Garuda-Blooded Aasimar

Cassiel the Archangel's page

8 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Cassiel departs as quickly as he appeared...

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

Johann is suspicious. The monster already tried fooling him once; and the genie from the previous room tried to use an illusion on him as well. Instead of letting go, he carefully watches and listens to see if this is an illusion too.


The archangel seems very real to Johann. And when he radiates a golden-turquoise light that seals Johann's wounds and eases his pains, he is convinced.

The Ogon Fox wrote:

[dice=Knowledge (religion)]1d20+5

"My lord, Cassiel," the Ogon Fox says as he makes a deep bow, "we are enlightened by your presence. Do you bring some tidings to us?"

King Solomon hath bound me to observe his mines, and adjudicate in his absence when adventurers like thee come to plunder. If they be not worthy in the eyes of the Lord who cometh to plunder King Solomon's riches, then shalt they be stricken with Greenstar, mine fiery blade. But thee and thine hath been deemed worthy, noble Ogon Fox. So, thou shalt pilfereth as thou pleaseth!

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:
Ihrin stumbles a bit and falls forward, not only in reverence but in pain as her adrenaline begins to lower and she begins to feel all the pain and soreness grip her. She doesn't say anything just stares at the Archangel and its beauty a bit taken aback as if seeing something similar before.

Smiling with benevolence at the Lady Dracula, Cassiel radiates positive energy to ease her pains and soothe her companions.

Channel positive energy to heal everyone of 10d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 6, 6, 2, 2, 1, 4, 6, 6) = 42 hit points of damage.

Mwikali wrote:

"Once again mighty spirit intervenes, I think they lack faith in our abilities" Mwikali says unphased by such an intrusion. She looks to the paladin and shakes her head.

'You can stand in this...Archangels as you put it presence I doubt it would bare us harm after saving us. It seems not a trickster luring us in, or a serpent waiting to strike." She says looking at Cassiel.

"I will say thank you Cassiel for the intervention, but I am growing a bit intrigued as to why you keep interfering? Do you lack faith in our ability? Does this so-called God?" She says asking not to offend but out of curiosity.

Cassiel laughs at the witch's perturbed expression.

Be of good cheer, lovely daughter of Africa! I'll not hinder thee.

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:

Alphonse falls to one knee and bows his head in reverence at the archangel's appearance, though does address it openly.

"I had not expected the presence of one of the Heavenly Host here of all places, particularly not one of your esteem, Archangel. Are we not meant to trespass here, or may I ask if you have appeared for some other purpose?"

Archangel Cassiel smiles fondly at the noble paladin.

Fear thee not, noble Champions of Rome. I have not come to hinder thee in thy quest, for it is a just quest. Thou art not common thieves come to rob the mines of good King Solomon, but thou art warriors of Divine Providence, seeking that which shall aid thee in thy war against the Ancient Adversary!

Holding his gloriously humming fiery greatsword Greenstar in both hands, he gently taps Alphonse on the right shoulder pauldron, then the left... *clink*...*clink*

In the name of the Great I Am, and of Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, and Saint George the Dragonslayer, I dub thee Sir Alphonse, First Knight of the Silver Scythe! I charge thee, Sir Alphonse, with a divine task: to found and be master of a new knightly order--The Order of the Silver Scythe! Thou shalt train young Christian knights in the art of scythe fighting, and all shall wield silver scythes, which shalt be made holy when possible! The Knights of the Silver Scythe shall defend the Faith in Africa and Asia.

Suddenly, the cavern is filled with a brilliant golden-turquoise radiance and a sweet scent like Frakinscence and sandalwood.

The gold-green glow and inviting fragrance originate from a tall angel with burnished golden-turquoise wings and halo, armed with a greatsword that blazes with a green fire and hums like a hive of bees that buzz in major harmonies...

Knowledge (planes, religion) DC 20:
This is the Angel Cassiel, apparently assigned to observe goings on in King Solomon's Mines.

In English: Oh, let the stupid beast go! I will not suffer it to do thee further harm, I promise thee, mighty Johann Von Schwartzwald! Johann of the Black Forest! Oh, do not thou strangle unto death the wily desert bandersnatch, for is it not, like thee, one of God's great and mighty creations? Therefore, art thou not like brothers of the wild, thou and the beast? Thine little friend, Lord Perpireen McGibel, hath a worthy and noble plan...

Addressing then the bandersnatch under Johann: Tis a fair deal Lord Perpireen offers thee, bandersnatch of King Solomon's Mines! Thou wert wise to heed mine advice and go peaceably into that green and happy realm!

Perceiving from the Celestial Plane of Paradise that someone draws near to the ancient Mines of King Solomon, which ancient arcane pacts have bound him to watch over, but not necessarily intercede, Archangel Cassiel flies on golden wings to the peaks of the Solomon Mountains on Earth, where he can more clearly observe the adventure about to unfold...

So! Mortals are daring the trials of King Solomon's Mines, aye? This should be a welcome diversion from continuous hymns of praise...