TWF and Double slice and shield master is more what he and also I would like. Also we wouldn't have to edit his stats (given that they are not plain wrong, which I will check).

You gave me a couple of feats to consider, when going this route. Would you still take shield bash, or ignore that completely? Bastard Sword sounds cool, Vital Strike too and shield focus as well. But he could have all of that combined with power attack on level 5. I am not asking for an optimized build more for a concept, what he could do from there and what to aim for.

Thanks for the comments so far, you guys really help us a lot.

Gray wrote:

I think that your ability scores are off for a 25pt buy. I count 21pts before adding in the +2 for human.

Also do not forget that if the PC is human he will get an extra feat at first level. You mentioned that he is taking Power Attack, but it's not clear if he chose a 2nd feat.

I might be wrong on the actual score, as i do not have his character sheet here. I will provide the correct stats tomorrow. I guess his second feat was Improved Shield Bash.

I read the guide by Cryptic again, or lets say, the part, that was relevant, the "sword an board"-thing (took me a while to figure out he was talking about a shield - being new and a non native speaker makes it a little more complicate, i guess... ;)). So when he would take DEX 15, he could take TWF and with a Mithral Full Plate have both, Full Plate and the DEX Modifier? Or am I missing something here?
If skilling a Paladin this way, what feats would you choose?
Lets say he takes TWF and Power Attack on first Level, then double slice (3), Improved Shield Bash (5), Shield Slam (7), Cleave (9), Shield Master (11), Extra Lay on hands (13), Great Cleave (15), Vital Strike (17)...
Would something like that work, or not?

Lyingbastard wrote:
I would houserule that you cannot get the sniper bonus when dual wielding crossbows, because sniping is taking a single, prepared, carefully aimed shot. That's the antithesis of shooting with an unbraced, unbalanced (since you're only gripping it with one hand) bolt from the hip, as it were.

I guess i am talking about one repeater crossbow only. Not able to fire two bolts at once, hm?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just a short rules question folks: i searched the boards for it and skimmed through this thread but could not find anything - kann Manyshot be used with a repeater crossbow if the chaarcter has crossbow mastery?

Dear Sirs, i would like to request your help. I am pretty new to the game as a gamemaster and have only played 3.5 before. We have started a new campaign playing the rise of the runelords Adventure Path on an epic setting (25 point buy). One of the players chose a Paladin and he expects some kind of help when developing the character rules wise. As i have never seen a paladin even as a nsc in all my 3.5 games and the Pathfinder Rules also changed the class rules a lot i am at somewhat of a loss here.

Our original thoughts (which might be flawed from the beginning) are as follows. Let me first talk about what the player character would like to play:
- A noble shining paladin - the good guy
- A damage dealer of some sort
- a male human
- wearing heavy armor and a shield
- A teamplayer, who is able to heal and provide other support
- he would also not like to push to many attributes in the negative section, if that can't be explained via a cool concept.

The Paladin will mostly be fighting frontline with a rangers and druids pet and a rogue.

We also though, that for tanking, the paladin will now need much Dex, as this would mostly be negated by the shield and the heavy armor none the less. So he used the ability points as follows:
STR 15 (+2 human)
DEX 11
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 10
CHA 16

Not the best, I would guess, but we also do not know how to do it better. The character is not supposed to be maxed out for a munchkin style of play, but i, and far more the player would be disappointed to see the build not working after playing it to level dunnowhat.

He took Power Attack as his First Level Feat.

We thought, that maxing out the Dodge or Combat Expertise tree would not work, as he wanted to hit hard and not get such a big benefit out of it. So he wanted to dive into the shield tree, but not to the complete end, because he will, with that ability point distribution not be able to take TWF. My main Problem is: The paladin needs STR, CON, CHA and DEX?! Wow...

Also... my plan somewhat ends here. I would not know what Feats to take, what attributes to give the ability score increases to and so on. I guess Extra Lay on Hands would be good for more swift healing, but what else? I have read through the paladin guide some fellow board meber wrote and was not any more enlightened. He certainly dows not want to use a bow. He wants to stand in the midst of battle and pound evildoers to pulp. Any other links or hints on how to build a paladin that works and does what he wants? Does he need TWF to skill the shield tree to it's max? Does he need more defensive options? If he needs more defensive, which ones?
I guess he will want the new Outflank Tactical Feat together with the rogue, but more help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance and here is hoping i chose the correct board...
TimDear Sirs, i would like to request you help. I am pretty new to the game as a gamemaster and have only played 3.5 before. We have started a new campaign playing the rise of the runelords Adventure Path on an epic setting (25 point buy). One of the players chose a Paladin and he expects some kind of help when developing the character rules wise. As i have never seen a paladin even as a nsc in all my 3.5 games and the Pathfinder Rules also changed the class rules a lot i am at somewhat of a loss here.

Our original thoughts (which might be flawed from the beginning) are as follows. Let me first talk about what the player character would like to play:
- A noble shining paladin - the good guy
- A damage dealer of some sort
- a male human
- wearing heavy armor and a shield
- A teamplayer, who is able to heal and provide other support
- he would also not like to push to many attributes in the negative section, if that can't be explained via a cool concept.

The Paladin will mostly be fighting frontline with a rangers and druids pet and a rogue.

We also though, that for tanking, the paladin will now need much Dex, as this would mostly be negated by the shield and the heavy armor none the less. So he used the ability points as follows:
STR 15 (+2 human)
DEX 11
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 10
CHA 16

Not the best, I would guess, but we also do not know how to do it better. The character is not supposed to be maxed out for a munchkin style of play, but i, and far more the player would be disappointed to see the build not working after playing it to level dunnowhat.

He took Power Attack as his First Level Feat.

We thought, that maxing out the Dodge or Combat Expertise tree would not work, as he wanted to hit hard and not get such a big benefit out of it. So he wanted to dive into the shield tree, but not to the complete end, because he will, with that ability point distribution not be able to take TWF. My main Problem is: The paladin needs STR, CON, CHA and DEX?! Wow...

Also... my plan somewhat ends here. I would not know what Feats to take, what attributes to give the ability score increases to and so on. I guess Extra Lay on Hands would be good for more swift healing, but what else? I have read through the paladin guide some fellow board meber wrote and was not any more enlightened. He certainly dows not want to use a bow. He wants to stand in the midst of battle and pound evildoers to pulp. Any other links or hints on how to build a paladin that works and does what he wants? Does he need TWF to skill the shield tree to it's max? Does he need more defensive options? If he needs more defensive, which ones?
I guess he will want the new Outflank Tactical Feat together with the rogue, but more help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance and here is hoping i chose the correct board...

You know what? I don't hate it when I am wrong, i just hate it, when others are right. ;)
Just joking...

That all sounds very reasonable. I gues i just overestimated the Metamagic Mastery and the drawbacks, when selecting certain school. I guess i just would not be able to decide, which two school to cross out, so i would have to pay double slots. I guess that would be Divination and Necromancy, where Divination would hurt me more. But the most important spells from that school (like identify) are on a low level, where a high INT Wizard will have enough school and i guess the extra spellslot makes up for that. When i read through the different schools now, i guess that the other abilities granted by that choise are indeed more viable. So if I would have to pick a school after reading your guide i guess my personal choice would be Illusion.

Thanks for the input. Will talk that through with the lady and as she just only progressed to level 2 allow her to switch her school, if she would want to.
What will really help her get into the game faster ist the part about the role (knowing what to do on the battlefield really help - let the pally, the druid and the rogue dish out the damage and do other things more helpful) and the rundown of the spells.

Would love to read something like that about a paladin, as i am afraid our build here really sucks, because we planned something out wrong, but hey.

Thanks for the twentieth or so time!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I trust about 1 out of every 10 links posted here, so I was spared whatever horror lurked behind that.

Well... Mick Foley of course. ;)

I enjoyed this guide alot and wanted to say thank you. As a newly starting GM with all new players to the game (i have played before though) this was a good read i will certainly hand this over to the lady playing the wizard in my campaign.

Just a question: Is the Universalist really that bad? Metamagic Mastery sounds awesome and additionally you do not have to cross any spells out of your potential spellbook. hand of the Apprentice only helps at low levels but i find it more useful than the abilities some other specialisations offer. I also think conjuration is the best, as i also love the summons, but i think that the Universalist is also a pretty decent option. As i am pretty new to all of this i would like some insight on why it is not a good choice.

Thanks for the effort and time you put into this.

Seldriss wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Stebehil wrote:
it might even be cool to translate that into other languages, such as German.

That would be a first.

Why, you mean it's rare for RPGs to be translated in german, KaeYoss ?

I thought it was quite the opposite, and that the german players were somewhat covered.

I had the opportunity to play with some german gamers and i was never disappointed, on the contrary.
The same thing with english gamers, by the way (even if they were damn brits).

Thanks to Ulisses Spiele, which officially translate the Pathfinder Products here in Germany (they also do the Privateer Press Stuff and many more, too, btw.) we are pretty well covered. I still use the english version, as this feels more... hmm... fitting? I will buy the german version of the campaign guide though, as my Players will never make "Sturmangriffe" but charges and Power Attacks instead of "Kraftattacken". But reading all this fluff is just easier for a non native speaker with my low knowledge of the english language. Have to put some ranks in linguistics on my next Level. -_-*

You guys can download the new version here:

It now has a "Download Pathfinder Reference" Feature.

Have fun and thanks to the programmer!

Bulmahnaut #1 wrote:

Are naked devilish dancing dwarves freaking you out, milord? Allow us to trample them for you!

[Affixes spiked holy silver shoes of exhibitionist bane to hooves.]


I am sure that Dude Love was the positive experience here. ;)

I love the idea, but to be honest i can only see some of them being used. Even with more feats in PF than in 3.5 a feat is always worth a lot and taking something, that only works in very limited circumstances. I also think they should grant a certain benefit, that increases, when the supplemental feat is there.
Imagine the player with the second feat dying. Will his new build have the same tactical feat? Cheesy if yes, sucks if not?

I think Outflank is great, Lookout and Precise Strike sound cool and Paired Opportunists as well. Rest seems pretty meh at first glace. Have to see that in action. :)Swap Places might be fun when combined with a Tank and a fast hitter like a Monk or a Rogue with the Mobility Tree maxed out.

AlQahir wrote:
Cenobyte wrote:
Could someone translate that into GMT+1? Eagerly waiting.
Between 7 and 8 pm your time, I believe.

8pm it is. Thanks. :)

Snakey wrote:
(last time it was up around 2pm my time)

That already helps. Thanks. :)

Could someone translate that into GMT+1? Eagerly waiting.

Product sounds great. Would love to buy an english version. :) Just a thumbs up from here, can't take that long to translate, right? Geeeeeeev plox! Need! ;)

DitheringFool wrote:
Chris Chelberg wrote:
I just got an email from the developer of Spellbook Master, and he's adding Pathfinder support, including spell downloads from the Pathfinder SRD. Just so people know. It's not in the 2.2 version, but should be in version 2.3.
Be sure to let us know when the iPhone version supports Pathfinder - that's something my iPhone needs!!!

It's really, really handy to have an iPod touch or iPhone with this little app on the gaming table speeds things up a lot!

File sent. Sorry it took me so long. Looking forward to the official support. We will help the coder as good as we can to get a semi-official file up. :)

I thought it was dude love?

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Definitely interested in hearing more on this.

kor (at) orcs (d0t) ca

First file is on the way to you, more updates to come. :)

We added quite a load of pathfinder spells into this thing yet. not everything, but ranger and paladin are done completely, some sor/wiz spells and and druid to level 4.

someone interested? if you are, give me your mailadress and i will automatically send further updates. :)

Hi everyone,

i searched the boards for this, but I could not find anything about it, so i hope this has not been discussed anywhere else yet. Also new to the boards, (first post, yai! ;)), so I hope i got the right category.

What this is all about: I loved using the Spellbook Master App ( by Petteri Kamppuri with my D&D games as a player. Now I am gamemastering my first own Pathfinder campaign and having a file with the Pathfinder spell lists for this awesome programm would be very helpful. As you can edit the files all by yourself i would like to ask the community if anyone has yet created one and if he is willing to share it.

If not, we (my gaming group that is) will do it and share it, when we are done.

Greetings from Germany (and big, big thumbs up for all the effort to the Paizo crew - way to go!)