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Catia's page

7 posts. Alias of Zorblag.


Here's a character that I made for a Strange Aeons game fairly recently who didn't get accepted. She's a brawler with the mutagen mauler and turfer archetypes. I initially built her with feat tax rules in place, but since it doesn't look like you're using those I've removed them. She has big chunks of her memory missing (after diving into the water to escape bounty hunters after her for a crime that she didn't commit (though she was committing another crime at the time.))

Motivation for the Deal with Yog-Sothoth's agents, or whoever was offering:

Catia was desperate. She'd just been framed for murdering a magistrate and is actively fleeing guards and bounty hunters, having been branded the Butcher of Kavapesta. If the pact will give her the power to escape that, even if just temporarily, she'll take it. She's also got few moral qualms about making a grab for power if it will keep her safe, though she isn't actively out to cause any harm. The world hasn't been kind to her and she doesn't feel like she owes it much. Close companions have just betrayed here and she doesn't have other social ties she can count on now, so there's little holding her back from making such a deal.

Let me know if you see any issues, but otherwise thanks for consideration!

I'll also point out that you might get more responses if you posted this in the recruitment subforum rather than the discussion subforum. I don't know how many people will stumble across this unless there are channels that others are using to get here (e.g. recommendations from Edeldhur.)

I'm in the PST time zone myself (western US) if that enters into consideration at all.

Congratulations to everyone selected! Go punch out Cthulhu for me!

*shrugs* Last thing I remember was being hauled out of a river, so your guess is as good as mine for why I'm here (and apparently now know how to use mutagens?)

That would be one way to react to the situation I suppose.

Good luck to Spring Bedpost and good luck to everyone else as well!

Right, definitely not going to be able to get a shaman that I'd be happy playing planned out by the deadline, so I'll just stick with Catia here who should be lots of fun if she gets in.

Sample RP:
The night in which Catia became known as the Butcher of Kavapesta, Part I.

Catia moved like a shadow through the night, creeping into a position to left of the main door to the mansion. She'd watched the guards from the shadows enough nights to know their routine by heart. Happily, it was one that could be exploited easily enough. Now she waited until the first guard walked in front of the door from the right side, looking like he always did, out towards the shadows of the street, and not towards the house itself.

Catia's blow caught him in the temple, and he collapsed, boneless and almost silently. Almost. Catia tensed momentarily, ready to run, waiting to see if his partner would react. When there was no further noise, the rugged street brawler let out a breath and quickly dragged the unconsious body into the bushes before taking her new position to the right side of the front door.

The second guard was trickier because she made a habit of scanning the entire area she patrolled, but Catia's practice in lurking in the shadows paid off and soon the body in the bushes was joined by another. The hard part of her job done Catia gave the bird call signal to summon the rest of her crew to do their parts.

As they slipped into the house they nodded their thanks and Catia gave a whispered "Be quick in there, but be thorough. I'll be here listening for any signals." She didn't need to say it of course, they knew what they were doing, but she still felt better making things explicit.

From here on out things should be easy. Their informant had assured them that the house was empty with the magistrate and his servants out of town on some business. The safe should be full of treasure and no change of guard should happen for another 3 hours at the earliest. Catia's crew were good at what they did and should have no trouble getting in and out quickly.

Catia took up position in the branches of a tree, watching for anyone who might approach unexpectedly, and making sure that the two guards she'd already dealt with stayed unconscious. She hoped she wouldn't need to do anything more to them, but was pragmatic enough to know that she could if she needed to. Satisfied that she'd taken care of everything on her end she settled in to wait.

I suspect that the no feat tax rules tend to tempt people into melee characters as it's easier to make them fun faster. I know that factored into my deciding to make Catia here. I'd imagine it's influenced the character list to at least some degree. Having said that, I'll see if I can find time to throw together a shaman before the deadline as a second character. It's not a perfect match for a Cthulhu Mythos themed game, but it's close enough that I could work with it as a second choice in a melee heavy crowd.

So here's a Brawler submission. It seems much more reasonable than Monk for the setting, but we all want to be the one who punches out Cthulhu in the final scene, right? *TV Tropes humor check failed*

I'm going with Mutagen Mauler/Turfer who intended to be a Turfer (focused on urban when we get to it at level 3,) but has had the Mutagen Mauler thrust upon her. She was supposed to be the lookout for a simple burglary of an estate in Kavapesta, but was instead framed for killing a magistrate (or whatever official might make sense.) After fleeing the crime scene, bounty hunters had tracked her to the Senir river where she dove in to escape them. One of the only things she remembers before waking up in the cell of the asylum is washing up on shore of the river to an unfamiliar, bearded face. I don't know what happened to her after that, but discovering it should be fun!

Catia will have no particular mythos knowledge, though I'm fairly well versed. I envision sticking with brawler for most of the character progression, using either natural attacks or a waveblade with the outslug style for offense. Catia is less certain of her combat abilities than they actually warrant, though she should grow into herself over time unless traumatic experiences in game lead in another direction.

Her role would be mostly front liner, though she'll have some street level criminal knowledge (without any concrete connections,) to draw on. Figuring out how and why she started using mutagens and who she was before she got here will be a major driving force to start the campaign. I'll be happy to discover that she did just about anything during the time after the river, depending on what's best for the story.

Catia wouldn't describe herself as a good person (she doesn't feel she deserves that label,) but she does want to work for the common good when it doesn't get in the way of anything else in her life. She certainly doesn't view herself as a hero, but rather someone that's been thrust into the current situation. When things go down, I expect that she'll find the inner strength to stand up to the challenge, but we'll see how the story unfolds. Lovecraft's genre tending to push in unexpected directions (at least for the characters,) and all.

If you want an RP example beyond the background in the profile, let me know, and if there are any questions or concerns I'm more than happy to address them!

Thanks for consideration!