Cendle's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.



Winter_Born wrote:

So I'm listening to Know Direction's podcast coverage of the "You are the Publisher" panel from PaizoCon, and in honor of that I thought I'd throw it out to the community here.

What product would YOU release to best counter next year's (???) upcoming release of WoTC's DnD Next system which will assuredly garner some hype just by the nature of what it is?

I know this community is not only tied in to Paizo, but also the industry in general, so I look forward to the amazing answers. It's something that I'm sure Paizo is taking seriously, and I'd LOVE to be a fly on the wall in those landing meetings!

Personally, I have a big box of WOTC 4E stuff that is pretty much useless now. I think that WOTC has a credibility problem that will not just go away with the release of DnDNext. I would stay the course and not do anything drastic if I was Paizo.