Cauthon1987's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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I feel very luke warm about this release. I will be waiting to see the copy in my store before considdering a purchase. Im sure these factions are interesting but it seems like something that might be a bit to fluff heavy similar to the Inner Sea Race Guide. I also feel like this book should be re titled. Maybe something like Inner Sea Faction Guide/Codex or Inner Sea Organizations Guide/Codex. I just feel like the current title doesnt adequately describe what it is people would be getting.

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Chris Lambertz wrote:

Announced for March! Cover and description are not final!

Gasp! Ninja-ed! :O

I won the initiative roll!

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I am super excited for this Bestiary more than any before it for one simple reason. One word even. KRAMPUS! I cant wait to see what Paizo comes up with for stats of this legendary creature. I hope they do some other holiday creatures. Samhain maybe. Also interested in a lovcraftian player race. March cant come fast enough.