Cale the Calistrian

Celister's page

152 posts. Organized Play character for KingTreyIII.

Full Name

Celister Merionis


| HP 97/97 (+9 while raging) | Resistances: Mental 2 | AC 24 (23 while raging); Deny Advantage | F: +13, R: +9, W: +11; +1 circ. vs emotion plus Forlorn | Perc. (expert): +11 (+2 circ. to Seek undetected creatures)


| Speed 40ft (50ft while raging) | Class DC: 22 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Active conditions: None.


Male CN Elf (Whisper) Raised by Belief Barbarian 6




Common, Elven, Celestial

About Celister

Celister Merionis
Raised by Belief
Barbarian 6
Elf (Whisper), Humanoid
Senses Low-Light Vision
Perception (expert) +11; +2 circumstance to detect undetected creature able to be heard within 30' with the Seek action

Other Details

Ethnicity Aiudeen
Nationality Absalom
Birthplace Galt
Age 162
Gender & Pronouns Male, He/Him
Height 6' 6"
Weight 130 lbs

Pathfinder Training


AC 24 (23 while raging)

HP 97 (+9 while raging)

Resistances Mental: 1/3*level (minimum 1)

Class DC 22

Fort +13
Ref +9
Will +11

Defensive Abilities Deny Advantage

Reactions No Escape [[R]]


Speed 40 (50 while raging)

Melee Strikes

+1 striking fearsome Falchion (forceful, sweep): +15 (2d10+4 {2d10+6 while raging} S)
+1 Whip (disarm, finesse, nonlethal, reach, trip): +15 (1d4+4 {1d4+6 while raging} S)
Fist (agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed): +14 (1d4+4 {1d4+5 while raging} B)

Ranged Strikes

Javelin (thrown): +11 (1d6+4 P)

Special Actions

High Jump/Long Jump [[A]] (no initial Stride; not a failure if there isn’t a 10’ Stride beforehand; +5 feet to horizontal)
Inner Strength [[A]] (only while raging; reduce enfeebled value by 1)
Leap [[A]] (can jump 5 feet on a vertical Leap; +5 feet to horizontal)
No Escape [[R]] (while raging, if an enemy in reach moves away, I move after them)
Rage [[A]] (-1 AC, +9 temp. HP, +2 melee damage)
Seek [[A]] (Can attempt to Seek undetected creatures in a 60' cone instead of a 30' cone)
Sudden Charge [[A]][[A]] (Stride twice then melee Strike)


Str 18, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14
Languages Common, Elven, Celestial


Feats/Class Features

Ancestry Feat (1) Nimble Elf
Skill Feat (Background) Assurance (Deception)
Class Feature (1) Rage
Class Feature (1) Fury Instinct
Class Feat (1) Sudden Charge
Class Feat (Bonus from Instinct) Raging Intimidation
Skill Feat (Bonus from Raging Intimidation) Intimidating Glare
Class Feat (2) No Escape
Skill Feat (2) Quick Jump
General Feat (3) Fleet
Class Feature (3) Deny Advantage
Class Feat (4) Fast Movement
Skill Feat (4) Charming Liar
Class Feature (5) Brutality
Ancestry Feat (5) Forlorn
Skill Feat (bonus from Pathfinder Training) Hefty Hauler
Class Feat (6) Inner Strength
Skill Feat (6) Powerful Leap



Athletics (expert) +14
Deception (trained) +10 or 18 with Assurance
Diplomacy (trained) +10
Intimidation (expert) +13
Calistria Lore (trained) +9
Warfare Lore (trained) +9
Religion (trained) +9
Society (trained) +9


Worn Gear (Bulk)

Ordinary Clothes (—), +1 Chain Mail w/Emerald Grasshopper (2), Wayfinder {bought with Fame} (—), Demon Mask (L), Sturdy Satchel (1), +1 striking fearsome Falchion w/Fear gem (2), +1 Whip (1), 5 javelins (L*5), Silver Holy Symbol of Calistria (L), Healer's Tools (1), levered crowbar (L)

Stowed Gear

Writing Set (L), Adventurer’s Pack (effectively -1) [backpack (—; negates 2 Bulk), bedroll (L), 2 belt pouches (—), 10 pieces of chalk (—), flint and steel (—), 50' of rope (L), 2 weeks' rations (L*2), soap (—), 5 torches (L*5), waterskin (L)], repair kit (1), 3*quickpatch glue (L*3)


pp: 1
gp: 2
sp: 4
cp: 0

Total Bulk 8 Bulk (2 Light Bulk)
Encumbered Bulk 11 Bulk
Maximum Bulk 16 Bulk